How can I enable or disable combinations of Web Widget (Classic) components on different pages of my site?
This can be achieved by using our set of Web Widget (Classic) API endpoints to suppress the Help Center Search, Chat and Contact Form component. All the Web Widget (Classic) endpoints are also explained and documented in Advanced customization of the Web Widget (Classic).
This script can help easily enable or disable various combination of components depending on necessity.
What it does:
- Uses the Web Widget (Classic) script that can be placed either directly on the page, or with Google Tag Manager (GTM).
- Uses various API endpoints that will allow customers to customize various titles used on both Web Widget (Classic) and Chat windows.
- Uses the suppress API endpoints that allow us to deactivate specific components.
- Uses Chat department routing depending on the status of the department.
The actual script:
To enable or disable a component, just change the relevant parameter in the runWidgetLogic.init function.
- If you want to enable only the search option, use: runWidgetLogic.init(true, false, false);
- To enable search and contact form use: runWidgetLogic.init(true, false, true);
- To enable only Chat: runWidgetLogic.init(false, true, false);
Elements in the code that will have to be updated:
- document.zendeskHost = '' => update "mycompany" with your subdomain);
- 'Department Name' => update with the name of your Zendesk Chat department.
- The titles or labels names used in the script can be updated on necessity.
To easily release the solution on a website, place the code (except for the runWidgetLogic.init(true, false, false); line) in a file (.js). Then, add the code in the header section of the web page and then call the function via Google Tag Manager or directly in the web page by using a certain conditionality.
Katie Welzbacher
How do I add Wed Widget Classic as a Google Tag?
Dave Dyson
Hi Katie - we've got some documentation on that here: Adding the Web Widget (Classic) via Google Tag Manager
Flisekompaniet AS
Hi. Im planning to implement Zendesk Chat using Google Tag Manager.
But, an issue - I have a couple of URLs I dont want the chat to show on.
Is there a way to add "not show chat if url contains "12345"?
How do I do this? Is it something I add to the script in GTM?
Miranda Burford
Hi @...,
There's a couple of ways you could solve for this.
Hope this helps!
- Miranda.
CJ Johnson
"or directly in the web page by using a certain conditionality." What does this mean? I'm just trying to suppress chat on a specific set of HC pages, and I just cannot seem to figure out how to make this happen.
Eric Nelson
I think what they're referring to in this article is leveraging DOM events or something similar to track where you are in the help center. Then using that info to show or hide the widget components.
For example: