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Getting started with self-service - Part 6: Tracking essential self-service metrics

Edited Mar 19, 2025




We went from 6:1 to 1.5:1 because you guys changed the way the self-service score is calculated - could you give me (in the nutshell) the difference (& benefits) between the 'old' and the 'new' calculation? Thanks.


Hi @... I'm not from the Zendesk team, but here's what I would do. Keep using the previous SSS calc for now perhaps until end of your organization's current FY. Then you can decide to carve time to recalc in new FY instead of switching streams now. The most important thing is to educate stakeholders and provide context around dips, improvements, stalls, etc. They should be less concerned about the actual calculation. Hope this is helpful - either way, let me know what you think. 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Nabil,

In addition to Phoebe's answer, I'd also like to note of the calculation for Self-service Score as per this article - Guide reporting tools for measuring self-service

Self-service score = Total user sessions of your help center(s) / Total users in tickets

The key difference is whether you want to look at a user or a user session. A single user could have 50 sessions in the help center, and these metrics will be pretty different in how you measure that one user’s success in finding their answers depending which formula you choose.


Is there a way to create a chart to monitor the self-service ratio in Explore?



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Hiedi Kysther

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mike McGuffie

We are working on adding a new Self-Service Reporting feature in Explore, unfortunately - we don't have an ETA yet for when that would be released.

I suggest following our Announcement page here, to get notified of new features and updates we're launching. 

I hope this helps! 


Hi there,

Could you confirm that the formula for the self-service score is the same with Google Analytics 4? I.e. Total number of users and not active users? Thanks! 


Hey there, 

We have also been moved onto Google Analytics 4, and i've noticed when calculating our self service score using the 'Users' metric in GA4, we are getting different results when comparing the 'Users' with the previous version, Google Analytics Universal Analytics (UA). 

I've had a read at Google's help guides and it looks like Previously 'Users' were actually 'total users' in UA, whereas 'Users' in GA4 is 'Active Users', so these would be different?

Do you have any recommendations or advice on how we should calculate our self service score now?

Thanks :) 



How can I drill down into the details of tickets created under the Search dashboard?

I appreciate the guidance :) 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Rebeca,

You should be able to drill down into the details of tickets created under the Search dashboard by following these steps:

  1. In the Explore, click on the Search dashboard.
  2. In the Search dashboard, click on the Tickets tab.
  3. In the Tickets tab, you can see the number of tickets created under the Created column.
  4. To view the details of the tickets created, click on the Created column.
  5. This will open a new window with a list of all the tickets created under the Search dashboard. You can further filter the results by applying additional filters.

    Give that a go and let us know if that helps out.  


Hi David,

Thanks for your response. However, I'm having issues finding the information you mentioned.

I have to go to Explore-->Zendesk Guide dashboard-->Search tab-->then I see Searches, searches with no results, Avg click-through rate, and tickets created; but I don't have the option to click on it to get more details.

Please let me know if there's something I'm doing incorrectly. Thank you!


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Rebeca

I think you have to hover your mouse over first.  


Is there any information available on industry benchmarks for Self-Service Score? I can always say that a bigger ratio of Sessions in my KB to Users submitting tickets is better looking month-over-month, but it would be useful to see how my company stacks up to others like it. 


(Stakeholders generally don't love seeing a number on a dashboard and having to ask “is that good?” :-P )


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