Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about call recording in Zendesk Talk. For more information about configuring call recording, see Managing call recording options in Talk.
Call recording basics
How can I turn off call recordings?
You can only turn off call recording for individual phone numbers, not all phone numbers at the same time. This includes both outgoing and received calls for the phone number. To learn how to disable call recordings, see Managing call recording options in Talk.
What calls and parts of calls are recorded?
- Calls answered by an agent via the web browser or on an agent forwarding number
- Calls transferred to an external phone number by an agent
- Voicemails
- On-hold time and time in queue
- Consultation time before transferring a call to another agent
- A call routed to IVR that then directs the call to a external phone number
Are call recordings transcribed?
Call transcription is included as part of the Advanced AI and Zendesk QA add-ons, in addition to call summarization.
Copilot add-on
Call transcripts and summaries are added to the conversation log on tickets in the Agent Workspace. Transcripts and summaries provide additional context to voice tickets and reduce the requirement for agents to take notes and summarize calls as part of their wrap-up activities.
Zendesk QA add-on
Call transcripts and summaries appear in Zendesk QA where QA focused users can review and analyze historical call interactions in detail. Voice QA evaluates the call transcript and provides a QA Score just like it does for chat or messaging conversations which can be used to identify the conversations where there’s a churn risk or an agent knowledge gap.
For more information regarding call transcription, see Call transcription and summarization FAQs.
Are call recordings stored in mono or stereo format?
All call recordings are stored in mono format.
Recording storage
Where are call recordings stored?
Call recordings are encrypted at rest and initially stored in our voice provider Twilio's data center. Recordings are then copied to a Zendesk data center hosted by Amazon Web Services. You can store call recordings in the US, EEA, or Australia, as per the Zendesk Regional Data Hosting policy.
Can I delete recordings?
Recordings can be deleted either manually from individual tickets or automatically based on a set time limit. Deleted recordings cannot be recovered. If you select to automatically delete recordings, voicemail transcriptions will still remain in the associated tickets. When you select to automatically delete recordings, the schedule will apply retroactively and delete recordings.
How long are call recordings stored?
There is no time limit for how long call recordings are stored. You can either select to manually delete recordings or to automatically delete them after a set time range. For help deleting recordings, see Deleting recordings.
Call recording access and security
Who can access call recordings?
Any agent with permission to access tickets can access call recordings. You can permit
end-users to access live recordings in their requested tickets by enabling the New live
call recordings are public? setting in the Settings tab (In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select Talk and email > Talk.)
For details, see Enabling Zendesk Talk and configuring general settings.
Can I pause call recordings?
If you're on the Talk Professional or Enterprise plan you can use the pause and resume button in the ticket bar and the call console. For more information, see Pausing and resuming call recordings with agent recording controls.
If you're on a different plan, you might be able to use apps available in the Marketplace like Intelligent Voice and Voicebase to automatically detect and redact credit card data from call recordings.
Can callers opt-in or opt-out of call recording?
If you're on the Talk Professional or Enterprise plan you can configure opt-in or opt-out for each of your Talk phone numbers. You can find the call recording opt-in or opt-out settings on the Call recording tab for each Talk numbers. For more information, see Understanding call recording permissions (opt-in and opt-out).
Are end users notified when calls are being recorded?
Zendesk Talk's default greeting notifies end-users that they will be recorded; however, if you use a custom greeting, you will need to indicate that calls might be recorded. For outbound calls, your agents will need to inform end-users as part of their introduction.
When call recording is turned on, the caller will hear a beep indicating that the recording has started and the call is being recorded. This behavior is standard for all calls regardless of the country the caller is in.
Dan McGrail
We use a 3rd party application to record screen captures and attach them with the audio recording from Zendesk Talk. When the call goes on hold the audio recording stops and this mis-aligns screen capture. Is there a way to "Record Through Hold", similar to many many other audio recording products. Thank you.
Dave Dyson
Hi Dan, I see you've also posted to our product feedback topics, thanks: Zendesk Voice to Record Through Hold
Jon Simone
I am trying to create a view for recorded phone calls. Is there a list or a way of tagging these tickets?
Thank you as always!
Dave Dyson
Hi Jon,
I don't know of a way to automatically do this. One potential issue is that recordings can be manually deleted, so even were it possible to tag a ticket when a recording is added to the ticket, you'd need a way to detect the recording being deleted, and i don't know of a way to do that either). I think the best that can be done today would be to manually tag the tickets (or add a checkbox field to the ticket to manually record it). Then at least you could build a view based on that.
You can also submit product feedback on this to our Feedback on Support topic, so others who may have the same need can upvote and add their own use cases. Please make use of the format in this template so our product team has the information they need. Thanks!
Andrew Chu
Hi Dave,
Quick question related to recording's access - per below it says that Agent with ticket access can access call recordings - but does it have any limitations that agents can see only recordings from calls they accept/make , or no limitations at all that they can see recordings from other calls from other agents as well?
Any agent with permission to access tickets can access call recordings. You can permit end-users to access live recordings in their requested tickets by enabling the New live call recordings are public? setting in the Settings tab (In Admin Center, click the Channels icon () in the sidebar, then select Talk and email > Talk.)
