How does the widget decide what language to show my customers when they load my website? Can I manually set the language to override the default?
By default, the Web Widget (Classic) embedded in a website displays text in the end user’s language, based on the language of their browser. For example, if the end user's browser language is set to de for German, the widget will appear in German for that user. If the widget is embedded in a Help Center, it displays text based on the Help Center language setting.
For more information on language settings in the widget, see the articles: Displaying the widget in a different language and How do I change or set the language in the widget on my website?
Note: If you are using the pre-chat form, with a custom pre-chat greeting, the greeting will not automatically translate. To provide translations for your custom greeting, include those in the widget script with the prechatForm API.
Mireille Molero Segrera Molero Segrera
Necesito ayuda tengo cuenta Zen Desktoptastatur necesito ayuda urgente
¡Hola Mireille, gracias por contactarnos!
Veo que ya tiene un ticket abierto con nosotros, credo al mismo tiempo que este post. Nuestro equipo de Soporte se ha contactado con usted y está esperando su respuesta. Puede verla accediendo al correo a través del que nos contactó.
Hi Beto
I try to use this greeting like the API page mentioned above:
prechatForm: {
greeting: {
'*': 'By starting the chat with us you agree to the Privacy Policy, as stated on the Data Protection Information page online',
'it': "Avviando la chat con noi accetti l'Informativa sulla privacy, come indicato nella pagina Condizioni generali d'Uso"
I used "it" because the locale that I interested is Italian (it) and I can see it on /api/v2/locales/it.json
Why the greetings is always in English?
The only way it works is by setting "locale":
<script type="text/javascript">
zE('webWidget', 'setLocale', 'it');
That doesn't make sense because the greeting works depending on which locale the system finds, therefor what's the point of the asterisk?
Christopher Kennedy
Can you share the full window.zESettings settings object you're using to apply the settings?
Jeroen Mulder
This is something I am interested in as well.
Maybe this thread can also help?
It often does not work even when I check the window.navigator.language in the inspect Console window
Christopher Kennedy
Are you seeing any errors? Also, can you share the code you're using to apply the greeting for each language?