Guide contains one help center theme, the Copenhagen standard theme, by default. You can add more themes, up to a maximum of 10 total, including the default theme. You can have only one live theme in your help center at a time, but you can have multiple themes in progress or available to turn on as needed.
- Creating a fresh copy of the default Copenhagen theme
- Copying an existing theme to create a copy
- Importing a theme from your computer
- Importing a theme from GitHub to set up the GitHub integration
To add a help center theme
- In Guide, click the Customize design icon (
) in the sidebar.
The Themes page opens.
- Do any of the following to add a theme in Guide:
To create a copy of the Copenhagen theme
Click Add theme, then click Add Copenhagen theme.
To copy an existing theme
Click the Themes menu (
) on the theme you want to copy, then select Copy. See Copying a help center theme.
To import a theme
Click Add theme, then click Import theme. See Importing a help center theme.
To import theme from GitHub
Click Add theme, then click Add from GitHub. See Setting up the GitHub integration with your Guide theme.
To create a copy of the Copenhagen theme