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After editing and saving report/ query it doesn't update in dashboard


Posted Jun 02, 2022

Dear Zendesk Team,

when I edit queries/ reports within the dashboard and then click save the query doesn't automatically update within the dashboard it's displayed in. I have to first remove it and add it again in order for the changes to be applied.

Moreover, previously when clicking editing a report and clicking save I was automatically redirected to the dashboard. Now I just get the confirmation pop up saying that my changes have been saved and it stays in the report editing window.

Could you please look into this issue?

Thank you in advance!




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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Csenge Orban, thanks for notifying us about this behavior.

We've just fixed both the issues you've mentioned and you should now be able to edit a report and be redirected to the dashboard with the report being updated.

Thanks for your feedback.



Hi Walter,

thank you so much for the quick action. It works just like before now.


I have one query that I use on 20 dashboards - it is really painful having to go through and update all the dashboards manually each time a query is changed


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hi Julia, are you still experiencing this issue? I see that this was fixed from the PM's notes above but let us know if you are experiencing a problem still. 


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Judy Correia

Zendesk Luminary

This appears to still be an issue. As others have noted above, when updating a report the dashboard does not update. Not sure what Walter's comment above "you should now be able to edit a report and be redirected to the dashboard with the report being updated". When updating a report the a user is not automatically routed to the related dashboard(s). A dashboard needs to be manually opened by clicking on the dashboards icon near the top right of the report. When the dashboard opens, the updated report is not displayed it is still the old report (prior to change). 


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Shawna James

Community Product Feedback Specialist

Hey Judy! Thank you for following up and reporting this issue here. I have reached out to Walter for clarification on whether this is a known issue or not, he or I will follow up when there is more information to share. Thank you for flagging!


Facing the same issue. We've updated the Drill In at a report level, but this has not carried through to the 50+ dashboards that the report is included on. Only way to get the reports to update is to edit each one individually. 


I also have this issue. If I update a report, that report should also update on the dashboard it's included on. For now, I have to make my changes to the report, remove the report from the dashboard, and then re-add the report to the dashboard. This is not ideal.


Hello, I also have this issue. Whenever I update a report, when I go to the reporting dashboard, the report isn't updating unless I click Edit on the dashboard. This is a hassle for 22+ dashboards that we manage. 


Is this going to be fixed soon? This is really inconvenient, I spend lot of time and it's really frustrating.. Given the issue was reported 2 years ago, I don't understand how this can still be the situation…


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Aija ,
I'm sorry to hear that you are still experiencing this issue. Please create a ticket so we can better assess what's causing the issue and fix it. 

Regards, Walter


I've created a ticket as I am having this issue. It is incredibly frustrating and massively slows down my team. 


I experienced this and opened a ticket based on the comments of this thread, so I wanted to share a workaround shared with me until the issue is resolved. If you move a widget and then move it back to it's original position, it will update the charts when saved. 


This is still an issue.  Zendesk, it's many years later, when is this getting fixed??

Shouldn't dashboards show current report data?  Otherwise what's the point of a single snapshot in time dashboard?


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