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Side conversations are spaces in a ticket where agents can have a side conversation with a specific group of people, or discuss a specific area of concern or course of action. You can use them to organize information about a ticket.
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Advantages of using side conversations
Problems often consist of multiple parts, and solving them often consists of conversations with different people. It gets confusing for everyone involved when all of the questions and answers are mixed together in one place without any kind of organization.
For example, let’s say you need to discuss something with your Legal team, but don’t need or want other people involved.
- Find, organize, and manage information about a specific part of an issue
- Have a conversation with the right people
- Find specific questions, answers, and replies. Ensure conversations happen outside of the main conversation with the requester
- Have multiple standalone conversations that are separate from each other
- Get outside help without pulling others into the main ticket directly
Recommendations about side conversations
- The assignee should create and manage side conversations in the tickets they're responsible for. This allows administrators to create triggers based on the assignee role, and enables easier handoff between agents.
- Set up triggers to take advantage of the side conversation event conditions to fully integrate them into your workflows and to keep agents on top of the activity within them. See the Ticket: Side conversation conditions and actions in the Ticket trigger conditions and actions reference.
- Create trigger conditions for side conversations to make sure that assignees know when a side conversation is created, closed, replied to, and reopened. Without them, the agent assigned to the ticket (ideally, this person is also the creator of the side conversation) may have a hard time knowing what’s going on with a particular issue.
- Remember that the creator of the side conversation doesn't automatically receive email replies to side conversations. That’s not the default behavior. Also sending side conversations to your own support address is not supported and will result in those side conversations ending up in the Suspended tickets view.
About side conversation channels
When you create a side conversation, you can choose to have the side conversation in one of these channels:
- Email: Creates an email-based side conversation (see Creating side conversations).
- Microsoft Teams (if enabled): Creates a Microsoft Teams-based side conversations (see Using Microsoft Teams in side conversations).
- Slack (if enabled): Creates a Slack-based side conversation (see Using Slack in side conversations).
Ticket (if enabled): Creates a side conversation child ticket
(see Using side conversation child
tickets).Note: Side conversation child tickets can be routed by omnichannel routing. See About omnichannel routing with unified agent status.
Side conversations are created from the context panel and can be printed from all channels.
About support addresses used to send side conversations
Side conversation notifications are sent from the support address associated with the ticket that the side conversation is on (for example, If you have multiple brands and support addresses, side conversation notifications come from each of your support addresses (for example,
If you have internal email routing rules (for example, in Microsoft Exchange), we recommend that you include references to each of your unique support addresses. Otherwise, email notification for side conversations will not be routed correctly. Check your allowlists and blocklists.
Annie Glynn
Hi Team!
I was wondering if Google Chat will ever be added as a side conversation option?
Something really missing now when side conversations is part of the context pannel is a “pop-out” button.
On small laptop screens the side conversation area is very limited and a pop-out to a bigger screen as when side conversations was part of the top panel is very much needed.
Andrew Chu
Hi team,
A quick check on the below announcement, the date says Jan 27th but as of now my account see no changes yet. It's now already Jan 28th the next day in my location. Can you share the exact timestamp for the rollout?
Melissa Azarva
It would be great if you could reverse engineer a Slack link to a Zendesk ticket, ie, If a conversation originates in Slack, have the ability to make that the side conversation linked in the ZD ticket. And to have it otherwise function the same as a normal side conversation would be AMAZING
Noelle Cheng
Would REALLY like to be able to use our company emails to send side conversations to allow for full private labelling.
Martin Bell
Want to mirror what Marty flagged above. With the change to Side Convo moving into the sidebar, for some reason the ability to pop out the thread has been removed.
This makes long email chains (especially those with inline photos) very difficult to read and work with.
Feels unnecessary to remove such a feature.