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Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Guide

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 06, 2025





I'm currently trying to build a bit of a handover dashboard and want to show a count of the top problem IDs for the last 12 hours.

Is there a way to get a metric to filter when tickets were initially marked as incidents and assigned to a problem ID?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Steve,
You can try to use this formula to extract such tickets. 
IF ([Changes - Field name] = "type"
AND ([Changes - Previous value]=NULL OR [Changes - Previous value]="Question")
AND [Changes - New value]!="Incident")
THEN [Update ID]
Afterwards, modify this simple query depending on your preference.



Is there a recipe for upvote count, downvote count, vote date, and user role, name, email for article votes? I see it for the Community posts, but not the articles.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hey Brianne, 
The current dataset only provides the net votes (SUM of upvotes and downvotes) and calculating them separately is not yet possible.

Also outlined in Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Guide:

Votes currently reflect the sum of upvotes and downvotes. For example, if you had ten upvotes (which each add one vote to the total) and five downvotes (which each subtract one from the total), this metric would return "5".

In Q3 we will roll out the article upvotes and downvotes metrics. We're working on it as we speak, you may follow this similar feature request that is already marked as Planned by our Product Managers.




In the Team Publishing metrics, the metric Articles published has the following formula:

IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Translation published" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF

I thought this was a mistake. The metric says that it counts the number of articles that have been published and not the translations that have been published. Yet when reviewing the metric in Explore, the formula is the same.

Should it not be

IF [Publishing event type - Unsorted]="Article published" THEN [Event article ID] ENDIF

and then a second metric for Translations published?

Or maybe I am misunderstanding this. Could someone please enlighten me on this?

Thank you in advance!


Laura Yep, you are 100% correct, it makes no sense. It's been broken for over a year, I've had a ticket open and they know and don't consider it a priority to fix or even publicly post information that it's broken. It's honestly shocking. There's other bad formulas too and they just don't care. Chat Wait time has been broken equally long, and Chat Concurrency AVG has never worked. Zendesk has made it very clear that functional, accurate metrics are not a priority. 


Hello, again community. I could use your help.

I am trying to create some custom reports from the Knowledge Base dataset, but to do so, I think I need a better understanding of the metric 'Articles Viewed'. This is precisely where I fall over, as there are a few items that don't appear logical to me.

Metric: Articles viewed - formula: [Views ID] + [Views locale]

  1. the formula uses the aggregator D_COUNT. Does this mean that the formula calculates the number of values of the attribute 'Views ID' plus the number of values of the attribute 'Views locale'?
  2. Views locale means 'the ZD locale setting of the article viewer'. Our KB has 10 different locales. Will the D_Count value of 'Views locale' never be higher than 10?
  3. I pulled both attributes used in the metric separately: D_COUNT of 'Views ID' (=490) and D_COUNT of 'Views locale' (=10). Their total (=500) is a lot lower than the result of Articles Viewed (=2298).
    How is the metric adjoining both attributes calculated? It cannot be a simple summation of two D_COUNT(Attribute) Values.

I get the feeling that there is a very basic understanding of the formulas that I am completely missing here, but as much as I try to wrap my head around it, it doesn't make sense to me.

Could anyone out there help me with this?

Thank you very much in advance.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Laura,
You can check if you have any other attributes included in the query that you have created. I have tried the same approach and it gave me the individual values correctly. Just in case it still has the same behavior, please contact our support directly to look into it further. 


Hello Dane,

Thanks for your feedback.

When working with the Guide dataset, I often get the feeling that there is a part I don't get, so you can imagine that I'm relieved to read that there seems to be an issue with the results rendered!  I'll check this right away.



I have a question regarding the metric clicks by query, I know it is the amount of clicks after the user searched, wondering if is the number is an avg of users that click after searching for a certain word, example: "bug" or can it be the same user that's searching the same word and then clicking on many places? 


Hi Zendesk,

I've set up a report of the top 200 searches of Guide with no results, to deliver to me monthly.

In my first delivered result, I have a lot of entries that have 0 results reported, and also entries with no number indicating how many times folks searched for it.

I can make sense of someone searching for the same term multiple times w/ no result - that generates a number in this report.

What does 0 results reported, OR a blank result, mean? Did folks search for this term or not?

I'm guessing they did, otherwise Zendesk wouldn't report it at all. But why is it shown w/ 0 or null result? Can you explain please?

Appreciate being able to view more than the top 5 "searches with no result" through the report. Failed searches are vital to improving the content in Guide so an important feedback mechanism.


E. A. Brown 


Hello guys,

I would like to ask, if there is there a formula that would allow me to display the most viewed article each day in a given month. E.g.

Thank you.


Hi - in Team Publishing, I think mine is showing under Articles created (filtered by agent name) seems to actually be the author. But I created the article and set the author to be another agent. So creation and author are different. I want to be able to see how often this happens and also not have the created number under the other agent (the author) counted there.

Please can you clarify or confirm/deny.



Hi Zendesk team,

I might be overlooking a metric here. I'd like to measure a "ticket creation rate" at a Help Center Article level. The most simple version of this would be tickets created / articles viewed.



I'm trying to figure out how I can get a report on performance for articles that use the same content tag. Looking around Explore, I can't find anything that segments based on content tags. Is this not available? Thanks!


