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Sending holiday notifications using triggers

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Buenas tardes,

Actualmente en la cuenta se tiene habilitado el plan Support Suite Enterprise, quisiera saber si es posible trabajar con alguna regla de negocio disponible para los días feriados ya que se ha intentado en varias ocasiones configurar un automatizador que notifique al cliente que ese día NO se atenderá pero no se ejecuta. 

Quedo atenta a su pronta respuesta. 


I have a use case I'm trying to solve.  I would like an automation to run only during business hours (I would like to avoid holidays too).  For some reason, automations don't have a "Within business hours" condition but triggers do.  My thought was to create a trigger that would set a tag, but triggers only fire when a ticket is changed (or created), so tickets that are less than active won't get the new tag until well after moving to or from business hour windows.

Any thoughts on how this can be accomplished?  Any chance I could lobby for enhanced conditions in automations?  Anything I'm missing?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Kirby,
Triggers are events based while automations are time based. A closer look to "Within business hours" conditions, it's definitely an event based condition which cannot be utilized by automations. The only option is just to use "(business) Less than/Greater than/Is" condition for your automation. I know that this can miss with already existing tickets but it can still work for future tickets.


Hi Dane, thanks for the recommendation!  Can you elaborate on how "(business) Less than/Greater than/Is" can be used to determine whether or not the automation is running inside our outside of business hours?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Kirby,
This is just a workaround. It can still fire outside business hours especially for old tickets. For example, you have you have a schedule from Monday to Friday, 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM. Currently, you have two tickets that have been created on Friday 01:00 PM and 04:00 PM respectively. You have created an automation that will send an email for those tickets if the creation time is greater than 3 business hours. The automation was created on the same day at exactly 06:00 PM. The automation will still fire on the first ticket because the ticket creation is greater than 3 business hours. The automation will continuously be checked every hour based on how they work. However, the second ticket will not exceed 3 business hours for it is no longer inside the operating hours. 

Ideally, the automation will fire for the second ticket on Monday, approximately 10:00 AM. 


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