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"End Messaging" button
Posted May 08, 2024
Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)
Agents or customers should have the ability to stop a messaging conversation, like chat has. Competitors have this funcitonality. The ticket could remain open via email, but customers, if engage in the widget, they go through the bot again.
What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences)
Agents get overwhelmed with messaging conversations that reopen and sometimes need to leave the ticket in a non-solved status while assisting other conversations. Sometimes, email follow up is necessary but allowing the customer to come back (and not notify the agent) in messaging is not beneficial, and may have to do with an entirely different topic.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)
This problem happens all of the time, especially during SEVs or Problem tickets (high volume). Agent takes the ticket, tells customer that there is an issue going on, links the incident to the problem ticket. Customers keep coming back to the Agent asking for updates via messaging. Agent is still assiting new customers during this high volume, which leads to potential for 100s of concurrent conversations happening. Omni-channel routing's inactive conversations feature would not solve this scenario, either. Reopening tickets only works based on status, where the agent would still be online.
That is the ugliest version of this issue, but the truth is that this happens during non-busy times as well with issues that can't be solved in one session and will require internal help, escalations, etc.,
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)
Yes, we are working around this by creating a copy of the messaging ticket, closing the messaging ticket, then following up on the clone of the ticket. The problem is, the customer now has 2 tickets addressing the same issue, and it inflates our data.
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)
There would be a button that agents can press to “end” the messaging conversation, but still allow emails and internal notes to be added ot the conversation. The Messaging Widget would say “conversation ended” or something, and then bring the user back to the start of the bot.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Deniz Suat Oskaner
Hey Shawna, Also we want this. We want every conversation be new ticket. Please you add this option in Messaging.
Naina Mathur
Hi Bobby and Deniz,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us in the community forum.
We acknowledge the need for a more efficient way to handle messaging conversations that need to pause or move into a different channel without overwhelming agents, especially during high-volume periods or complex issues requiring escalation.
Your suggestion of a feature enabling agents to end a messaging conversation while still keeping the ticket active and allowing follow-up via email aligns with our ongoing feature work about optimizing the agent workspace for better conversation management. This would also address the need for customers to restart their interaction journey via the bot when they return.
We understand that cloning tickets as a workaround is not ideal and can lead to inflated and disorganized data. Your ideal solution is insightful and it echoes the sentiment we've heard from other users as well.
We are closely examining the possibility of including an "End Conversation" button, or a similar function, that would streamline this process. The goal is to ensure that agents can manage their workload effectively, keeping conversations structured and actively resolving issues without unnecessary convolutions.
This feature request has been accepted and is on our roadmap in 2024. Per our Community Guidelines that we do not provide specific timelines around releases for our product and any discussion of planning is always subject to change. To stay on top of product releases please visit our What’s New page in the Help Center. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.
We aim to provide more direct control over messaging conversations, as well as an improved overall customer experience, both for your agents and your customers.
Thanks again for your feedback. The perspectives of Zendesk users like you are instrumental in helping us improve our products and services.
Zendesk Product Team
Bobby Koch
Great news Naina Mathur thank you for taking the time to respond with so much detail. I appreciate it.
Dan M Casey
Looking forward to getting this out! Bring it soon! Solves several major issues for us with messaging overall!
I couldn't agree more. We definitely need this to cater to our customers' needs as well as optimize our agents' workflow. Cloning tickets is definitely not a scalable option.
Debashree Tripathy
Hi, yes ‘End' option is something we are looking for while designing bots for self-serve scenarios during busiest hours.
Below are the 2 scenarios we are looking at to implement Bots in our current chat workflows, which is connected with the conversation in this forum-
1. We are looking for the Bot to start off a conversation once a user comes on chat using the web widget. and then carry on the conversation accordingly, and/or direct them to local knowledge base articles if relevant to the query. If that solves their query, they should be able to END the chat, and the Bot should then close the conversation once they do so (currently no option to do so). This means no Zendesk tickets were created, so the customers essentially self-served themselves, without needing our help.
2. The Bot starts off the conversation once a user starts a chat on the web widget classic, and then as per the intent workflow, if they choose 'Talk to a human', they should then be directed by the Bot to wait for a live agent to take it up. In next steps, this should THEN consequently create a zendesk ticket and show up in the queue for an online agent to pick up. So when an agent picks it up, the bot control should cease and the chat should be handed over to the agent now, for the conversation to continue. Also for this, both the customer and the agent should see the options to END the chat at any point in time, like in case of a normal chat without the messaging turned ON.
Rolf Woolen
To add to this, when we message with Zendesk from the agent workspace, we can opt to go back from a chat and start a new conversation. I am still in the process of implementing messaging, but it doesn't seem to function like this for us (please correct me if I'm wrong). Even if an ‘end chat’ option is added, the ability to go back and open another chat would be very helpful as our support team will often be chatting with a client's support team, and they may in turn be chatting with their end users, requiring them to have multiple chats open with us at the same time.
Bobby Koch
Rolf Woolen you are not wrong. Zendesk uses a custom build via Sunshine Conversations to power their messaging experience. Without being too negative towards Zendesk - Zendesk knew this product was not complete or enough for their needs when they launched it themselves. A lot of us thought we were getting what you described when we launched messaging, too.
Bobby Koch
hi Naina Mathur any update on when some of these concerns will be elevtiated? we keep finding issues with the way messaging has been implemented, and most of them all come back to this feature
Sean McKennedy
Hi, Naina Mathur is there an eta on when we should expect this feature? Since Zendesk is pushing everyone to messaging from chat I would hope this is coming soon
Chris Gregory
Naina Mathur
This is a place where bot builder could really shine if there were messaging automations that could function at less than an hour interval. Instead of having omnichannel auto open bandwidth on idle messages, you could set up a bot that checks in on idle conversations and ends the conversation a set time (2-5 min) after that so that agents do not have to follow up on dead threads. This is super common behavior that I see all over the place in chat widgets. Why not Zendesk?
The inability to end conversations is the single biggest thing keeping us from moving the messaging. Even if you all don't want to do, it, could you at least make it and end point so we can make an app that does it ourselves or something?
Brenda Piersak
agree just switched today and this is another miss in the customer support process. There have been too many of these. All these “upgrades” do is cause me and my team more problems.
Naina Mathur
Hi there community
Thanks so much – we hear your feedback and are exploring the feature discovery. If I interpreted it correctly, your feedback is on taking the onus away from agents and automating ending sessions via bots, capacity release or end user ending the conversation?
We will get back to you shortly.
Bobby Koch
adding my two cents - not speaking for Chris.
We would like to see something like you both said, where we can either solve a ticke/mark as abanonded, or if the user leaves the session before an agent responds, deprioritize it or add it back to the queue should they go active again