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Create new ticket with triggers
Posted Apr 30, 2020
Can we please get the feature to create new tickets using triggers? I see there have been requests on this in the past with suggestions to use either the api or apps. I tried the suggested apps but I could not use macros and have to manually add ticket info for each child or linked ticket. This defeats the purpose of trying to automate workflows. Also, not all of us are developers or have time to learn how to use the api for everything, especially for something as this that seems like it should be a simple feature.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing your feedback, Erica!
I see that this is your first post. Welcome to the Zendesk community! If you'd like to say hi to everyone, you can introduce yourself here
We'll keep this post open so that other users can up vote your idea and add their comments. Our product managers use votes and comments to gauge how strong the need and interest are, so that they can prioritize the most in-demand requests.
We look forward to seeing you around the community!
Catherine Bostwick
100% agree. It would be super helpful if we could use automation for ticket creation. aka every two weeks, I want the system to create a ticket with the exact same verbiage. Kina like a reoccurring task that needs to be completed.
Pete Kemp
I've been trying to find a way to do this myself, the amount of times I've seen people asking for the ability to do this is mad! Surely Zendesk can add a way for us to raise a ticket from a trigger
Ruth Nogueron
I would LOVE to see this feature! Apparently, it's possible via API (Creating new tickets automatically using triggers), but I just don't have the time or resources to become proficient in API right now.
Steve Lacoss
Use to create tickets in Zendesk on a set periodic basis. I have weekly task tickets to track and verify certain things get completed. Hope this helps.
Ruth Nogueron
Thank you, @...; though, that is not what we are looking for (we already automate scheduled task tickets), we would like this so that we can save our Agents time in creating ad-hoc tickets, but they would be created based on certain triggers/events that happen within existing tickets (they are not pre-defined tasks on a set schedule).
Steve Lacoss
I think that you could still use Zapier to create the ticket. It would take some experimentation but consider this.
1. The agent uses a macro to add a ticket tag.
2. A trigger is set to notify Zapier of the ticket tag.
3. Upon notification, Zapier will create a Zendesk ticket in whatever form, group, type, assignee, etc that you need.
Ruth Nogueron
Thanks! I'll look into that.
Hutton, Spencer
I worked around this with a Macro, Trigger and http:// target extension. The idea is that a macro adds a tag to the ticket, then a trigger looks for tickets updated with the tag and pushes a message to the target, then removes the tag. The message pushed to the target is in JSON form so any ticket field can be set.
1. Create a target and call it something like "Create Ticket ......"
For the URL, put
Method = POST
Content Type = JSON
Basic Authentication, I used my admin email followed by "/token"
Password - your API token
2. Create a Trigger to push to the target.
Ticket is - Updated
Tags contains at least one of the following "zd_new_ticket"
Remove Tags - "zd_new_ticket"
Notify Target - (choose the target created in step 1)
in the JSON body, you can put whatever you need and even use placeholders in the JSON text, i.e.:
"ticket": {
"group_id" : "1234567890",
"comment": {
"body": "The smoke is very colorful! This ticket was created after ticket#{{}}" was updated,
"public": false
"subject": "New Ticket"
3. Now with all that, you just need a Macro to call it.
Make a new macro, and all it needs to do is Add Tags "zd_new_ticket" to a ticket. Then when you update that ticket, it will fire the trigger which will notify the target and create a new ticket.
We would also very much welcome this. We have a use case whereby when people contact us for a specific reason there are a number of 'tasks' that needs to be completed by different teams. We would like to be able to create several tasks when someone contacts us based on a specific contact reasons and assign those tasks to the relevant groups/agents with due dates.
Kristina Johnston
This would be our use case as well.
Hutton, Spencer
Hi Garetn and Kristina. See my comment above. You could workaround this by creating webhooks. (previously "Targets"). For making different group ticket tasks, you could use different tags, macros and triggers... Though that can get messy with many different ones.
Mark Pinfold
Hutton, Spencer
Can confirm to all with this requirement that this works a charm. I use it for all sorts of functions now as the IT Coordinator at my org. My personal thanks David.
Hutton, Spencer
Glad to hear it works for you! And thanks for helping me see that my profile name (Spencer) is appearing as my company name. Not sure how that happened. Cheers y'all!
Nohe S
I think this is a topic that should be considered for implementation since it is something that many users have been asking for a long time... Zendesk Team, do you have any foresight on this topic?
Dennis Scholing
I would love to see this feature! Can be very useful :)
Leon Arnold
I upvoted this idea. This should definitely be available out of the box, without relying on APIs.
Melissa Garcia
Hutton, Spencer it appears we can no longer use JSON in targets. Is there another way to create a new ticket?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Melissa Garcia -
You should be able to use Web Hooks instead, which work functionally similar but are more secure.
Heather Cook
We use webhooks to do quite a few options like adding comments to tickets or creating tickets.
First you have to create the webhook (Admin > Apps and integrations > Webhooks)
Once that is set up you can then create the logic. Eg if ticket field X is Y then the action of that trigger is to "Notify by > Active webhook".
You can then write your JSON body.
Bobby Koch
Lindsey Beauregard
Melissa Garcia
Do I always need to have a custom Endpoint URL? Or, can I use my zendesk URL with placeholders as the Endpoint URL?
Brandon Tidd
Hey Melissa,
Placeholders (like Ticket ID) can be used in the endpoint URL, so long as they are valid.
Hope this helps!
Melissa Garcia
Can the webhook simply be https://yourdomain.zendesk,com/ [placeholders here] ?
Or does it need to be to a separate website?
I am trying to create a new ticket 5 days prior to a date in an organization field
Brandon Tidd
Hey Melissa Garcia,
So you would need to use a URL that's formatted more along the lines of{{}}.json
That said, Triggers are activated off of a Ticket event, so without a ticket there is no mechanism natively to create proactive tickets on behalf of a client. That said, this app from SweetHawk might be of interest to you:
Hope this helps!
Shawna James
Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this product feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to the feature request.
I work in managing our customer product feedback forums and have been in communication with the product team that owns this area. They noted the following: this is a great feature request and we have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.