Use this article to discover the metrics and attributes you can use to build Explore reports based on your usage of Zendesk Guide. These datasets are also used for the Guide prebuilt dashboards (see Overview of the Zendesk Guide dashboard).
For more information about how to create reports with Explore, see Creating reports.
This article contains the following topics:
Knowledge Capture dataset
The Knowledge Capture dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to Knowledge in the context panel in Agent Workspace and the Guide Knowledge Capture app. This section lists all the available elements for the Knowledge Capture dataset. Use this dataset to help you understand the efficiency of selecting articles to deflect support tickets.
Knowledge Capture dataset schema
Use this diagram to help you understand the elements of the Knowledge Capture dataset and their relationships.
Knowledge Capture metrics
This section lists and defines all metrics available in the Knowledge Capture dataset.
Metric | Definition | Explore formula |
Knowledge Capture events | Knowledge base article updates made using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | [Knowledge Capture event ID] |
Linked articles | Count of the number of articles linked using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app in a ticket. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Linked") THEN [Knowledge Capture event ID] ENDIF |
Flagged articles | Counts the number of articles flagged for update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app in an existing ticket. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Flagged") THEN [Knowledge Capture event ID] ENDIF |
Created articles | Counts the number of articles created using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app in a ticket. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Created") THEN [Knowledge Capture event ID] ENDIF |
Resolution articles | Count of articles linked through Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app that were marked as helpful by end users and resolved their request. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Solved") THEN [Knowledge Capture event ID] ENDIF |
% Resolution rate | The percentage of resolution articles against articles offered to end users via Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | COUNT(Resolution articles)/COUNT(Linked articles) |
Knowledge Capture tickets | Tickets where any update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app took place. | [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] |
Linked article tickets | Counts tickets where a knowledge base article was linked using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. |
IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Linked") THEN [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] ENDIF |
Flagged article tickets | Counts tickets where a knowledge base article was flagged for update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Flagged") THEN [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] ENDIF |
Created article tickets | Counts the number of tickets where an article was created using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Created") THEN [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] ENDIF |
Resolution article tickets | Count of tickets that were resolved by end users through articles linked via Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | IF ([Knowledge Capture type]="Solved") THEN [Knowledge Capture ticket ID] ENDIF |
% Agent engagement rate | The percentage of total tickets on which Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app was used. | D_COUNT(Knowledge Capture tickets)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Ticket ID]) |
% Article linking rate | The percentage of tickets where an article was linked using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | D_COUNT(Linked article tickets)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Ticket ID]) |
% Ticket resolution rate | The percentage of tickets that were resolved by end users against tickets on which articles were linked via Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. | D_COUNT(Resolution article tickets)/D_COUNT(Linked article tickets) |
Linked articles - Ticket average | The average number of articles linked using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app to all tickets where a Knowledge or Knowledge Capture event took place. | D_COUNT(Linked article tickets)/DCOUNT_VALUES([Ticket ID]) |
Agent replies | The number of public replies added to a ticket by an agent. | VALUE(Agent replies) |
Assignee stations | The number of agents a ticket has been assigned to. | VALUE(Assignee stations) |
Group stations | The number of groups a ticket has been assigned to. | VALUE(Group stations) |
Reopens | The number of times a ticket was reopened. | VALUE(Reopens) |
Knowledge Capture attributes
This section lists and defines all attributes available in the Knowledge Capture dataset.
