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Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jan 08, 2025




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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Cam,
You can try using the Agent Wait Time metric as this will get you the time a ticket was in pending status which is generally the time an agent is waiting for a response from the customer.
Let me know if you have any further questions.


Caveat to this is that ticket needs to be on pending status for the agent wait time counter to kick in. Still a good start. Thanks Alex!


I've been asked to create a report that says how many tickets were in the open or pending state as of a particular date or series of days. Is this even possible to do?


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Madison Hoffman

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hey Paul! That's exactly what the backlog dataset will allow you to do. Once you've selected the backlog dataset, you would select Tickets as your metric, then Status as a row and either Time - Backlog recorded and Time - Backlog end of period as a row as well. Then add a filter to look at Open or Pending status. 


Thanks, Madison Hoffman I was unfamiliar with the Backlog dataset. I'll give that a whirl and see if I can produce the report I need using that.


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Madison Hoffman

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

No problem Paul. I think the most confusing part of using the backlog dataset is understanding which date to use, so you might want to check out this article that helps break down your options: What is the difference between Backlog recorded and Backlog end of period?


Hi, we have a need to see tickets, in which after the ticket was given the status solved, the agent leaves a comment,
I tried to unload them using the formula 
IF ([Ticket status on update - unsorted] = "solved")
AND [Open Comment] = TRUE
THEN [Ticket ID]
But it doesn't work, how can I do it?


Is there a ticket last updated date that indicates the last time a ticket was updated by the agent? The ticket updated date seems to change when the system automatically moved it from Solved to Closed.


Hi All

We're trying to measure the time it takes a ticket to be assigned for the first time in seconds. We want this time calculation so we can determine if a ticket has 'achieved' or 'breached' the first assignment time. Obviously Zendesk native SLAs don't track this metric 'First Assignment Time'.

So if a ticket was first assigned in less than 9 hours, then it 'achieves' the SLA. If it was longer than 9 hours for the first assignment it 'breaches'.

We are using the below standard calculated attribute to determine if a ticket was first assigned within a given timeframe (9hrs).

IF ([Ticket assigned - Second]<=32400) 
THEN "Achieved"
ELif ([Ticket assigned - Second]>32400) 
THEN "Breached" 

My first question is: Will this ([Ticket assigned - Second]) calculate ONLY the first assigned time or will it return the time in between the LAST two times the ticket was assigned? For example, will it calculate the time between the second time the ticket was assigned to an agent and the third time it was assigned to an agent, with the third assignment being the last assignment. In effect does it give a rolling time calculation between the last two assignments?

My second question is: If we can figure out what the calculated attribute should be, is there anyway to ONLY measure this first assignment time in Business Hours and not calendar hours?

Any help highly appreciated :)


Greetings guys, 

Thank you very much for the space to share knowledge and help us understand how this platform works so helpful for us resource managers.

I have been building a ticket database and have used several very beneficial metrics to measure the effectiveness of my team, in fact I only need one to complete the project and build my own graphs.

The metric or attribute that I am missing is the age of the tickets, so searching I found this formula:
IF ([Ticket custom status name] != "Solved")
THEN DATE_DIFF(NOW(), [Ticket created - Timestamp], "nb_of_days")

Which I have pasted to my report but for some reason I don't know, no values are shown in the report and I don't understand why.

Possibly one of you has the key to the missing link :)

Thank you so much,



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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Andrews Dumith, it looks like the issue is you have created a standard calculated attribute instead of a metric.

Can you please try creating the metric (exactly the same formula as you shared) and see if it works?


Hello Pedro Rodrigues (

Thanks for replying,

I did it and it didn't work either, any other ideas?


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Andrews Dumith sorry that it didn't help! I can confirm it works as intended on my end (both attribute and metric):

So I'm wondering if it's something related to existing filters or the other metrics you have added to that report.

If you create a new report consisting only of the new metric and Ticket ID in rows, do you get values?


Pedro Rodrigues (, yes if I try with a new report it's works.

So, why?

There is a metrics limits or something like that?

Thank you in advance, 



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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Andrews Dumith if I were to guess, I'd say one of your other standard calculated metrics may be limiting the results and the new calculation. My suggestion would be to use the new report (where Ticket Age is returning values) and add your original report's items, one by one, until you detect what's causing the issue.



I have a question about Explore/Report Group SLAs:


1. Why I can't find any metrics about Group SLA - Value? (*picture) - In the red rectangle

2. Why I can't find any custom fields in attribute (row/column)?

will those are really not be available in the Support - Group SLAs dataset?



I am trying to create a report showing me how many customers have requested exactly two tickets with us. Is there any way this is doable? 


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Phoebe Morin

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Noemi, 
Yes, that can be achieved, and here's the recipe: Explore recipe: Number of tickets submitted by your users. Through this you'd get a list of requesters and the number of of tickets they submitted. Then on on your metric filter you'd set those with 2 tickets. apart from this recipe, would be custom metric, which is outside the scope fo Zendesk Support Advocacy. I hope this helps! 