Ideally, ticket access can be restricted by roles (if an agent can't see a ticket they can't access any call recording it may contain). However, it looks like there is currently no way to restrict the agent's access to call recording. Right now the behavior is that agents will always have access to the recordings on any tickets they have access to.
I've taken a look and found that other users are discussing similar needs here: Limit agents ability to listen to recordings
You can up-vote that original post and add your detailed use-case to the conversation. Threads with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Specific examples, details about impact, and how you currently handle things are the most helpful things to share to help our product teams understand the full scope of the need when working on solutions.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality.
I hope that helps!
Andrew Chu
Hi Aubree,
Thanks for looking it up to me. I tried clicking on the link provided but seems like it's expired or something. Should we create a new thread now?
Creating a new thread for the feature request will be the best option! 😊️
Elizabeth Churchill
Hi there,
I used to be able to click on a call recording and skip ahead to the part I needed to hear. I no longer have that option. Has something changed?
Jon Durlauf
Is there a way to allow end users to listen to voice recordings from other end-users within their organization?
We use Zendesk in a business to business application. For the businesses we work with, we have enabled the managers to view all tickets within their organization (using the access setting in their user profiles). However, the managers are not able listen to call recordings on tickets within their organization unless they are the requester. When they try to access the call recordings, they get the error message "You do not have access to this page. Please contact the account owner of this help desk for further help." Is there a way we can allow these managers to listen to call recordings on all tickets within their organization?
Cheeny Aban
Make the call recording available to others outside your organization. will definitely be a good addition to our Talk functionality, especially for those who are catering to business-to-business communication. However, as of the moment, the recording can only be accessed by logging into your Zendesk account. The workaround is to have the agent download the call and sent it to the proper party.
I understand your need for this functionality so I am marking your comment as Product Feedback and make sure that this will be echoed to our Product Managers.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes on the product feedback topics in the community help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Tyler Wittman
Is it possible to tag a ticket when an agent pauses a call recording at any time during the call?
It looks like there is no way to add a tag to a ticket where a call recording was paused. Automatic ticket tagging can be done via trigger, or by calling an Add Tag API endpoint. However, there's no trigger condition or API attribute that can be used to identify if a call recording was paused.
I encourage you to create a new post in the Talk Product Feedback topic in our community to engage with other users who have similar needs and discuss possible workarounds.
Is there a way to download mono audio recordings as stereo recordings?
Anne Ronalter
here you can find the options that we recommend for downloading call recordings:
Can I download call recordings?
My understanding of Call Recording storage is that the only billing for it is the initial $0.003/min cost to record. Some CCaaS providers charge for short and long-term storage of recorded calls as well. It might be good to clarify that there are no such costs for Zendesk Talk. Thank you and let me know if I'm not understanding this correctly.
Carl McDowell
Hi Jeremy,
We have this other article: Managing data storage in your Zendesk account
And it is mentioned there:
Note: Storage limits do not include Talk recordings, but let me see if we can have this article to be further clarified and updated on storage costs for you.
Thank you Carl McDowell. I think I did arrive at that same conclusion after talking with support. I understand that the upfront recording cost is the only cost. Appreciate the follow-up!
I wanted to check if the calls that are being recorded also includes the wait time? one sample I notice shows that the overall talk time of the agent was 3 minutes and 38 seconds however the length of the call shows 4 minutes and 19 seconds. what is usually included in the length of the call shown in the recording aside from when the agent put the customer on hold.
Ivan Miquiabas
Thanks for reaching out! To answer your question, see below:
The parts of calls not recorded include:
Hope that helps!
Stephen Whyte
Is there a way for end users that have access to view tickets from their organization to listen to recorded calls from any ticket? This is a request from one of our clients.
They can see the tickets in our help portal, but don’t have access to listen to them.
Stephen Whyte
TIcket can be closed. TY
Ben Smith
Is there an update on when Talk recordings will be available in stereo format please?
Francis Casino
Our provider announced the release of dual-channel recording in 2022, however, it was not for all of their products such as Conference.
Zendesk Talk uses Conference so we haven’t been able to offer dual-channel recording. Our provider are currently working on implementing dual-channel recording and are expected to release dual-channel recording support in 3rd quarter this year. Once they release it, we will still evaluate if we can integrate it into Zendesk Talk.
Rachael Kolman
For call transcriptions in Zendesk, this internal note takes a lot of space. Are there any plans to be able to minimize that note to only make it available when it needs to be referenced?
Jason Tsai
The display of the call recording seems to now be squeezed together, making it difficult to navigate or toggle within the call? I do see the “Show call details” has there recently been a change? Thanks
Carl McDowell
Hi Jason Tsai
Our developers have released a fix for that issue now, and that should be resolved.
Chidi Williams
Francis Casino , it looks like stereo recording is now available for Twilio Conference: Any updates on when it will be available on Zendesk?
Data Team
@Francis Casino, is there any update/plan on including a stereo for Zendesk Talk? It seems the stereo recording is already available on Twilio:
Hi Team,
Good morning!
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to ask for your assistance regarding an issue we’ve encountered with Zendesk call recordings. It appears that some calls are not being fully recorded.
For instance, in ticket 1214331, the call length is listed as 19 minutes and 39 seconds, but the recording only captured about half of the call.
Thank you for your support and looking forward to your insights.
Best regards,