Attribute | Definition |
Knowledge Capture type | The type of event performed by Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. Possible values are Created, Flagged, and Linked. |
Knowledge Capture ticket ID | The ID of the ticket that was updated using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. |
Knowledge Capture event ID | The ID of the knowledge base article that was updated using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app. |
Knowledge Capture brand | The brand of the knowledge base where Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app was used. |
Knowledge Capture language | The language of the knowledge base where Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app was used. |
Knowledge Capture locale | The locale of the knowledge base where Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app was used. |
Ticket ID | The ID number of the ticket. |
Ticket status | The current status of the ticket. |
Ticket group | The name of the group where the ticket was assigned. |
Ticket assignee | The name of the user to who the ticket is assigned. |
Ticket brand | The brand of the ticket. |
Ticket channel | The channel a ticket was created from. For more information about the ticket channels Explore collects, see Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Ticket form | Ticket form used on the ticket. |
Ticket organization | The name of the organization associated with the ticket. |
Ticket priority | The ticket's priority. |
Ticket problem ID | The ID of the associated problem ticket. |
Ticket requester | The name of the user that requested the ticket. |
Ticket satisfaction rating | The satisfaction rating given to the ticket. |
Ticket subject | The subject of ticket. |
Ticket tags | The tags associated with a ticket. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
Ticket type | The ticket type: Question, Incident, Problem, or Task. |
Sharing agreement inbound | Affiliated instances of Zendesk Support and companies who share tickets with the current instance of Zendesk Support. |
Sharing agreement outbound | Affiliated Zendesk accounts and companies tickets are shared with. |
Article ID | The ID of the knowledge base article. |
Article ID and locale | The ID and locale of the knowledge base article. |
Article translation title | The title of the knowledge base article |
Article translation URL | The URL of the knowledge base article. |
Article author | The name of the user who originally created a knowledge base article. |
User name | The name of the user associated with the article. |
User role | The role of the user associated with the article. |
User ID | The ID of the user associated with the article. |
User email | The email address of the user associated with the article. |
User locale | The locale of the user associated with the article. |
User status | The Zendesk status of the user associated with the article. |
User tags | A list of tags associated with the user for the
article. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
User time zone | The time zone of the user associated with the article. |
Intent (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of what the ticket is about. To see the possible values, open the Taxonomy tab of the Intent settings page to see the AI Intents list under the Taxonomy values heading. |
Intent confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the intent prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Language (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of what language the ticket is written in. To see the possible values, open the Taxonomy tab of the settings page. |
Language confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the language prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Sentiment (Requires intelligent triage) |
A prediction of how the customer feels about their request. Possible values are Very Positive, Positive, Neutral, Negative, and Very Negative. |
Sentiment confidence (Requires intelligent triage) |
The likelihood that the sentiment prediction is correct. Possible values are High, Medium, and Low. |
Time – Knowledge capture event | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when an update using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app was registered. |
Time – Ticket created | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when tickets were created. |
Time – Ticket solved | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when tickets were solved. |
Time – Ticket last updated | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when tickets were last updated. |
Time – Article created | Includes several attributes that return the time when an article was created. |
Time – Article last updated | Includes several attributes that return the time when an article was last updated. |
Ticket Status – Unsorted | The status of the ticket. |
Ticket Priority – Unsorted | The ticket’s priority. |
Ticket Type - Unsorted | The ticket type. |
Team Publishing dataset (Enterprise only)
The Team Publishing dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to Guide Team Publishing. This section list all the available elements for the Team Publishing dataset. Use this dataset to help you understand the efficiency of your knowledge management workflows.
Team Publishing metrics
This section lists and defines all metrics available in the Team Publishing dataset.
