Issue symptoms
When I try to import a Guide theme, I get the following error: Failed to import theme. The property ‘#/settings/X/variables/X’ of type object did not match any of the required schemas.
Resolution steps
There are several potential causes for this error to appear when importing a Guide theme. The error essentially indicates that there is a problem with a variable inside the setting. See the examples below for common variable errors and how to resolve them.
Example 1
The variable below returns the error The property '#/settings/3/variables/0' of type object did not match any of the required schemas when importing the Guide theme.
{ "identifier": "prevent-style", "type": "file", "description": "styles_group_guide", "label": "custom_guide_prevent" },
In this example, the message '#/settings/3/variables/0' indicates a problem with the variable with index 0 inside the setting with index 3.
The identifier property is limited to 30 characters and consist of only alphanumeric characters and _
(underscore) characters. To fix the issue, use an identifier with an _
(underscore) instead of a -
(dash). If you change prevent-style
to prevent_style
in the variable above, this will remove the error.
Example 2
The variable below returns the error The property '#/settings/10/variables/1' of type object did not match any of the required schemas when importing the Guide theme.
{ "identifier": "country_fieldId", "type": "text", "description": "country_fieldId_description", "label": "country_fieldId_label", "value": "360033214456" }
In this example, the error appears because an identifier cannot have capital letters. If you change the identifier to remove the capital letter character in country_fieldId_label
, this will remove the error.
Example 3
The variable below returns the error The property '#/settings/1/variables/5' of type object did not match any of the required schemas when importing the Guide theme.
"identifier": "community_new_post_button_color", "type": "color", "description": "colors_community_new_post_button_description", "label": "colors_community_new_post_button_label", "value": "#C7742C" },
In this example, the error appears because the identifier contains more than 30 characters. Change the identifier to a name that contains less than 30 characters to remove the error.
For more information on importing Guide themes, see the article: Customizing the settings panel.
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
I'm encountering the same The property '#/settings/x/variables/y' of type object did not match any of the required schemas" error, but none of the 3 listed here seem to be the cause. Any other ideas what it could be?
James Peterson - Eastern Logic
Seems like there is also a character limit on the fields of somewhere around 1000. Not sure if the limits are documented but would be good to know ahead of time or surface in the error itself! Thanks~
There is an undocumented limit on the label field. 40 characters. Same error message.