Suite | Growth, Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Guide, any plan |
- Number of positive ratings
- Number of negative ratings
- Overall score (percentage of good ratings)
The numbers are based on your last 100 ratings, so it's a sliding window that is recalculated every time you receive a rating. The appearance and wording is customizable.
Getting the code for the ratings box
You add the ratings box by pasting a code snippet into the HTML of a page or template. You must be an admin to get the code.
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > End users.
- Click the Satisfaction tab.
- Make sure that Allow customers to rate tickets is selected and that you have at
least 100 ratings.
If you don't have at least 100 ratings, you'll see the following message. In that case you have to wait until you get more ratings to use the ratings box.
- Select Allow me to display public satisfaction statistics.
- Click Save Tab.
The page updates with more information, including statistics based on your last 100 customer satisfaction ratings.
- Under How do I use it, copy all the HTML code in the box. You'll only see this HTML code if you if have 100 or more satisfaction ratings.
Adding the ratings box in the help center
Guide admins can add the ratings box to articles or to the home page of the help center.
To add the ratings box to the home page of your help center
- In Knowledge admin, click Customize design
) in the sidebar.
- Click the theme you want to edit to open it.
- Click Edit Code.
- In the Templates section, open the home page template.
- Paste the code for the ratings box in the template.
- Click Save.
- Click Preview to preview the effect of your changes on the page.
To add the ratings box to an article in the help center
- In Knowledge admin, click the Settings icon
) in the sidebar.
- Ensure the Display Unsafe Content setting is enabled.
In this case, you want to allow unsafe content like script tags.
- Back in the help center, navigate to the article where you want the ratings box to appear.
- Click Edit article.
- Switch to the HTML editor by clicking Source code button on the editor's toolbar.
- Paste the code for the ratings box in the page and click Save.
The ratings box appears wherever you paste the code. If you want to customize the wording, the CSS, or place the box in a specific element on the page, see Customizing the ratings box.
Customizing the ratings box
You can customize the satisfaction ratings box by changing the wording, changing the look, or setting where it appears on the page.
Customizing the wording
If you don't like the default wording that appears under the three numbers in the ratings box, you can change it. In the ratings box code, look for the following values:{ strings: { goodRatings: "Said good", badRatings: "Weren't so sure", score: "Overall happiness", zendeskPlug: "Powered by <a href=\"\">Zendesk</a>" } });
You can edit the values in quotes.
Customizing the look
The code you pasted into your HTML imports a CSS stylesheet:
@import url(;
If you want to customize the look of the ratings box, you an add your own CSS to the page where you put the ratings box, overwriting the CSS defined in the Zendesk stylesheet.
Joshua Morris
This probably isn't the right place to ask this question, but I couldn't find anywhere else.
Is there a way to change the way the satisfaction displays to the customer? Instead of hyperlinks could you put images or change how the hyperlinks read?
Hi Joshua!
Although the automation email for customer satisfaction ratings can be customized the customer satisfaction rating page that opens in browser is a system default page that cannot be edited. You cannot add images or change the way the satisfaction page shows.
Ray Roth
Senior Customer Advocate
Tan Jee Han
Hi there,
Can anyone help as to how Zendesk calculates their satisfaction rating in a scenario below:
Agent Dave works on 100 tickets assigned to him in the past 3 months and suddenly he receives 1 badly rated ticket and say all 100 tickets were rated as Good and only that one ticket was rated bad. My questions are:
1./ What would be agent Dave's CSAT % with that 1 badly rated ticket?
2./ What is the general formula like in calculating the % CSAT if there badly rated tickets?
Be glad to hear your answers on the above soonest! Thanks!
Gab Guinto
Hi Jee Han,
The formula of the default % Satisfaction score in Explore is COUNT(Good satisfaction tickets)/COUNT(Rated satisfaction tickets). So, in that scenario where the agent received 1 bad rating out of the 100 rated tickets (with the other 99 tickets all rated good), the calculation will be 99/100 – the agent should have 99% as their satisfaction score for that reporting period.
Aleksandar Salevski
Is there any 1 to 5 scale custom satisfaction placeholders after ticket is closed
Roxelle Miayo
Unfortunately, the default CSAT survey for Zendesk is only a good or bad rating. If you would like to rate it from 1 to 5, you may use a third-party app instead. You may want to check Zendesk Marketplace for this.
Zendesk does not support these apps. For this reason, we can guarantee that it will do exactly what you are looking for, but I believe it is worth trying.
Hope it helps!
Subodh Jumle
Is it possible to embed this in an external website?
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Subodh Jumle ,
Yes, you can do this to your own website as long as your “Embedded satisfaction score widget” setting is enabled by adding a checkmark to “Allow me to display public satisfaction statistics”.
Is there a way to add the satisfaction rating to multiple articles at once? I have over 200 published articles and would rather not have to do it manually for each one.