If shift trades have been activated by an admin, you can request to trade shifts with other agents. Shift trade requests are subject to manager approval. To learn more about trading shifts, see Understanding shift trades.
This article contains the following sections:
Trading your shift
As an agent, you can request to trade your shift from the Agent schedule app in Zendesk.
To trade your shift
- Access your schedule in Zendesk.
- Click the Shift trades options menu icon (three dots), then select Trade shift.
- Select the date of the shift to trade.
- Choose who you want to make your shift visible to. This can be a single person, everyone, your teams, or location.
- Select your ideal return shift date. This will show those considering taking your shift your preference for a swap date.
- Click Send trade request.
- Your shift trade appears as requested and is added to the trade pool.
Depending on who you selected to view your trade, your request is now visible to other agents to pick up. They will also receive an email notifying them of the available trade. If you selected everyone, team, or location, then those selected will also be able to see this. If you selected only one person, then only that person will see the trade request.
Taking a shift trade
If another agent has requested a shift trade and made the request visible to you, then you'll be notified by email and can review the request in the shift pool.
If you accept a shift trade, a manager still has to approve the trade before it's official.
To take a shift trade
- Access your schedule in Zendesk.
- Click the Shift trades options menu icon (three dots), then select View shift pool.
- All shift trade requests available to you are listed. Hover over a shift trade and select Take it.
- You can see the requesting agent's preferred shift trade; however, you can offer any shift to trade.
- Click Send your offer.
After you send your offer, an email is sent to the agent that submitted the trade. - The agent that originally entered the trade will see "(Agent Name) wants to take your shift" in the Agent Schedule App and can click Review. The other agent can then Accept or Reject.
If the other agent accepts, then the shift trade goes to the manager for approval. Managers may then Accept, Deny or React with a comment to your request. Agents will receive an email letting you know the manager's decision.
Zach Gilbert
Is there any plans to allow managers to add shifts to the pool that are not tied to agents? For example, there are extra hours available and you want to make them accessible to agents to take extra shifts.
Tiago Magalhaes
Hi Zach - Thanks for reaching out!
We are currently working on a feature that should suit the case you're describing - Managers would be able to create “floating” schedules with no one assigned to work them, and agents would be able to request to take them. Still working on that but coming soon!
Zach Gilbert
Perfect. There are a few times a year when we need this! So glad to hear.