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The Performance Overview dashboard gives you a comprehensive, at-a-glance view of your organization’s overall AI agent performance. By providing you with insights into key automation metrics, this dashboard helps you report on the value of AI agent outcomes and make data-driven decisions to improve future efficiency.
This article contains the following topics:
About the reports
The Performance Overview dashboard contains the following tabs:
- Performance Overview. Shows the performance of AI agents across different channels.
- Chat Details. Shows the performance of messaging AI agents specifically. Appears only if you have at least one messaging AI agent.
- Ticket Details. Shows the performance of email AI agents specifically. Appears only if you have at least one email AI agent.
Performance Overview tab
The Performance Overview tab shows the performance of AI agents across different channels.
This tab includes the following reports:
Total Volume. Shows the actual number and change-over-time percentage of emails and messages received by your AI agents.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:
- Total Volume vs Automation. Shows the total volume, AI agent-handled volume, and the answered tickets volume graphed over time.
- Total Volume Overall Trend. Shows the total volume graphed over time.
- Total Volume by AI Agent. Shows the total volume for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Total Volume by Channel. Shows the total volume for each channel (chat or ticket) graphed over time.
- Total Volume by Language. Shows the total volume for each language graphed over time.
Automated Resolutions Rate. Appears only if you have a Zendesk-provisioned account. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of AI agent-handled (for chat tickets) and answered (for email tickets) conversations that have passed verification by our large language model (LLM) as not requiring human intervention. Automated resolutions data is available only from October 7, 2024 and later.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Automated Resolutions. Shows the total volume compared and automated resolutions volume graphed over time.
- Automated Resolutions Overall Trend. Shows the volume of automated resolutions graphed over time.
- Automated Resolutions by Channel. Shows the volume of automated resolutions for each channel (chat or ticket) graphed over time.
- Automated Resolutions by AI Agent. Shows the volume of automated resolutions broken for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Automated Resolutions by Language. Shows the volume of automated resolutions for each language graphed over time.
For more information about automated resolutions, see About automated resolutions for AI agents.
Chat Volume. Appears only if you have chat AI agents. Shows the actual number, percentage, and change-over-time percentage of chat conversations received by your AI agents.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Chat Volume vs AI agent-Handled. Shows the chat volume and AI agent-handled volume graphed over time.
- Chat Volume Overall Trend. Shows the chat volume graphed over time.
- Chat Volume by AI Agent. Shows the chat volume for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Chat Volume by Language. Shows the chat volume for each language graphed over time.
AI agent-Handled Rate. Appears only if you have chat AI agents. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of chat conversations that are considered AI agent-handled.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Chat Volume vs AI agent-Handled. Shows the chat volume and AI agent-handled volume graphed over time.
- AI agent-Handled Overall Trend. Shows the AI agent-handled volume graphed over time.
- AI agent-Handled Rate by AI Agent. Shows the AI agent-handled volume for each AI agent graphed over time.
- AI agent-Handled Rate by Language. Shows the AI agent-handled volume for each language graphed over time.
Ticket Volume. Appears only if you have ticket AI agents. Shows the actual number, percentage, and change-over-time percentage of ticket conversations received by your AI agents.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Ticket Volume vs Answered Tickets. Shows the ticket volume and answered ticket volume graphed over time.
- Ticket Volume Overall Trend. Shows the ticket volume graphed over time.
- Ticket Volume by AI Agent. Shows the ticket volume for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Ticket Volume by Language. Shows the ticket volume for each language graphed over time.
Answered Tickets. Appears only if you have ticket AI agents. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of ticket conversations that are considered answered (meaning a reply was sent).
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Ticket Volume vs Answered Tickets. Shows the ticket volume and the answered ticket volume graphed over time.
- Answered Tickets Overall Trend. Shows the answered ticket volume graphed over time.
- Answered Tickets Rate by AI Agent. Shows the answered ticket volume for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Answered Tickets by Language. Shows the answered ticket volume for each language graphed over time.
Chat Details tab
The Chat Details tab shows the performance of messaging AI agents specifically.
This tab includes the following reports:
Total Chat Volume. Shows the actual number and change-over-time percentage of chat conversations received by your AI agents.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Chat Volume vs Deflection vs Automation vs Escalation. Shows the total number of chat conversations alongside the number of deflections, escalations, and automated conversations graphed over time.
- Total Chat Volume Overall Trend. Shows the number of chat conversations graphed over time.
- Total Chat Volume by AI agent. Shows the number of chat conversations for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Total Chat Volume by Language. Shows the number of chat conversations for each language graphed over time.
Volume Breakdown. Appears only when the Total Chat Volume report is selected. Shows the percentage and actual-number breakdown of conversations by AI agent.
Deflection Rate. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of conversations that are handled entirely by an AI agent without being escalated to a human agent or having a follow-up ticket created. The following conversations are considered deflected conversations: AI agent-handled conversations, failed escalation conversations, and no status conversations.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Chat Volume vs Deflection Rate. Shows the total chat volume and the deflection rate graphed over time.
- Deflection Rate Overall Trend. Shows the deflection rate and number of deflections, escalations, and automated conversations graphed over time.
- Deflection Rate by AI agent. Shows the deflection for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Deflection Rate by Language. Shows the deflection rate for each language graphed over time.
- Deflection Breakdown Trends. Shows the number of total chat conversations, AI agent-handled conversations, failed escalation conversations, and no status conversations graphed over time.
Deflection Breakdown. Appears only when the Deflection Rate report is selected. Shows the percentage and actual-number breakdown of conversations by deflection status.
Custom Resolution Rate. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of conversations that reached a point where all necessary information to resolve the user’s question was provided and/or the user confirmed the issue was resolved. These conversations have a final resolution of Resolved or Informed.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Chat Volume vs Custom Resolution Rate. Shows the number of total chat conversations and automated conversations graphed over time.
