The Select an Address app allows admins and agents to change the default support address associated with a ticket. This allows for greater personalization of outbound messages and easier routing of inbound tickets to appropriate groups.
This article contains the following topics:
Installing the app
The Select an Address app is installed from the Zendesk Marketplace.
To install the app
- On the Select an Address app listing on the Zendesk Marketplace, click Install.
- Select the Zendesk account to install the app then click Install.
- In the Installation section, enter a name for the app, and select configuration options.
- Enable group and role restrictions if required.
- Click Install.
The app settings can be changed after installation by navigating to Admin > Apps > Zendesk Support Apps, and under the Currently installed tab, click the Select an Address app dropdown options, and select Change settings.
Configuring the app
You can configure the following settings for the app.
Group email addresses by brand
Select this checkbox to group your email addresses by brand. The selection box in the app first displays the brand then email addresses allowed for that brand.
Default to last used email address for new tickets
Select this option to set the recipient field to the last email address used when a new ticket was created in Support.
This option is primarily intended for agents who typically create many new tickets in batches so they don't have to change the address with each ticket.
This setting overrides:
- Any email address set by the brand
- The Apply email to group mapping on all Open tickets setting
- The Default email address for groups setting
Apply email to group mapping on all Open tickets
When this option is turned on, mappings from the Default address for groups setting will apply when an agent views and saves any ticket with an Open status.
If the group isn't defined, the app will use the default email address for the brand and not the prior email address.
This option works based on the current signed-in agent’s group, NOT the ticket’s group.
For example:
{"Group A":"",
"Group B":""}
If an agent in Group A is on the ticket AND the ticket is in Open state, then the address is selected. If an agent in Group B is on the ticket, address is selected. If the ticket status is NOT in Open state, the app doesn’t update the group mapping specified in the app setting.
The app updates the recipient field only if the current recipient field is empty or if the current recipient is NOT one of the addresses mapped to a group (any of the current agent’s groups) defaults or allowed addresses.
Default email address for groups
You can also set up default addresses by group. Agents can select from these email addresses in the Select an address app dropdown field in the sidebar of the ticket (see Using the app). The email addresses displayed in the sidebar reflect the group of the agent currently working the ticket.
Any addresses used here must already be listed in the support addresses for your Zendesk instance. These can be found by going to Admin Center > Channels > Email. New emails can be added by clicking Add address.
Specify different default email addresses for each group in JSON format. In the following example, agents in Group A would see as their default email address, while agents in Group B would see as their default email address. Make sure to include the opening and closing curly braces, quotes around each item or set of items, and commas between each group.
{"Group A": "",
"Group B": ""}
Zendesk checks the current agent's groups to determine which email addresses to display.
If the agent is part of multiple groups:
- The app uses the agent's default group to map the default address for new tickets created directly in Support.
- If no address is associated with the agent's default group, the first address, alphabetically, will be used from any of the other agent's groups.
- If the default address in one of the agent's groups matches the brand of the ticket, that address takes precedence and is applied as the default address.
The agent's default group will also be used if an existing ticket with a New status is opened by the agent.
Email addresses by group
In the Email addresses by group field, specify the allowed email addresses for each group in JSON format. Zendesk checks the current agent's groups to determine which email addresses to display.
In the following example, agents in Group A would see and as the email addresses available for their use in support emails. Agents in Group B would see and as the email addresses available for use. As shown in the example, the same email address can be used for more than one group. Make sure to include the opening and closing curly braces, quotes around each item or set of items, and commas between each group.
{"Group A": ",",
"Group B": ","}
Disable automatic selection of address for agents in the following groups
To turn off the automatic selection of addresses for agents in certain groups, enter a comma-separated list of group IDs. This can be useful for Admins if they just want to go in and review a ticket set with a New status but not update the address.
Example: 32239293942, 29502829834
Using the app
When choosing an address to appear as the "from" address on a support ticket, select the appropriate email address in the dropdown of the app. The email addresses that appear reflect the allowed addresses you've configured for the current agent's groups (not the groups of the assignee). Default email addresses are prefaced with "Default:".
Proactive tickets
The Select an Address app will satisfy the Received at condition in business rules while creating proactive tickets. For more information, see the article: Trigger conditions and actions reference.
- The app does not work on side conversations.
- At least one email address must exist in the ticket for the app to function. For example, the app won't work if a ticket is an outbound or inbound Talk call only and no email appears in the ticket body.
I'm afraid that there is no feature that will set the default from address based on the group the ticket is currently in.
However, I do agree that it would be a nice feature to have. I encourage you to create a new post in the General Product Feedback topic in our community as conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
Ashley M
@Max Mittelmaier
Will do what you need, its a grate app that works!
Thanks for the recommendation!
Max Mittelmaier
We are actually using it. However, it does not fully work. Most of my agents are in multiple groups and write a lot of pro-active tickets. (Creating a new ticket instead of replying to an incoming one). Setting the from address based on the group the ticket currently is in for pro-active tickets is not possible without selecting it manually. Other than that it works really well. :)
Rhonda Green
If an agent is creating a new outbound email (ticket), not a response to an existing or inbound ticket, how do you get the Select An Address feature to work? We have it set up and it works fine on an inbound ticket but if creating a new, it does not present itself. We added this to insure that the outbound email address was from the correct email address for that agent.
The Select an Address app is only applicable to inbound tickets, unfortunately.
I found a third-party solution that allows you to select the address for a proactive ticket: Select Email Sender Address
Please note that we have not used or tested any of these services. If you use or have used any of these services, feel free to share your experiences in the comments section of this article.
I see that it's possible to set a default email for a group. Is it possible to set a default email for a user? If not, is that feature coming in the future?
I also have a question about setting a list of email addresses allowed for each group. If we have Group A, B, C, and D, but only set emails for Groups A an B, do Groups C and D continue to see all the emails available?
Hiedi Kysther
Hi Linley,
Currently, it's not possible to set a default email per user. If this is something essential to your workflow, you can post this as a feature request here.
And, yes - Groups C and D will continue to see all emails available. But the "FROM" support address their end-user's will see will be the support address the emails were sent TO. For example, I sent an email to, ticket belongs to Group C, when agent replies the FROM email will show as For reference: Which support address are email replies sent from?
Hope this helps!
Jack Elliott
Is this app covered under the standard Zendesk BAA? Is it therefore HIPAA compliant if configured correctly? Hoping this would be the case, given it is built by Zendesk and not offered natively.
It would be great to add "allowed email addresses for brands" to this app.
Not only limit on groups, as agents can be part of multiple groups, but also connect it to brand for New tickets.
Maybe a warning if trying to send an email using an address that is not linked to that brand.
What happens sometimes with multiskilled agents is that they forget to change the address when creating a New ticket. Resulting in sending the email from the wrong brand.
This is only a problem when creating new tickets, received ones will default be the correct address.
Adrian Narvaez
Is there a way to disable this notification so it doesn't show after a ticket is open?
If you configure the setting Disable automatic selection of address for agents in the following groups on the app, this notification will not appear to the agents in the listed groups.
Adrian Narvaez
Thanks @..., I think it worked!
Noelle Cheng
I’m also having the same issue as @Amber Barnes, @Tyler Rutledge, and @Jeremy Watkins. Yet it seems NO ONE has responded/answered about it.
This was the original issue that Amber posted. Anyone have a solution for this as we really don’t want the brand support address being associated to the ticket at the initial submission.
Ideally having each form being associated with a support address so that when an end user selects a form from the help center it uses that email to send out any initial notifications such as receipt of ticket/request.