When you migrate to CCs and followers, you have a choice to automatically or manually update some of your business rules as part of the migration. If you don’t update these business rules for your account, you may miss valuable notifications and emails. This article describes how to manually change business rules to work with the new CCs experience.
If you decided to automatically update your business rules as part of migration to CCs and followers, you can skip this topic. For more information, see Migrating to CCs and followers.
For a complete list of documentation about CCs and followers, see CC and followers resources.
Download the affected rules
If you haven’t done so already, use the migration wizard to download a list of affected rules for your account.
- In Admin Center, click the Objects and rules icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Settings.
- Scroll down to the CCs section.
- Click Set up CCs and Followers.
- On the Effects on business rules page, Download a list of your account’s affected rules.
You’ll use these rules as a guideline for manually updating the business rules in your account. The affected rules are customized for your account and includes a complete list of the changes, removals, and additions you need to make to triggers and automations.
Review affected rules
The zip file you downloaded (affected_rules_list.zip) contains these documents:
affected_rules_list.txt: Contains the names of each trigger or automation you need to change and the URL where the trigger or automation is located. For example:
Notify requester of received request,https://my.zendesk.com/agent/admin/triggers/8807896 Pending notification 24 hours,https://my.zendesk.com/agent/admin/automations/8807705 Pending notification 5 days,https://my.zendesk.com/agent/admin/automations/8807706
Instructions_txt: Contains a list of the rules that need to be changed. For example:
* Change Email user - (requester) to Email user - (requester and CCs). * * When you make this change, also remove the Requester - is not - (current user) condition if it exists. Important: Now that CCs and followers is activated, any "Add CC" action has changed to "Add follower" to prevent exposing agent email addresses.
With this download, you can match up the instructions with the rule that is affected. For example:
Open Admin > Triggers > Notify requester of received request (https://my.zendesk.com/agent/admin/triggers/8807896) and remove this condition:
Open Admin > Automations > Pending notification 24 hours (https://my.zendesk.com/agent/admin/automations/8807705) and change this action from (requester) to (requester and CC):
Manually update triggers
- In the sidebar, click the Admin icon (
), then select Business Rules > Triggers.
- For each affected trigger, change the trigger conditions and actions as described in the affected rules. For example, in Actions for a trigger, make the following changes:
- Before: Email user: (requester)
- After: Email user: (requester and CC)
- Review the Email body text to make sure it still makes sense for the types of users who will receive the message.
- Save your changes.
Create a trigger that allows agents to receive “request received” email notifications
If needed, you can create a trigger that notifies the requester and agents (including light agents) that a request has been received and has become a ticket.
- Create a new trigger, or update an existing trigger, and title it as Notify agent of internal note request received.
- Under When ALL of these conditions are met, add these actions:
Ticket | Is | Created: An end user or agent submits a request, which has created a new ticket.
Status | Is not | Solved: When created, the new ticket has one of the following statuses applied to it: New, Open, Pending, or On-hold.
Comment | Is | Private: Use this condition because comments about “request received” are private comments (internal notes)
Current user | Is | (agent): The user that last updated the ticket is anyone who is a registered user, but not an agent or an administrator.
- Add this action:
Email user | (requester): The email defined in this action is sent to the end user or agent listed as the ticket's requester and anyone who is copied on the ticket. The requester is most-commonly the person who submitted the ticket; however, an agent can submit a ticket request on behalf of another user, in which case that user is listed as the requester.
- Save your changes.
Manually update automations
Update your automations as described in the affected rules list.
In Admin Center, click the Workspaces icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Macros.
- For each affected automation, change the business rules definitions as described in the affected rules. For example, in a Notifications action for an automation, you might make the following changes:
- Before: Email user: (requester)
- After: Email user: (requester and CC)
- Review the Email body text to make sure it still makes sense for the types of users who will receive the message.
- Save your changes.
Manually update macros
Update your macros.
In Admin Center, click the Workspaces icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Agent tools > Macros.
- For each macro, make sure the action is appropriate for the current macro.
- Save your changes.
Manually update email templates
When you enable followers, the CCs email template is replaced by a Follower email template. Check this template to make sure the placeholders work as expected. To update the template:
- In Admin Center, click the Objects and rules icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Tickets > Settings.
- In the CCs and Followers section, set up a new Follower email template.
Jacob the Moderator
Thanks Ben, it makes sense đź‘Ť
Sydney Neubauer
@... then would current user is Agent work? If we were to remove the "Requester is not current user", then the trigger would start firing and sending the requester back their own emails would it not? We want to ensure that does not happen. Any input you have is appreciated!
Ben Van Iten
Hi @...,
In that instance you would still not be sending the update to the CC's when a requester makes an update on the ticket.
Something that I've seen some customers do is make a note in the trigger itself indicating that customers will receive a copy of their responses for their own records or something to that effect so it doesn't seem as odd.
Let us know if you have any further questions!
Caroline Scott
I assume that if we still only want to send an automated reply confirming receipt of a ticket to the requestor and not to any CC's that we can leave the trigger as it is? ie notify requestor only
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Caroline,
Yes. If you want to only send the notification to the requester, then you will use (REQUESTER) instead of (REQUESTER and CC).
Hope this helps.