Hi Everyone!

I want to create a query with these characteristics:

Metric: Published articles  

Attributes (Rows): 

  • Article category title    
  • Article section title    

The goal is to have a rapresentation of how many sections are in every category and how many articles are in every section.

I don't know why, but 519 of my 867 articles are displayed with no category. Articles of the same sections can be displayed categoryless or in the right category. All articles are in the same sections. 

But if I have Category C1 in wich I have Section S1, in wich I have Articles A1 A2 A3 A4 A5, for no reason I can have a No category including S1 with articlel A2 A4 and A5, and the category C1 including S1 with articles A1 and A3. In the same tabel. 

Do you have any idea of the reasons? Than you so much!


We're continuing to struggle getting an accurate per-user (and, extrapolating further, per team) link rate calculation, similar to this question raised a couple years ago:

Is there a simple way to build such a report that we are missing?



I'm trying to get a report of the number of articles and the list of articles that need to be verified per agent.   When I do this under the team publishing dataset, I get all zeros for each agent. In guide admin we show 1176 articles requiring verification.  Does anyone know how to get this report?



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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

Articles created metrics shows different values in the Knowledge Capture data set vs the Team Publishing data set. What is the difference between the two?


I have been trying to find the definition of different Click through Rates (CTRs) through the different channels. Web widget and Help desk seem pretty self explanatory, but the Agent Workspace CTR is giving a very low CTR to what I expected.

Does this CTR count through the number of tickets and count the number of times the knowledge base is accessed from tickets to determine the CTR.


Does the CTR count the number of times that we link to the knowledge base through tickets and then count the number of times that these are used.

Any help would be appreciated.




Hi Orsolya Forster Joel Sandi

I'm also in need of the ability to count published articles per month and see that growth over time.  Not the publishing event - but the actual count of total articles available on our help center.  Did you ever come up with a solution for this?  So far all my attempts have resulted in a count of publishing events.


Hi Gavin (sorry, your handle is not coming up after the @ here for me). We haven't been able to resolve this with any OOO reporting on Zendesk itself. Seems the best you can do is be disciplined at the end/start of each month about recording the number of published articles at that point in time, then do your own charting and math separately. You also won't be able to look at this earlier than the month you start from since a snapshot in time for this count is not available in ZD reporting.



I need some help in refining our help center usage metrics. Almost all the articles in our help center include a table of contents that we create using the h4 tag, for example: <h4 id=Introduction>Introduction<h4>.
If a customer accesses an article with a table of contents, the URL changes as the person scrolls up and down the article.
The problem: every time that the URL changes as a result of a scroll, the data is being captured in our stats as if the customer viewed this section explicitly. We would like to capture this data only when the customer clicks explicitly on the section name in the table of contents and not as a result of scrolling. I think this will be much more indicative of the customer's interest and activity.
I would love some guidance on how to implement this. Thanks so much in advance.


I'm noticing a weird discrepancy in tracking upvotes and downvotes via the OOB Zendesk Guide Explore dashboard.

The core question is, in the data filters list, what is the difference between selecting Article upvotes (or downvotes) and Article votes? Logic suggests to me that Article votes means "articles with votes for the given period" -- which should necessarily include all articles with either upvotes or downvotes, and sorting should follow accordingly. Does that not make sense?

In the example below, I am interested in what articles had upvotes and how many upvotes they had, ranked by descending upvote count order. Yet, I end up with significantly different data when I filter by Article upvotes vs Article votes. The former displays way more articles having upvotes than the latter, with total upvote count shown in the table significantly exceeding the Article votes filter (136 vs 80). In the example you see just one extra article suddenly appear in the top upvoted list, but many more follow down the table.


On the flipside, we see exactly the same inconsistency reflected when looking at downvotes.

How is one to make heads or tails of this? Nothing in the reporting interface or documentation (that I have been able to find or interpret) provides any helpful information.


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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

There are 2 types of created article metrics, one in the Team Publishing dataset (Articles created) and one in the Knowledge Capture dataset (Created articles). What is the difference between the two? They appear to show different results for the same time period. Which would show me the total number or articles an individual created in a specific time period?


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Judy,
The created articles metric in the Knowledge Capture dataset is specifically for articles created using Knowledge or the Knowledge Capture app in a ticket while the articles created metric in the Team Publishing dataset is just the number of articles that have been created. If you are just looking for articles created regardless of where it came from I would use the Team Publishing dataset.
Let me know if you have any further questions.


The metric for "Time – Article last updated" doesn't seem to be available to me within explore when building out a content health report, does anyone know where i could find it or if it has been removed/replaced with something else? 


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Matthew,

The "Time – Article last updated" is an attribute under the Knowledge Capture dataset.

Hope this helps.


Thanks Noly, i can see that now however, the use case that i'm faced with is i need to pull a report of all the articles that we have published with the following columns/fields



-Created date

-Last updated date

Under the dataset above, there is no metric available for "Published articles" & under the dataset that has the metric for "Published articles" there is no column available for "last updated date"

Any ideas?


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Matthew,

Different datasets may contain attributes that are unique to them and not available to other datasets. In this case, "Time – Article last updated" is an attribute unique to the Knowledge Capture dataset and is not available to the Guide Knowledge Base dataset which is what you're currently using.

Thank you for your understanding.


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