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Migrating to the updated CCs and followers experience

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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




Hi Everyone, We are looking to migrate to cc's within the next few days. After reading the concerns some of you have noted, can you please let me know your lesson's learned, best practices, etc that you have from the migration? We are not looking to add followers as I believe that may cause more confusion - risks outweigh the benefits.

Please advise.

Thank you!


Hi @..., I can tell you that the CC Blacklist bug we found when we made the switch has been fixed.

I'm still not sure I would make the switch again, given the choice - we still seem to end up with agents in the CC list, even when they are already following (I *think* that happens when customers re-add their account reps on CC as they think they are missing - not sure there's much we can do about that though).


Thanks, @.... What I see as the only possible benefit is that the agents will see exactly who they are cc'ing on the email.  Is that correct in my assumption? Are there any other benefits?  What are the negatives?

I would appreciate any feedback.

Thank you! 


Doesn't this suggestion:
Literally end up breaking all those notifications, because of this issue?

Why would this be the recommended change when it would cause all those triggers to stop sending email notifications in a bunch of contexts? 


Hi there.

Any ideas and best practice for multi branding and CCs?

Ideally i would like to have the ability only available for one brand and not show the options of edit/adding of requester and CCs. 

Thanks for any advice.


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DJ Buenavista Jr.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mike,
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to your concern, the following setting is universal. Once enabled, it will be applied to all brands in the account. Unfortunately, at the moment it cannot be set to only a specific brand.
You can only add specific users to the CCs and followers blocklist to prevent them from becoming CC's. You can check our article, Getting started with CC and followers for admins for more information and best practices on how to utilize CC.
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,


There is also one missing aspect to the migration wizard - it added in extra conditions to the triggers (comment is public). This actually broke a lot of our triggers (600) that we needed to go back and manually update. 

It would be good to know if there is a way to exclude certain updates from the migration wizard as either way, we still needed to update 600 triggers


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DJ Buenavista Jr.

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sydney,
Thank you for reaching out to Zendesk Support.
In regards to this one, there's an option to use the migration wizard manually. This will give you the option to review the list of business rules you wanted to change or implement. It was also recommended to backup your business rules when using the automatic method in case you need to roll back. 
The following added extra condition is due to the addition of the Followers field and a new CC field in the Public reply area.
Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
Kind regards,


We have not migrated to this feature.  Is there any documentation that would explain the legacy functionality around CCs?  Specifically, when the system decides to send an email and to whom?  We are seeing that some CCs are not getting emails and do not know why.  Understanding this is important for us to understand what impact the migration will have.  Thanks!


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Stewart,
The old behavior is included on About migrating to CCs and followers while the new one is discussed in About CCs, @mentions, and followers.


Is there a date where the migration to CC's and Followers must be done by? Will the legacy CC functionality be unsupported at some point? 


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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Robert Matthews,

If your account is created before May 2019, you can migrate to CC's and Followers anytime. You can still use your Legacy CC feature however there may be some features that are not available to you. For example, with Legacy CC you can only CC 20 end-users while CCs and Followers will allow you to CC 48 end-users. You can also check here for more information: Using CCs, followers, and @mentions

Hiedi Kysther


This migration broke emails to CCs on shared tickets for us, and I can't find any mention of shared ticket behavior in these docs. Is this a known issue, and do you know if there is a workaround?

This appears to be the situation:

  • A shared ticket consists of copy A on instance X and copy B on instance Y. Copy A may have different CCs from copy B. Formerly, the CC notifications for copy A were handled by an inborn business rule on instance X, and the notification to the requester (and presumably the CCs for copy B) were handled by a trigger on instance Y.
  • After the migration, there is NO LONGER an inborn rule for notifying CCs on instance X. Instead, notification of CCs would be handled by a *trigger* on instance X that notifies the requester *and* the CCs. However, this trigger is *suppressed* by an inborn business rule as Zendesk does not want to email the requester on both instances.

So we appear to be left in a situation where it's not possible to notify CCs on a shared ticket on instance X. Since there is no rule in email notifications in triggers for "CCs only", there's no way to build a trigger that will send to CCs and not the requester. Is there a solution that we are missing?

Note that in this case, we have upgraded instance X to the new CC/Follower experience, but not Y. I assume that does not matter, since notification of the CCs for copy A would only happen on instance X. Is there any special handling of shared tickets that requires both instances to be upgraded to the same CC/Follower experience?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Ben,

I see that you already raised a ticket with us related to this matter. Kindly check your email for updates.

Thank you!


Bad update. Luckily it was not enforced on our Live Zendesk, but on our recently created Premium Sandbox, it was automatically enabled. We now can't just add an email address into the Ticket CC. Not sure what happens when Endusers add a CC to their email.

But that is bad. We now need to create a user account for every email address we want to add in CC, it seems.


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