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About side conversations

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Amy Malka

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 04, 2025




Hi Team!


I was wondering if Google Chat will ever be added as a side conversation option?


Something really missing now when side conversations is part of the context pannel is a “pop-out” button. 

On small laptop screens the side conversation area is very limited and a pop-out to a bigger screen as when side conversations was part of the top panel is very much needed.


Hi team,

A quick check on the below announcement, the date says Jan 27th but as of now my account see no changes yet. It's now already Jan 28th the next day in my location. Can you share the exact timestamp for the rollout?


It would be great if you could reverse engineer a Slack link to a Zendesk ticket, ie, If a conversation originates in Slack, have the ability to make that the side conversation linked in the ZD ticket. And to have it otherwise function the same as a normal side conversation would be AMAZING


Would REALLY like to be able to use our company emails to send side conversations to allow for full private labelling. 




Want to mirror what Marty flagged above.  With the change to Side Convo moving into the sidebar, for some reason the ability to pop out the thread has been removed.  

This makes long email chains (especially those with inline photos) very difficult to read and work with. 

Feels unnecessary to remove such a feature. 


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