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Best practices: Six things to think about before setting up a community

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Any thoughts or resources you'd recommend when we are looking at revamping our Community, rethinking strategy, and giving this part of the tool more love so our users can benefit from it?

We are looking at a way to "revitalize" this part of Zendesk

Thank you!



Hey Francisco, welcome to the community, and what a great question!
There are tons of great books on community building out there (People Powered, The Indispensable Community, Build Your Community, Building Brand Communities, and The Business of Belonging among them), and online training such as the CMX Community MBA.
Some things we've done (and are doing) here in our own community include hosting online events and publishing the recordings to YouTube, rolling out a Community page on, building and growing a group of external Community Moderators to help answer questions, working with our Customer Advocacy (support) and Product teams to improve responsiveness to questions and product feedback in our community forums, working on rolling out User Groups to provide new ways for our community members to connect, and last year we held our first Community Day event including awards for some of our most dedicated community members (stay tuned for another Community Day coming up). But one of the first things we did was to survey our community members to find out what was working for them and what we needed to improve on, which gave us great direction on where to focus our efforts.
Hope you find this helpful! 


Dave Dyson (gmail) I'm not able to view that user groups link in your message above but am interested in learning more! Is that information available somewhere? Thanks!


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Drew Frey

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Micah B

Happy to share info on all things, User Groups. You can visit our User Group site to find out more. If you're interested in joining a group, suggesting a chapter, or applying to become a Group Leader you'll find it all right there. 



Hi Drew, thanks for getting back to me - those groups look great! One clarifying question: are these group pages ones that Zendesk has built separately and are unrelated to Gather functionality and actual community forum here?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Micah - 

The user group pages are built on a different, third party tool. They're related in that both the Gather-powered forums and the User Groups are run by the community team and are different ways we offer our users to connect with one another. But the underlying technology are completely separate systems. 


Hi! My support team uses Zendesk for support/Help Desk, but I'd love to see how we can upgrade and start using Gather. Any power Gather users out there that can lend 15 minutes to chat? I have been getting re-routed a few times through Zendesk and would love to chat with a human about this!


Hi Laura Hoang, we also Zendesk for support and help center. We transitioned away from Gather for our community a few months ago but spent many years on it - I'd be happy to chat with you!


Yes please! Feel free to shoot me an email and we can go from there. THANK YOU! 


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