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Share articles across multiple brand accounts
Posted Mar 18, 2015
We handle a few different brands via Zendesk through different Zendesk accounts. The product/service offered by the different brands is the exact same. Due to the similarities, we often have same exact articles/FAQs across the different brands with only the brand names changed.
Currently, this requires us to create separate articles and keep them updated separately. As a step 1 improvement, it would be very convenient to have the ability to share articles across our Zendesk accounts.
2: Updating article in one account (main hub) and having the ability to sync the changes across other Zendesk accounts would also be helpful.
3: Being able to identify the "brand name" within the article and dynamically change the brand name when an article is posted across different Zendesk accounts.
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi brian.kneebone,
The EAP mentioned in that comment was the Content Blocks EAP. As this feature is already available for the Enterprise customer the EAP is already closed.
Content blocks enable you to create content that you can share between multiple articles. This is useful for content such as disclaimers or boilerplate text that you only want to create once, maintain centrally, and reuse in multiple places. It is not however the best match for the case of creating and maintaining one article that is placed in multiple categories, sections, and brands. For that we are planning a different feature called Article Multiplacement.
If you are curious about our Knowledge Management roadmap, check out this post.
Max McCal
Hey, Joti -
This is something we've thought about. We don't have a concrete plan at this time, but will definitely be investing in knowledge base management as we continue to develop the Help Center.
Max - This is what I was hoping would be part of the Multibrand launch as the ticket sharing was already handled via hub/spoke model. I believe someone else had this request here, but along with some other ones that may be addressed already.
Max McCal
We've heard this request many times, yes. We're completely aware of how difficult it is to manage multiple Help Centers and their content, even if you aren't creating duplicate content. That said, we don't believe Hub & Spoke accurately addressed the needs of creating and maintaining multiple brands, which is why we've built a true solution now, rather than a workaround based on ticket sharing. We will continue to develop Zendesk solutions for making this easier.
Max - We're happy to see Multibrand come to life, which we hope (and it seems like it will), be the platform for more multi-accounts management features to come.
Ben Speich
Is there any update to this. This is one major reason I have yet to move to Multi-Brand
Christian Colding
Hi Ben,
Unfortunately no access, but I'm wondering why it's keeping you from moving to multi-brand? Maybe you could elaborate a bit on that?
Ben Speich
Well this for one. I we sell a hardware and software solution to clients. So roughly 50% of our help articles are related to the hardware itself and then another 25% could overlap on the software. So really just 25% are custom that would require a Brand. So instead we have Sections that are restricted by domain rather then the brand. Which works. I would love to move over but quite a bit of work will be needed as we would have about 5 brands and that would require a lot of duplication.
Christian Colding
Thank you for that feedback. I might be missing something obvious, but I'm wondering why you want to move to multibrand if it works with the restricted sections?
Toru Takahashi
I want this features too.
Thomas D'Hoe
We need this feature also.
At this moment, making articles for different brands is not user friendly!!!
Martin Lambertz
Hi there,
we are trying to do the opposite - going away from multiple brand back to one single brand. But shutting down a brand means loosing all help center articles which would be a mess. Is there a way to move article, sections or basically everything from one brand to another?
Barry Schwartz
Thomas D'Hoe
What's the status about this one?
Paul Middleton
We would like to see this feature, too.
We offer a SaaS product to multiple clients. We need to be able to extend our support beyond our direct clients (which would be our brand) to help our clients' customers, too, and this would require Multibrand.
Most of our help articles will be the same (guides, how-tos, etc.), so we'd like to be able to manage this without duplicating articles and creating a management nightmare (i.e. when something changes and we have to find all duplicated instances).
Ramon Yvarra
My company could also really use these features. Our solution gets white labeled and so the support sites need to have articles that span all brands, and some that are brand specific, with a variable that changes based on the brand. Like:
"Thanks for using {brand}"
would change to something like:
"Thanks for using Product A"
"Thanks for using Product B"
Jeff Ugai
Likewise, the inability to manage articles across brands is a major stumbling block in our workflow and the biggest challenge we've faced in implementing Zendesk.
Having to manually move and update articles (as well as custom themes and other guide settings) adds significant overhead to our maintenance with each new brand we add. We don't think this is a sustainable solution as we continue to grow.
Tony Williamson
Do we have an update on this? I am initiating Brands but have over 250 FAQs I would like to split over 2, possibly 3 different brand sites...
Nicole Saunders
Hey Anthony -
No real update at this time. It's something the product team is looking into and scoping, and a problem they hope to solve in the next 12 months or so. But nothing in beta or rolled out as of yet.
The Original DKNY
This is a core feature based on the description of why there is a need from all the posters on the multiple threads about multibrand content management (copy, clone, etc). Is there any aftermarket apps in the marketplace that address this critical need? Is there some API limitation that would prevent a 3rd party from creating such a tool?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Dave -
I don't know of any apps off the top of my head. A quick search through the Zendesk App Marketplace didn't turn up any such thing.
As far as the API question, I am not enough of an expert in that area to know of the limitations. I believe a 3rd party could make such a tool. Our product team is currently working on some functionality around being able to publish to multiple Help Centers and that sort of thing, so I don't know if it would make sense for someone else to jump in and build that functionality at this point in time or not.
Anne Bongermino
My company would also love this feature.
I outlined my use case in a ticket (#3753127) but the short and sweet is that we have two different audiences who need two different support forms, both in our app and in the portal, but both need the same Help Center articles. We could potentially add more articles to one brand but most would be the same. We have one person maintaining all articles at the moment, so maintaining two virtually identical brands is cumbersome to say the least. It would be helpful to be able to select multiple brands to publish to when creating an article.
Bhavesh Miyani
We are looking forward to have multiple brands in our Zendesk instance which is almost 60% covering similar products so it is very much needed to have GUIDE-KB shared between this brands(Single copy to be used by both) rather than copy/pasting…
This is the biggest challenge we'are facing to get our full support team on board to Zendesk;
Tony Williamson
Me again - any update on this - this is still a need on our end...
Nicky Lilja
We have one Help Center today with more than 800 articles and growing.
Now we would like to create a Brand, however, as many of you are stating, 60% is the same content.
So it would be a great challenge for us to maintain updated articles in two places.
To update one article but share it in many brands is vital for us.
We can not use Brands functionality until then...
Anyone that has solved this issue in another way?
Mindy Copenhaver
I'm amazed that this doesn't exist. Having to maintain articles in multiple locations is very difficult and often leads to something being missed. Each article should have the option of brands to be displayed for as a multiselect for any brand in your instance of ZD, as well as an option for all brands so that those articles are automatically added for any new brands that may come along.
Holden Roy
We manage a whole bunch of different brands under the same Zendesk account. Being able to share articles across multiple brands would amount to a good deal of time savings for us too. It would be cool to see it soon :)
Heather Nicoletti
We desperately need this feature as well! We have Guide Enterprise and support many web-based platforms that share identical features and functionality, but are simply branded differently with different sets of content for our end users. Having to manually copy and paste the same article 6-8 times into various Guide brands is a huge waste of time and not maintainable by our staff.
Jessica Talbert
Also absolutely need this feature!
Please add a feature like this, we could absolutely benefit from this