You can set an article owner for any knowledge base article. By default, the article owner is the same as the article author, but you can change the owner and set it independently of the author.
The article owner can be an individual user or a group. The article owner is notified when articles they own need verification, based on article verification rules you've created.
You can change the article owner for an individual article or for multiple articles in bulk.
Changing the owner for an article
You can change the article owner for an article to any user or group. You can also change article owner for multiple articles in bulk.
To change the owner for an article
- In your help center or Guide, navigate to the article where you want to change the
author, then click Edit article in the top menu bar.
- If the Article settings panel is not displayed in the sidebar, click the
Article settings icon (
) to expand the panel.
- Click the Management card to expand the Management panel.
- Click the Owner name in the article sidebar, then search or navigate to select
another user or group as the owner.Note: You cannot select a Light agent to be an article owner.
- Click Update settings when you are ready.
Changing the owner for multiple articles in bulk
You can change the article owner for multiple articles at once to any user or group. You can also change article owner for an individual article.
- In Guide, click the Manage articles (
) icon in the sidebar.
Your All articles list opens by default.
- Open the Filters drop-down menu, then select a filter and a value to define
this list of articles where you want to change owner.
- Select one or more articles to update.
You can select a maximum of 30 articles at a time. To select 30 items at once, click the checkbox beside the number of results at the top.
- Click the Article settings bulk actions menu at the bottom, then select
Change owner.
- Search or navigate to select another user or group as the owner.
- Click Change owner.
The articles are updated with the new owner.