I have created a formula that calculates the "AgentRanking" or ranking of a support agent using various criteria related to Zendesk tickets.

Below is a breakdown of the steps and calculations performed in the formula:

1. The "TotalTicketsSolved" variable is used to count the total number of resolved tickets in Zendesk that have a status ("Status") of "Solved".

2. The variable "TotalTicketsSolvedUncategorized" is used to count the total number of tickets in Zendesk that have a Priority ("Priority") of "Uncategorized".

3. The average time to full resolution ("AvgFullResolutionTime") is calculated based on the pre-set ranges, i.e. "0-5 hrs", value 3 is assigned; if it falls within "1-7 days", value 10 is assigned, and so on. If the resolution time does not match any range, the value 0 is assigned.

4. The average time to first response ("AvgFirstReplyTime") is calculated using the average function. As in the previous step, numerical values are assigned to each range.

5. The average first resolution time ("AvgFirstResolutionTime") is calculated the same as 3 and 4.

6. The average total resolution time ("AvgSolvedTime") is calculated using the average function on the "SolvedTime(Hrs)" column.

7. The percentage of tickets resolved on the same day ("SameDayResolvedPercentage") is calculated. The number of tickets for which the "SameDayResolved" column is equal to 1 (indicating that they were resolved on the same day) is counted and divided by the total number of tickets.

8. Once all the variables have been calculated, they are combined to obtain the "AgentRanking". Each component of the ranking is multiplied by a specific weight and summed to obtain the final result. The weights are assigned as follows:
   - "TotalTicketsSolved" and "TotalTicketsSolvedUncategorized" have a weight of 20% each.
   - AvgFullResolutionTime" and "AvgFirstResolutionTime" have a weight of 15% each.
   - AvgFirstReplyTime", "AvgSolvedTime" and "SameDayResolvedPercentage" have a weight of 10% each.

What do you think about this way of ranking the agents?

What could you add or remove from the formula?

Thank you,


Hi everyone,

Is there a way to get the average handled time of agent in handling the ticket from ticket assigned to ticket solved.


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Melvin,

You can check out the Time Tracking App. Using the app, you can create handling time metrics. You can check out the articles Using the Time Tracking app and Time Tracking app: Metrics you need to be measuring

Hope this helps.


New to Zendesk and need to create a report for resolved incidents by quarter for my Help Desk Group. All off the predefined filter combinations I have used have not worked to give me what I need. Hitting a wall and need some help figuring this out before I put my head through the wall lol


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Simon,

I will be roping you in a ticket for your concern so that we can discuss the specifics of the report you want to create. Please keep a lookout for my email.

Thank you.


Hi there, is there a way to calculate the number of agents who were assigned to a chat channel per hour who were online? Thanks


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Paul,

I regret to inform you that there isn't a method to generate a report for the history of online agents. However, through the use of live dashboards in Explore, you can actively monitor which agents are currently online and view their assignments to open tickets, chats, conversations, and calls in real-time. This real-time capacity reporting is a valuable tool for supervisors, allowing them to effectively manage agent availability, workload distribution across teams, and the monitoring of individual agent performance, all within a centralized dashboard.


I'm trying to solve how many tickets are assigned to a Tier 3 escalation agent, versus how many they solve, in a given time frame (lets say monthly). However, I can't figure out how to get a count of tickets assigned in a time frame. Finding tickets completed in a time frame is easy. Would this require a custom attribute?


I need to understand the Full Resolution time metric/report.
It states - Median time from last assignment to full resolution. 
What is last assignment? Essentially what i want is to see the average time a ticket takes to get to solved from when the End User creates the ticket (not when an agent creates the ticket and sends to end user via selecting the status as SOLVED)

Also- how can i differentiate between a ticket on SOLVED - to when the End User replies back

Scenario- End User sends an email (ticket) >> agent replies and set tickets status to solved >> end user replies back within 24 hours >> different agent replies and again solves tickets status as SOLVED

With the metrics, would this come as 2 tickets as solved? and for the full resolution, is it counting its full resolution each time it is set to solved, or just on the final time it is set as solved?





I have a doubt. Do internal messages and the side conversations affect the one-touch ticket resolution metrics?
Example: if a ticket has 1 internal note and 1 message to the customer, does it count as one-touch ticket?

Thank you for the clarification!


Hello, is it possible to create a formula to obtain internal notes/comments from the update history dataset? I only want a specific phrase so that I may exclude it from my dashboard?

IF ([Comment present] = TRUE AND CONTAINS([Comment present],"rmc"))
THEN [Update ID]

thank you in advance


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Bryan conquilla, unfortunately it is not possible to read comment content in Explore. A workaround would be creating a trigger that detects the exact string and adds a specific tag to the ticket. That way you can later create reports in Explore for tickets with that tag.


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