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Text Formatting
Posted Nov 19, 2024
An extra click is now required to open text formatting options (Bold / Italics) and apply. These buttons should be instantly accessible from the top level instead of being hidden behind another dropdown.
Patrycja Walencik
Alex Finster-Rowen thank you for the feedback, as a solution I can recommend formatting text with Markdown:
Markdown is a simple markup language you can use to easily add formatting to plain text. The new article editor now supports the following Markdown commands:
Bold – Type **text** or __text__ or keyboard shortcut command + B
Italic – Type *text* or _text_ keyboard shortcut command + I
Code – Type `text`,
Bulleted list – Start a line with * or - followed by a space.
Numbered list – Start a line with 1. or 1) followed by a space.
Headings – Start a line with # or ## or ### followed by a space to create a heading 1, heading 2, or heading 3 (up to heading 6 if options defines more headings).
Block quote – Start a line with > followed by a space.
Code block – Start a line with ```.
Horizontal line – Start a line with ---
Alex Finster-Rowen
Hi Patrycja
Thanks for the update. I use keyboard commands (markdown) because it is the most productive way of formatting at the moment. However, what's the point of having the toolbar in that case?
I hope this can be improved.
Anna Kelian
It’s often difficult to determine which heading style is applied or whether a heading is bolded, as these settings are now hidden. This requires us to click into the formatting bar each time to check the applied heading style or bold formatting, which slows down the workflow.
Jen Overall
I agree, I think it should be on the toolbar without having to click on the down arrow.
Patrycja Walencik
Regarding the heading style, we have it on our roadmap, and this change is expected to be implemented this year.