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Can I change the attachment size limit in ticket comments?

Edited Jan 22, 2024




It would be great to be able to opt into allowing larger attachments in comments, up to 5GB ideally.

We support video hosting and on very rare occasions, our support team needs to gather video files from customers to troubleshoot issues they report with adding and managing those video files. The current attachment limits mean we are forced to use and consider additional support tools to gather those files.

We like the security of keeping all attachments in Zendesk where we can redact attachments once they're no longer needed and use a platform we've already vetted security checks with. 

It's frustrating that we have to seek solutions outside of this platform to fill this feature gap.


I agree with Mitchell! It would be great to see an increase in attachment size in Zendesk Support. For security reasons, we would love to be able to accept and manage attachments directly in Zendesk as opposed to a third-party tool. 

Thanks for your consideration!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Mitchell Sherman and Steven Granner

Our official intake for feature requests and product feedback is in our community forum. Product managers follow posts there and provide roadmap updates. Here's the right topic to post this feedback in: Feedback on the ticketing system

I encourage you to post your feedback there, so that it gets into the tracking system the product team uses. Here's a handy guide on how to write an effective feedback post


Hello Nicole,

Where can we make a request to increase attachment size limit for articles?



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Eylul,
You can create a feedback post in the following topic: Feedback - Help Center (Guide)
If you're unsure what to include your feedback post, you can use this template
I hope this helps!


65535 bytes limit is way too small.  

This needs to be increased and the Admins allowed to set the limit.


Any updates on this one?

Limit at 50MB is too small. Users sometime use phone's camera to take a video on another phone to report issues to us. When they do that, the file exceeds 50MB, and cannot send. 
Like someone said before, because of this limit, we have to develop internal tools to manage those video files. But it's super hard for agencies to manage those additional videos, along with the tickets, even our tools is good enough.

We want to increase that limit to only 100MB, it should do. Any solution? Some suggestions for you guys:

- Treat large attachments differently, may be they have TTL to auto delete them after period of time.

- Additional plan that we can buy more storage with it.


We also need a 100MB limit at least to provide Executable downloads for our customers via Guide pages. 


Is it possible to limit the size of attachments by reducing the size to 5MB instead of increasing it? I want to allow users who are not logged in to attach files up to 5MB.


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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Boyoon,

There's currently no setting in Guide where you can place a limit on the attachment size, for users that aren't logged in. 


Has there been any movement here? It should be pretty simple to increase the file size limit here in 2023. 50 MB is terribly small. 

Can someone please explain why this is so small and if there are any plans to increase the limit on the horizon?


My workaround is currently split the file into smaller chunks, and guide the agents to join the file. Which in cumbersome in traning.

What a shame! It's almost 2024 and Zendesk keeps this limit for unknown reason. Technical shortcomings?


+1 on this, it is a huge headache for us as well. We would happily pay extra for a plan that allows a higher limit.


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