Metric | Definition | Explore formula |
Articles created | The number of articles that have been created. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article created" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Articles published | The number of articles that have been published. |
IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation published" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles verified | The number of articles that have been verified to ensure they are up to date. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article verified" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles unverified | The number of articles that have come up for verification. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article unverified" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles archived | The number of articles that have been archived. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article archived" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles deleted | The number of articles that have been deleted. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article deleted" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles restored | The number of articles that have been restored from archive. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article restored" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Articles edited | The number of articles that have been edited. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article edited" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Translations created | The number of article translations that have been created. An article can contain multiple translations, for example, English, French, or Japanese. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation created" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translations published | The number of article translations that have been published. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation published" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Translations unpublished | The number of article translations that have been unpublished. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation unpublished" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF |
Translations edited | The number of article translations that have been edited. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation edited" THEN [Event article translation ID] ENDIF |
Translations assigned | The number of times that article translations have been assigned to somebody. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation assigned" THEN [Event article translation ID] ENDIF |
Translations submitted for review | The number of article translations submitted for review. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation submitted for review" THEN [Event article translation ID] ENDIF |
Translations approved for publishing | The number of article translations approved for publishing. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation approved for publishing" THEN [Event article translation ID] ENDIF |
Translations deleted | The number of article translations that have been deleted. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation deleted" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Events | The total number of all publishing events like article creation, archiving, restoration, and deletion. | [Publishing event type - Unsorted] |
Translation updates | The number of edits that have been made to article translations. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation edited" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translation assignments | The number of times that article translations have been assigned to somebody. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation assigned" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translation review submissions | The number of article translations submitted for review. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation submitted for review" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translation publishing approvals | The number of article translations approved for publishing. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation approved for publishing" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translation publishing events | The total number of all publishing events like article creation, archiving, restoration, and deletion. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation published" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Translation unpublishing events | The number of article translations that have been unpublished. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation unpublished" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Article verifications | The number of articles that have been verified to ensure they are up to date. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article verified" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Article archiving events | The number of articles that have been archived. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Archived" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Article deletions | The number of articles that have been deleted. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article deleted" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Article restorations | The number of articles that have been restored from archive. | IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article restored" THEN [Event ID] ENDIF |
Team Publishing attributes
This section lists and defines all attributes available in the Team Publishing dataset.
Attribute | Definition |
Event article ID | The ID of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event. |
Event article brand | The brand of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event. |
Event article language | The language of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event. |
Event article locale | The locale of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event, for example, French. |
Event article translation ID | The ID of the article that recorded a Team publishing event with the locale appended, for example, 12345678_fr. |
Article translation title | The title of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event. This attribute also returns translated versions of the title. |
Article translation URL | The URL of the article that recorded a Team Publishing event. This attribute also returns URLs for any translated versions of the article. |
Event ID | A unique ID number for each Team Publishing event. |
Event type | The type of Team Publishing event, for example, Article archived or Translation published. |
Agent name | The name of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event. |
Agent role | The role of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event, for example, Agent, |
Agent ID | The ID of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event. |
Agent email | The email address of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event. |
Agent locale | The locale of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event. |
Agent status | The status of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event, for example, Active. |
Agent tags | Displays tags associated with the agent who performed the
Team Publishing event. For important information about filtering reports using tags, see Reporting on ticket tags using filters. |
Agent time zone | The time zone of the agent who performed the Team Publishing event. |
Article event update time | A collection of attributes that return when a Team Publishing event occurred in different time and date formats. |
Knowledge base dataset
Knowledge Base metrics
This section lists and defines all metrics available in the Guide Knowledge Base dataset.
Metric | Definition | Explore formula |
Published articles | The total number of articles in your knowledge base excluding any translated articles. | DCOUNT_VALUES([Article ID]) |
Published translations | The total number of articles in your knowledge base including translated articles. | [Article ID]+[Article locale] |
Articles viewed | The number of articles that have been viewed at least once. Each article is counted only once, even if it is viewed multiple times. | IF(VALUE(Article views)>0) THEN [Engagement ID]+[Engagement locale] ENDIF |
Article views | The number of views for each of your articles. All article
views are recorded, no matter how many times a user has viewed
the article in the selected period of time. The default
aggregator for this metric is average views (AVG) aggregated
each hour, but you can change it to SUM, MIN, or MAX.
Note: Ad blockers might prevent Explore from
recording article views.
AVG(Article views) |
Article comments | The number of comments on articles. Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article comments] |
Article subscriptions | The number of subscriptions to articles. Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article subscriptions] |
Article upvotes | The number of upvotes on articles. Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article upvotes] |
Article downvotes | The number of downvotes on articles. Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article downvotes] |
Article votes | The total number of votes on articles (upvotes plus
downvotes). Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article upvotes]+[Article downvotes] |
Net article votes | The net number of votes on articles (upvotes minus
downvotes). Data is available from February 25, 2023 onwards. |
[Article upvotes]-[Article downvotes] |
Net article votes - all time | The current state of the votes on an article. This metric is an all-time total that is not affected by time-based filters. For a metric that is affected by time-based filters, use Net article votes instead. |
Knowledge Base attributes
This section lists and defines all attributes available in the Guide Knowledge Base dataset.