- Custom Resolution Rate Overall Trend. Shows the custom resolution rate and number of deflections, escalations, and automated conversations graphed over time.
- Custom Resolution Rate by AI agent. Shows the custom resolution rate for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Custom Resolution Rate by Language. Shows the custom resolution rate for each language graphed over time.
- Resolutions Breakdown Trends. Shows the number of total chat conversations alongside conversations with the following final resolutions graphed over time: Informed, Resolved, Escalated, Not Resolved, and Undefined.
Resolution Breakdown. Appears only when the Custom Resolution Rate report is selected. Shows the percentage and actual-number breakdown of conversations by final resolution.
Escalation Rate. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of conversations that were successfully escalated by an AI agent via live escalation, email escalation, or custom escalation.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Chat Volume vs Escalation Rate. Shows the number of total chat conversations and the escalation rate graphed over time.
- Escalation Rate Overall Trend. Shows the escalation rate graphed over time.
- Escalation Rate by AI agent. Shows the escalation rate for each AI agent graphed over time.
- Escalation Rate by Language. Shows the escalation rate for each language graphed over time.
- Escalation Breakdown Trends. Shows the number of total chat conversations alongside the conversations with the following escalation paths, graphed over time: Agent, Email, Custom, and Failed Escalation.
Escalation Breakdown. Appears only when the Escalation Rate report is selected. Shows the percentage and actual-number breakdown of conversations by escalation path.
Ticket Details tab
The Ticket Details tab shows the performance of email AI agents specifically.
This tab includes the following reports:
Total Ticket Volume. Shows the actual number and change-over-time percentage of email tickets received by your AI agents.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Ticket Resolutions. Shows the total number of email tickets alongside the number of ticket resolutions graphed over time.
- Overall Trend. Shows the number of email tickets graphed over time.
- By AI Agent. Shows the number of email tickets for each AI agent graphed over time.
- By Language. Shows the number of email tickets for each language graphed over time.
- Ticket Resolutions. Shows the number of email tickets for each ticket resolution graphed over time.
Recognized Tickets. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of email tickets that were understood, but where no actions or replies were triggered.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Recognized Tickets. Shows the total email ticket volume and the number of recognized tickets graphed over time.
- Overall Trend. Shows the number of recognized tickets graphed over time.
- By AI Agent. Shows the number of recognized tickets for each AI agent graphed over time.
- By Language. Shows the number of recognized tickets for each language graphed over time.
- Ticket Resolutions. Shows the number of recognized tickets for each ticket resolution graphed over time.
Processed Tickets. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of tickets that were understood and where an action was taken, but where no reply was sent outside of the default reply.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Processed Tickets. Shows the total email ticket volume and the number of processed tickets graphed over time.
- Overall Trend. Shows the number of processed tickets graphed over time.
- By AI Agent. Shows the number of processed tickets for each AI agent graphed over time.
- By Language. Shows the number of processed tickets for each language graphed over time.
- Ticket Resolutions. Shows the number of processed tickets for each ticket resolution graphed over time.
Answered Emails. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of tickets that were understood and where a reply was sent, with or without any actions being triggered.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Answered Tickets. Shows the total email ticket volume and the number of answered tickets graphed over time.
- Overall Trend. Shows the number of answered tickets graphed over time.
- By AI Agent. Shows the number of answered tickets for each AI agent graphed over time.
- By Language. Shows the number of answered tickets for each language graphed over time.
- Ticket Resolutions. Shows the number of answered tickets for each ticket resolution graphed over time.
Not Understood Tickets. Shows the percentage, actual number, and change-over-time percentage of tickets that were not understood and where no actions or replies were triggered.
The drop-down field above the visualization includes the following report views:- Total Volume vs Not Understood Tickets. Shows the total email ticket volume and the number of not understood tickets graphed over time.
- Overall Trend. Shows the number of not understood tickets graphed over time.
- By AI Agent. Shows the number of not understood tickets for each AI agent graphed over time.
- By Language. Shows the number of not understood tickets for each language graphed over time.
- Ticket Resolutions. Shows the number of not understood tickets for each ticket resolution graphed over time.
Filtering the dashboard
You can filter the dashboard reports by AI agent and date to focus on only the information you want to see.
To filter the dashboard
- In the main menu, click Dashboard.
- To filter by AI agent, click the AI Agent drop-down beneath the dashboard tabs, select the AI agent or agents you want to see results for, and click Apply. You can select as many AI agents as needed.
- To filter by date, click Timeframe in the upper right and use the calendar to select the period of time you want to see results for.
- Alternatively, click one of the following preset timeframes to apply: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, This Month, or Last Month.
Applied filters persist when you switch between dashboard tabs, but are reset when you close your browser.
Changing a report’s view
For each report, you can apply different views that change how the results are presented. Different views let you focus on different aspects of the overall data.
To change a report’s view
- In the main menu, click Dashboard.
- Select the dashboard tab you want to view.
- Select the report you want to view.
- Above the visualization on the left side, click the drop-down to select a report view. The options depend on which report you have selected. See About the reports for a list of views available for each report.
- (Optional) Above the visualization on the right side, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly to change how the report’s results are aggregated.
- (Optional) Above the visualization on the right side, click # or % to toggle the visualization between actual numbers and percentages.
Downloading a report’s results
You can download the results of an individual dashboard report as a CSV file. This allows you to further manipulate the results or upload them into your business intelligence tool of choice.
Note: Visualizations aren’t preserved when you download a report’s results.
To download a report results
- In the main menu, click Dashboard.
- Select the dashboard tab you want to view.
- Select the report you want to view.
- Click the download button (
) to download the report as a CSV file.