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How to show article labels as tags on articles
Posted Mar 30, 2017
Wes Drury did all the work on this, I'm merely writing up a how-to for Swag rewards ;-)
Would you like to have your article labels visible to end users as tags*?
Sure you do, why else would you be here.
*) It won't work as a link to a list of other articles with the same label though (as you may know from blogs), only as pretty labels with text.
How it will look
Before we start
If you are unfamiliar with customizing your Help Center you may want to reference this article first ^.
If you have articles that already have labels on them, know that they will show up as soon as you publish these changes.
Labels were not made for this purpose, many use labels to add search words to an article that is not already part of the title or body text, so keep that in mind if you want to try this out.
What to do
To get started navigate to:
General > Customize design
and click the Edit theme link.
Copy the following piece of code from Wes.
<ul class="tags">
Tags: {{#each article.labels}}
<li class="tag">{{identifier}}<li>
Insert it the Article template, I entered it below the body of the article, but other places may fit better with your preference.
Next copy the CSS below:
.tags {
list-style: none !important;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
display: inline-flex;
.tag {
background: #808080;
border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
height: 26px;
line-height: 26px;
padding: 0 20px 0 23px;
position: relative;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0;
text-decoration: none;
-webkit-transition: color 0.2s;
margin-left: 5px;
.tag::before {
background: #fff;
border-radius: 10px;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
content: '';
height: 6px;
left: 5px;
position: absolute;
width: 6px;
top: 10px;
.tag::after {
background: #fff;
border-bottom: 13px solid transparent;
border-left: 10px solid #808080;
border-top: 13px solid transparent;
content: '';
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
Insert it in the CSS page. I did it at the top from line 3.
Save and Publish.
See if it's working
Once the above is set up, create an article and give it some labels and see what it looks like.
Also, see Brad's comment below about how to add functionality to make each label open a pre-populated search so users can easily find other articles with that label.
Jennifer Rowe
Thanks for writing this up, Jacob! Great tip, Wes!
Looks good and great job Jacob!
Jessie Schutz
This is fantastic, guys!
one of my fav. Thank you!
Michael Marcialis
Hey guys. I've got one question and one comment.
I was wondering if there's any functionality in Zendesk that allows me to have a link/URL attributed to a given label that can take the user to a page that shows all articles assigned to that label. Is it possible to do something like that currently? I think this would be more useful than just showing the labels on an article and not being able to interact with them.
As for my comment, I just wanted to note that the GitHub gist referenced above will yield invalid HTML. `<ul>` elements can only have `<li>` elements as their direct descendants. Having the `Tags:` text as a descendant of the `<ul>` will throw an error.
Maurice Ryder
This is a great article - thanks for the folks who took the time to add it. I want to echo @michael marcialis comment above - it would be really beneficial to have the ability for the labels to be "linkable" to a page that lists all articles tagged with a particular label. It is becoming more and more expected that this kind of behaviour would be the norm for tagged articles so it would be great if the zendesk product team could factor that in for (near) future iterations of the help center.
Brad Marshall
It was suggested that I share some work that I had worked on to allow for a label to be displayed and searched for. Below doesn't include all of the CSS, but shows what is possible with some JS.
The goals are:
So, this is how it looks and functions to a user.
Here is a snippet of my html.
NOTE: I am using Material Design Lite.
Here is the snippet of my JS used to populate the search field with value of the label.
Jennifer Rowe
This is awesome, Brad. Thanks so much for sharing the add-on to this tip!
(Look for a t-shirt in your inbox!)
Maurice Ryder
Thanks Brad for this! This is very useful indeed!
Jacob the Moderator
Very nice Brad! Thanks for sharing!
Sandro Alvares
Nice @Jacob, how to make search tag value "news" to change color?
Not work a search value "news" 🙁
Jacob the Moderator
Hi Sandro,
Do you mean change them to another color than the dark gray?
I don't unfortunately know, I hope someone else following this post could help you out. Sorry.
If you want to change all the tags colors then just change the following in the CSS
Andrew Checkley
Excellent thank you, Is it possible to turn each tag into a search result. not as per brad's addition. but clicking the tag will then complete the search.
For example.
Tags: Software Update
Clicking the software update tag will then provide search results for software update.
Brijesh Bhaskaran
Is it possible to list labels in the homepage?
I am creating popular keywords / labels listing, so tried to use the code from the example in this page but got the following error
-- not possible to access `article` in `article.labels --
Any help please ..?
This code will work on the Home Page / Promoted articles
Did anyone manage to find a way of giving the labels different colours?
For example
Label: Success = green
Label: Fail = Red
Tipene Hughes
You'd just need to make some small changes to the CSS, and possibly add another class name to the tag list item to differentiate them for the color application e.g:
Thanks Tipene Hughes , I'm not quite show how that would work. How does the class identify the different tag in this code?
For anyone interested I manage to achieve different coloured tags using some JS.
CSS style tags as you wish
Tipene Hughes
Hey Tom,
Good call out on using JS, which is one option I would have suggested for this use case. The other would be using the if and compare helpers to conditionally render the list items in your article template - something like this:
Ah great stuff I think I prefer that. Thanks Tipene Hughes. Last question I promise. How would you display the the labels on the section page either before or after the article titles?
Tipene Hughes
No worries! You've still got access to the article labels in the section page so the code will be similar. In this screenshot from the section template, I've put the code block below the title link, which is within the #each section.articles helper. The only real change I've made is looping over "labels" instead of "article.lables" since we're already in the article object.
You'll need to make some changes to the CSS to get the labels appearing in the position you want them in, but this should get you moving in the right direction.