Attribute | Definition |
Engagement ID | A unique ID number for the article engagement (view, comment, subscription, or vote). This is the same as the article ID. |
Engagement brand | The Zendesk brand from which the engagement came. Brands in Guide are a customer-facing identity, represented by one or more help centers, Web Widgets, or Talk, X (formerly Twitter), or Facebook accounts. |
Engagement channel | The Zendesk channel from where the article visitor came, for example, help center, Mobile SDK, or Web Widget. |
Engagement language | The Zendesk language of the article visitor. |
Engagement locale | The Zendesk locale setting of the article visitor. |
Engagement user role | The user role and sign-in status of the article visitor, for example End-user (signed in), Staff member (signed in), or Anonymous. |
Views user role - ungrouped | Internal system user role data. Typically you'll use the Engagement user role attribute instead. |
Article ID | Each Guide article has a unique ID which you can see in the article URL. This attribute returns each ID. The article ID is the same for each translated version of an article. |
Author name | The name of the article author. |
Article brand | Brands in Guide are a customer-facing identity, represented by one or more help centers, Web Widget, Talk, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook. |
Article translation language | The language of each article. |
Article locale | The locale of each article, for example, en-us. |
Article section ID | The ID of the section containing the article in Guide. Sections without any articles are not included (for example, sections that consist of subsections only). Event data (such as views or comments) is returned for an article's current section only. |
Article section title | The section name in Guide for each article. Sections without any articles are not included (for example, sections that consist of subsections only). Event data (such as views or comments) is returned for an article's current section only. |
Article title | The title of each article. |
Article category title | The name of the category containing the
article. Data is available only for articles published (or republished) after February 25, 2023. |
Article URL | The URL of each article. |
Time - Article engagement recorded | Includes several attributes that return the time when each article was engaged with. |
Time - Article created | Includes several attributes that return the time when each article was created. |
Search dataset
The Search dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to the searches that users performed and the terms they searched for in your knowledge base. This section lists all the available elements for the dataset.
This section contains the following topics:
Search dataset schema
Use this diagram to help you understand the elements of the Search dataset and their relationships.
Search metrics
This section lists and defines all of the Search metrics available.
Metric | Definition | Calculation |
Searches | The total number of searches performed. | IF ([Event type] = "Search") THEN [Search query] ELSE NULL ENDIF |
Clicks | The number of searches where the user selected a result. | IF ([Event type] = "Click") THEN [Search query] ELSE NULL ENDIF |
Tickets created | The total number of tickets created in the help center. | IF ([Event type] = "Ticket") THEN [Search query] ELSE NULL ENDIF |
Avg click-through rate | The number of clicks relative to the number of searches. | COUNT(Clicks)/COUNT(Searches) |
Searches with no results | The number of searches that returned zero results. | IF ([Event type] = "Search" AND VALUE(Search results count) = 0) THEN [Search query] ENDIF |
Percentage of searches with no result | The number of searches that returned zero results divided by the number of searches performed. | COUNT(Searches with no results)/COUNT(Searches) |
Searches with no clicks | The number of searches where the user didn’t select a result. | IF MAX(Clicks by query)=0 THEN COUNT(Searches) ELSE 0 ENDIF |
Clicks by query | The number of clicks per search query. | ATTRIBUTE_ADD(COUNT(Clicks), [Search query]) |
Search results count | The number of results that were returned for the search query. | IF [Event type] = "Search" THEN VALUE(All event results count) ELSE 0 ENDIF |
All event results count | The number of times an event (click, search, or ticket creation) occurred. | SUM(All event results count) |
Avg number of results | The average number of results that were returned for the search query. | [Search results count]/COUNT(Searches) |
Tickets created / Search ratio | The number of tickets divided by the number of searches. | COUNT(Tickets created)/COUNT(Searches) |
Search attributes
This section lists and defines all the Search attributes available.
