You can specify up to six featured articles to show users when they first click the help center search field. For example, you may want to show users the top troubleshooting articles or getting started guides before they even begin their search.
When featured articles are configured, a drop-down field with the selected articles appears when users click in the search field. The list remains until users type the third character of their search, at which time instant search results replace the featured articles.
If you do not have any featured articles configured, the featured articles drop-down will not be displayed.
This article covers the following topics:
View and sort the featured article list
You can use the search settings page to view the list of featured articles and change the order in which they appear in the drop down list.
To view and sort the featured article list
In Knowledge admin, click Settings (
) in the sidebar.
- Click Search settings.
- Under Featured articles, click Manage to view a list of
featured articles configured for your help center.
This list is limited to a maximum of six articles.
- If you want to reorder the article list, click and hold the drag-and-drop
handle (
) for the article you want to move.
- Drag the article into position and release the handle. Repeat as needed to reorder your article list.
Add articles to the featured article list
You can add up to six articles to the featured articles list. For example, you might have a series of getting started or troubleshooting articles that you want to display to users before they begin their search.
In Knowledge admin, click Settings (
) in the sidebar.
- Click Search settings.
- Under Featured articles, click Manage to view a list of featured articles configured for your help center.
- Click Manage featured articles.
- Select the check boxes next to the articles that you want to display in the
Featured articles list. If you have a large article list, you can use the
search field to find articles with specific keywords.
- Click Save.
Remove or replace articles from the featured articles list
You can reduce the number of articles that appear in the drop down list or remove the featured articles altogether. You can also remove one or more articles and then add new articles to replace them in the list. For example, you can update the list each month with the top six troubleshooting articles, removing less popular articles and replacing them with the most frequently accessed content.
In Knowledge admin, click Settings (
) in the sidebar.
- Click Search settings.
- Under Featured articles, click Manage to view a list of featured articles configured for your help center.
- Click Manage featured articles.
The articles that appear in the featured article list are marked with a blue check.
- Click the check boxes next to the selected articles to remove them from the featured articles list.
- If you want to replace the articles you removed, click the check boxes of the articles that you want to add.
- Click Save.
Paul K
Does this require Instant Search to be enabled in order to work? I have Instant Search disabled and Featured Articles doesn't seem to work. Assuming that's the reason why, but it's not mentioned as a prerequisite in the article above.
Jessica Strozyk
Nice feature. Is it possible (or will it be possible) to adjust the displayed heading? "Featured articles" is fine but the German translation is a bit funny.
Zsa Trias
Hello Paul,
This was the previous behavior but our team has recently released an update for the "Featured Articles" to work independently from the theme setting. This should now work on your side regardless if you have the Instant Search disabled.
Zsa Trias
Hi Jessica,
Can you provide more details as to what the current German translation is and what's your suggested translation? Is there a typo error on the current translation, or is it more of a preferential change?
Jessica Strozyk
The German translation right now is "angesagte Beiträge" which means either "announced contributions" or "hip/popular contributions" in a sort of old fashioned colloquial way.
It's also not the only translation in the Guide that is a little odd or even incorrect. We regularly get feedback from our Polish customers and colleagues that there are language mistakes in the widget. It would just be nice, in general, if there were a way to edit texts/translations in Guide/widget.
Zsa Trias
I see. Unfortunately, there's no native setting where the translation can be changed to a different text at the moment.
If there are any mistakes in the translations, please report them to us so we can review them and correct them as needed.
Mitch Gilman
I don't see a "Search Settings" button after clicking settings from within guide. I only see Guide Settings and Language Settings. Why might this be?
Due to some clariffication needs to be asked, I'll be creating a ticket for your concern so our Advocacy team will be able to assist you further.