Add-on | Quality Assurance (QA) or Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) |
If you’re using a call center solution other than Zendesk Talk, you can connect it to Voice QA using Zendesk Talk Partner Edition (TPE). Among others, Zendesk TPE currently offers a pre-built telephony integration with Five9 that plugs directly into Zendesk QA.
This article includes the following topics:
- Installing and connecting Five9
- Creating the S3 bucket
- Creating the IAM user for Five9 access
- Creating the IAM user for Zendesk QA access
- ARU setup in the VCC admin panel
- Zendesk QA payment settings
Related article
Installing and connecting Five9
To install and connect Five9 to Voice QA:
- Download the Five9 Cloud Contact Center for Support app from the Zendesk App Marketplace.
- In the Installation view of the app, make sure to:
- Use Five9 as the Title. This is currently the only way to detect if the call recording is from Five9.
- Leave Voice Recordings URL empty, because it introduces an additional voice comment object under a ticket with Amazon S3.
- Select Enable Create Voice Comment. This creates the comment object processed in Zendesk QA.
Creating the S3 bucket
To create the S3 bucket for Five9:
- Create the S3 bucket with recommended settings, as per the Five 9 guide reference above. The access to the bucket will be configured with IAM users.
- Create a Folder inside the bucket. For example, name it “Recordings”.
In case you have multiple Five9 domains, create a new folder for each domain and name them accordingly.
Creating the IAM User for Five9 access
To create the IAM user for Five9 access:
- Create the IAM User by clicking Create user in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) interface.
- Use the default options when creating the user. It’s suggested to have the User name or Tags to help identify that this user is used for the Advanced Recording Upload (ARU) feature in the Five9 VCC admin panel.
- Open the user by clicking its name and open the Permissions tab. In the Permissions policies section, click the Add permissions dropdown and select Create inline policy. Select the JSON option for the Policy editor. Use this JSON, making sure you replace the “YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME” placeholders with the name of the S3 bucket you created:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME", "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME/*" ] } ] }
- Save the policy with a name that describes that it’s used for the Five9 ARU configuration.
- Open the “Security credentials” tab under the same User and in the “Access keys” section click “Create access key”. For the “Use case” you can select “Third-party service” and move to the next step where you add a descriptive tag for it. Move to the next step where you are presented with the “Access key” and “Secret access key”. Make sure you copy the “Secret access key” or “Download .csv file” so that you have it ready for the “ARU setup in the VCC admin panel” step.
- Finish creating the access keys.
Creating the IAM User for ZendeskQA access
To create the IAM user for Zendesk QA access:
- Create the IAM User by clicking Create user in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) interface.
- Use the default options when creating the User. It’s suggested to have the User name or Tags to help identify that this User is used for ZQA access.
- Open the User by clicking the name and open the Permissions tab. In the Permissions policies section, click the Add permissions dropdown and select Create inline policy. Select the JSON option for the Policy editor. Use this JSON, making sure you replace the “YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME” placeholders with the name of the S3 bucket you created:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME", "arn:aws:s3:::YOUR_S3_BUCKET_NAME/*" ] } ] }
- Save the policy with a name that describes that it’s used for ZQA access configuration.
- Open the Security credentials tab under the same User and in the Access keys section click Create access key. For the Use case you can select Third-party service and move to the next step where you add a descriptive tag for it. Move to the next step where you are presented with the Access key and Secret access key. Make sure you copy the Secret access key or Download .csv file so that you have it ready for the ARU setup in the VCC admin panel step.
- Finish creating the access keys.
ARU setup in the VCC admin panel
To set up the ARU in the VCC admin panel in Five9 use this Five9 guide as a reference under the Adding Upload Destinations - Configuring Amazon S3 Settings subsection and the Adding Upload Rules section.
In case you have multiple Five9 domains make sure you don’t configure ARU to upload the call recordings of different domains into the same S3 folder. Call ID’s are unique within one domain only. In case of multiple domains, create a separate S3 folder for each, as instructed in step 2 of Creating the S3 bucket: section of the Five9 guide linked above.
To configure Destinations:
- Enter a descriptive name so later you know which destination to use when configuring the Upload Rules.
- Select Amazon S3 as the Protocol.
- S3 bucket is the name of your bucket.
- The Access key and Secret key fields in the ARU Destination configuration are the ones you got from the previous section: copy the “Secret access key” or Download .csv file - in step 3.d. of the S3 bucket & IAM users configuration section of this document.
- You can test the connection with the Test button and check the S3 bucket for an uploaded test file.
- Note that the Prefix field has to be the name of the S3 bucket Folder you created in the previous section: step 2. in the S3 bucket & IAM users configuration section of this document.
- Time Zone can be left as Default.
- Max Connections can be left empty.
- Leave Server side encryption unselected.
- Leave Rewrite existing files unselected.
- Leave Use Windows Naming Conventions unselected.
To configure Upload Rules:
- In the Filter section choose Condition Grouping: Any. Click Add and choose Call.call_id as the variable. Select Comparison Type: Is Greater Than. Criteria Value should be 0. This way all the calls will be uploaded into S3.
- In the Destinations section click Add. Destination has to be the destination name that you created in step 1. “Enter a descriptive name so that you know later which destination to use when configuring the Upload Rules of the Destinations configuration above. Then select Delivery: Combined Recording - Per Call”.
- In the Recording File Name Pattern section select all default rows by dragging over them and then click Remove to delete all rows. Then, click Add and select Type: Call Variable and Value: Call.call_id, click OK. Click Add again and select Type: Constant and enter .wav for the Value field, click OK. Make sure the order of the added lines is correct and the file name pattern makes sense. In the File Name Preview confirm that it shows CallCallId.wav. Click OK to complete adding the destination.
- Click OK to finish adding the upload rule.
- Click Save in the Advanced Recordings tab.
Zendesk QA payment settings
To allow Zendesk QA to connect to the Amazon S3 bucket holding the call recordings, the following information is needed:
- Amazon S3 bucket name.
- Region where the S3 bucket is located.
- Folder prefix (created in step 2. of the S3 bucket & IAM users configuration section in this document: 2. Create a Folder inside the bucket, for example call it “Recordings”.).
- Access key and Secret key of the IAM user created in the Creating the IAM User for ZQA access section above.
It’s highly recommended that the Access and Secret keys are shared with Zendesk QA in a safe way, for example 1Password has a feature for sharing securely using a link. Other similar options might be available from other providers.