Attribute | Definition |
Article ID | The ID of the knowledge base article. |
Article title | The title of the article. |
Article locale | The locale of the article (for example, en-us). |
Event type | The type of search event. Valid values are Search event, Click event or Ticket submitted event. |
Search query | The query string that was searched for by a user. |
Search channel | The channel where the search was performed. |
Search click type | If the event is a click event, the search result clicked could be either Article or Community Post. |
Search locale | The locale of the search. |
Search brand ID | The brand ID of the help center that the search was performed on. |
Search brand name | The brand name of the help center that the search was performed on. |
Search user role | The role of the user that performed the search event. The values are: Anonymous, End user (signed in), Staff member (signed in). |
Search user role - ungrouped | Internal system user role data. Typically you'll use the Search user role attribute instead of this. |
Search language | The language of the search query. |
Search outcome | The outcome of a search. The values are true if the search generated no results, false if it has at least one result. |
Search timestamp | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when a search occurred. |
Community dataset
The Community dataset contains metrics and attributes that relate to your Zendesk community activity. This section lists all the available elements for the dataset.
This section contains the following topics:
Community metrics
This section lists and defines all of the available Community metrics.
Metric | Definition | Calculation |
Community events | The total actions taken on a community forum, including created posts, viewed posts, added votes, created comments, added subscriptions, and submitted tickets. | [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] |
Existing community posts | The number of existing posts in the community. | [guide_community_posts_community_post_id] |
Posts created | The total number of posts created in the selected time period. | IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Post created") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post views | The total number of post views on the community forum. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Post viewed") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post votes | The total number of votes—either up or down—on a community post. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Vote added") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post upvotes | The total number of upvotes on a post. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Vote added" AND [guide_community_engagement_vote_direction] = "Up") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post downvotes | The total number of downvotes on a post. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Vote added" AND [guide_community_engagement_vote_direction] = "Down") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Comments | The total number of comments made on the community forum. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Comment created") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post subscriptions | The total number of subscriptions to posts on the community forum. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Subscription added") THEN [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id] ENDIF |
Post creation timestamps | The exact time when a community post was created. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Post created") THEN DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([timeDimension##guide_community_engagement_timestamp##date]) ENDIF |
Post creation timestamp by community post | The exact time when each community post was created. | ATTRIBUTE_FIX(MIN(guide_community_post_creation_timestamps), [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id]) |
Staff response timestamps | The exact time when a staff member commented on a community post. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Comment created" AND [guide_community_engagement_grouped_user_role] = "Staff member (signed in)") THEN DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([timeDimension##guide_community_engagement_timestamp##date]) ENDIF |
Staff response timestamp by community post | The exact time when a staff member commented on each community post. | ATTRIBUTE_FIX(MIN(guide_community_staff_response_timestamps), [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id]) |
Response timestamps | The exact time when a community member responded to a post. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Comment created") THEN DATE_TO_TIMESTAMP([timeDimension##guide_community_engagement_timestamp##date]) ENDIF |
First response timestamp by community post | The exact time when a community member responded to each post. | ATTRIBUTE_FIX(MIN(guide_community_response_timestamps), [guide_community_engagement_community_post_id]) |
Time to staff response (hours) | The time in hours between when a post was created and when the first staff member responded. |
(MIN(guide_community_staff_response_timestamp) - MIN(guide_community_post_creation_timestamp)) / 3600 |
Time to first response (hours) | The time in hours between when a post was created and when the first comment was made. |
(MIN(guide_community_response_timestamp) - MIN(guide_community_post_creation_timestamp)) / 3600 |
Number of posts without any comments | The total number of community posts that don't have a response from any user. | IF ([Community engagement event type] = "Post created") THEN 1 ELIF ([First reply time] != NULL AND VALUE(Post creation timestamp by community post) != NULL) THEN -1 ELSE 0 ENDIF |
Number of posts without staff comments | The total number of community posts that don’t have a staff member response. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Post created") THEN 1 ELIF ([guide_community_engagement_first_staff_response] != NULL AND VALUE(guide_community_post_creation_timestamp) != NULL) THEN -1 ELSE 0 ENDIF |
Number of days without comments | The total number of days since the last comment was made on the community forum. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_response_time_bracket] = "No comments") THEN DATE_DIFF(DATE_LAST_FIX([timeDimension##guide_community_engagement_timestamp##date]), [timeDimension##guide_community_posts_created_at##date], "nb_of_days") ENDIF |
Submitted tickets | The total number of tickets created in the help center. |
IF ([guide_community_engagement_event_type] = "Ticket submitted") THEN [guide_community_engagement_event_type] ENDIF |
Community attributes
This section lists and defines all of the available Community attributes.
Attribute | Definition |
Community user email | The email address of the community member. |
Community user ID | The unique ID of the community member. |
Community user name | The name of the community member. |
Community user created at | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when a community user was created. |
Author ID | The unique ID of the community member who created a post. |
Author name | The name of the community member who created a post. |
Community post ID of existing posts | The unique ID of a community post. |
Community post title | The title of a community post. |
Community topic ID | The unique ID of the topic that a post or comment is part of. |
Community topic title | The title of the topic that a post or comment is part of. |
Brand ID | The unique ID of the brand associated with the community forum. |
Brand name | The name of the brand associated with the community forum. |
Channel |
The channel from which a user viewed a post. Possible values are HC (help center), Agent workspace, and API. For more information about the ticket channels Explore collects, see Understanding ticket channels in Explore. |
Community post ID | The unique ID of a community post. |
Community engagement event type | The type of action taken on a community forum. Possible values are Post created, Post viewed, Vote added, Comment created, Subscription added, and Ticket submitted. |
User role | The role of the community member. Possible values are End user, Anonymous, Agent, Admin, and Viewer. |
Vote direction | Whether a vote was an upvote or a downvote. |
First reply time | The time between when a post was created and the first comment made by any community member. |
First staff reply time | The time between when a post was created and the first comment made by an agent. |
First staff reply time bracket | The time between when a post was created and the first comment made by an agent. Values are returned as <8 hours, 8-24 hours, 1-7 days, 8-14 days, and >14 days. |
First reply time bracket | The time between when a post was created and the first comment made by any community member. Values are returned as <8 hours, 8-24 hours, 1-7 days, 8-14 days, and >14 days. |
Community engagement user ID | The unique ID of the community member. |
Grouped user role | The role of the community member. Possible values are End user, Staff member, and Anonymous. |
Community engagement timestamp | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when a community engagement event (such as a vote) occurred. |
Community post created at | Includes several attributes that return the time and date when a community post was created. |
Lauren Williams
I'm looking to create a custom metric that allows me to see the total number of votes, count the number of positive votes and thirdly calculate the percentage by dividing the number of positive votes by the total vote count.
I believe I've managed to retrieve the total number of votes by using this formula: COUNT(Article votes) however breaking this then down into positive and negative votes seems impossible as there's nothing that identifies a vote being either. I.e how do I pull out an "upvote"?
Does anyone know if what I'm looking for is possible, or indeed have tried it themselves?
Rob Silverstone
You can calculate upvotes using net votes and total votes:
If Total Votes = upvotes + downvotes, and Net Votes = upvotes - downvotes,
then Upvotes = (Total Votes + Net Votes) / 2
and Downvotes = (Total Votes - Net Votes) / 2
I don't know what to make of these vote numbers in Explore though. The numbers for both AVG(Article votes) and COUNT(Article votes) are radically different to the numbers we're seeing in Insights ... different votes counts and different total votes.
Rob Silverstone
Explore's saying one of my articles has 750 votes for 500 views 🤷 Those don't seem trustworthy stats
Jarl Frode Arntzen
Hi, @... .
If I follow the link, I just end up on a page that says:
You're not authorized to access this page
What does it take to view this page?
Rob Stack
Hi Jarl Frode Arntzen, the comment above is now old. This feature has been released to everyone with applicable plans (as detailed in the article above). The EAP is closed. Thanks!
Mathias Martinez
Hi team,
We are trying to customize the report and send it to a particular recipient on daily basis.
Can you assist us with that?
Rob Stack
Hi Mathias Martinez, I wasn't sure exactly what you needed, but you can use the information in Scheduling dashboard deliveries to likely help you do what you need. Let us know if you need more help. Thanks!
Rob Stack
Hi Mathias Martinez, you'll find all you need to know about scheduling dashboards with end-users at:
Lauren Ward
Hi all,
We need to create a report on article viewcount as compared to "freshness", i.e., including article views and the article's last update date. I don't see the "Article last updated" attribute in the Knowledge Base dataset, only publish date. Is there a plan to add this, or perhaps I'm missing how to accomplish this? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you.
Note: I tried running two separate queries and creating a pivot, but when I include Article last updated from the Knowledge Capture or Answer Bot dataset, I'm only getting the articles that were flagged or offered, not the full library of articles that were updated, which is what we need.
Rob Stack
Hi Lauren Ward. this isn't currently possible, but it's a great request for a feature. Would you be willing to post this in our feedback forum at:
That will give your request more visibility with the product teams and other customers who will be able to vote for it. Thanks!
I am wondering how I can easily measure article votes for all translations belonging to the same article. I need one metric for each article ID, which includes the votes of all the translations of that article.
Currently, this is possible in Explore, if I choose article votes as metric and the article ID as attribute. This, however, creates two questions:
Julio R.
Hi Laura! That is indeed a very interesting question. If your main goal is to count the votes of the translation of your articles, then I don’t think creating such a query to separate votes would be worth it. To clarify, votes will be tallied on the article level as a whole and based on the translation’s creation date. For this reason, if you published the English translation of an article a day before the Italian translation, the English translation could end up with more votes.
Julio R. | Technical Support Engineer - EMEA | Zendesk
CJ Johnson
Hi Laura,
I am pretty sure that at least currently, votes are counted the same across all languages, just from fiddling around in Explore, when I added in the translation language, the vote count was the same for each language.
For the first part of your question, you are in luck! I also needed a way to present Guide reports with a roll up of views per month in my case, that show the English title but counts all translation views as well. Zendesk did a nicer write up than mine on it here:
You'd want to change out the main metric to :
The default metric formulas do not match the the attributes. I had to create custom metrics because it is case-sensitive. How can I get this corrected so the default metrics reflect the attributes options accordingly
Lucia Rieur
I'm very excited to see these metrics now showing in pre-built dashboards. Thanks, Zendesk!
My question now is this: If Zendesk believes a ticket was created based on a specific search term, is it possible to see which tickets make up the 'Tickets Created' metric? I'm not seeing a way to do this.
Hi Jonathan,
The Searches metric and other similar metrics should now align with the Event Type attribute. I tested this in my account and it worked perfectly for me.
Hi Zack,
Unfortunately, it looks like you're looking for the attribute Ticket ID which is not included in the Search dataset. This means we can only get the number of tickets created but cannot associate them with the actual tickets. A close recipe that I can think of for this is Percentage of tickets created by channel, though this won't really show you the number of ticket per search query.
CJ Johnson
Andriy Ivakhov
Team, how do we track # of votes received by the day?
I keep seeing a fixed # of votes without any article trendlines. Currently using default Guide dashboard for tracking
Orsolya Forster
HI Andriy Ivakhov,
The default dashboard doesn't have the vote counts by the day visualisation. I'll mark your comment for future improvements. Alternatively, you can create custom queries if you have Explore Professional or above, and add the appropriate chart to your dashboard.
I am trying to explore the default Zendesk Guide report on Explore section and I am seeing that between 01/03 and 16/03 we had this results:
But when I go to reports inside Zendesk Support, I see 11K views for the same period instead of the 0,5K mentioned before. Can you explain this difference?
Hey Luísa!
Sorry for the delayed response on our end. I have created a ticket with our Support team to further investigate this discrepancy
Joel Sandi
Hello! I want to see something I think is rather rudimentary and simple, but can't seem to find a way to render: How many published articles simply existed month over month? NOT how many were viewed or created or published or edited within a given month -- which is all I seem to be able to actually chart over time. I just want to know what the simple, raw count of existing published articles was at a given point in time. I have recently inherited our Zendesk Guide knowledge base site and I want to explore growth and fluctuation of article content against other engagement factors such as visitors, views, and internal metrics like case counts, outage incidents, etc., to paint a comprehensive picture of the site's evolution and relationship to our users to this point. I know there are 477 articles now (April '22), there were presumably a handful less in March '22, and it is my anecdotal understanding that there were more than 500 at some point last year. I just want to chart this count simply.
Jupete Manitas
Hi Joel, thanks for writing in!
If you are on Guide enterprise, you can use the knowledge base dataset and use the 'published articles' metric to count the total number of articles in your knowledge base excluding any translated articles and use the attribute 'Month'. Is this something similar that you are looking for?
Orsolya Forster
Hi Joel Sandi,
I understand the need for a raw number of articles in the knowledge base dashboard. We're considering adding current state type of data in the reporting, however I'm curious to hear how do you imagine such numbers on a monthly break-down?
In practice, articles are created (and deleted / archived) as a dynamic process, what would be the number of published articles in a month? The count at the end of the month, or at the beginning? Maybe an average count in the selected period?
Looking forward to hear your feedback. Cheers!
Joel Sandi
Orsolya Forster - Totally fair question, and one I thought about afterward, as well. What we want to examine is:
My initial inclination is that it'd be end of month (or manually configured window)—so the total amount of published content at the end of a given month/period. However, average over a month or period makes sense, as well. As long as the parameters were understood (and we kept track on our own of impactful mass actions such as an archiving of a large block of content), I feel like either would be sufficient to help us get a glimpse of what we're interested in.
Jupete Manitas - Thank you! Not quite what I'm looking for -- I want to know how many total published articles existed on the site in a given month, not how many were newly published in the month. But this is also helpful to know how to build, so I appreciate the suggestion :)
Jupete Manitas
Thank you for providing more details about your goal, Joel! Hopefully, that will somehow help you to start with. Cheers!
Brianne Reinhardt
Excited about the new Community dataset! Really loving we can see who is viewing posts.
Are there are plans to expand this dataset? Topic subscriptions, user following, and followed by users aren't listed - yet these are key metrics on a user profile. Maybe there is an explore formula I'm unaware of that will help me add these to our dashboards? I'm trying to get a list of all subscriptions broken down by subscription type per user. Our team wants to reach out to any new topic subscribers each week and award badges based on follower subscriptions (for example).
I've also noticed an error in the documentation:
When I query the community events metric with the community engagement event types, it only returns four types. It's not including votes and subscriptions.
Dave Dyson
I'll leave the question of dataset expansion to our product managers, although it might be worth posting to our Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) topic, using this template.
As for the community event types, it should be returning all six: if you create a query with the Community dataset, add COUNT(Community events) as a metric, and then add Community engagement event type to Rows, you should see all six (screenshot below, truncated the numbers). If you don't, it'd probably be worth reaching out directly to our Customer Care team.
Brianne Reinhardt
Hey Dave!

Thanks for the response, the metric you suggested is what I had done yesterday and it only returned the four I mentioned. Tried it again today and now it has returned subscription added, but still not vote added. The 1 subscription is the one I added as a test yesterday, but vote count is returning zero, so I'm guessing why that's still not showing up even though ticket submitted shows despite it being zero. Seems like a bug. I'll reach out to Customer Care as you recommended.
I've gone ahead and submitted feedback as well.