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Understanding system custom agent roles in Zendesk Support

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 19, 2025




For INTERNAL Guide article visibility - normally choosing the "admin and agents only" setting gives light agents visibility - so if your organization uses Zendesk for internal documentation as well as public - making all your employees light agents works - will the Contributor roll function like this?


I am finding it odd that the "Native Agent Roles" listed here are not listed on this other page:


For Light Agents, we are seeing tickets auto assign to a Light Agent. It seems like Zendesk is doing this as the Light Agent is the only 'agent' in the Group that the ticket is assigned to.

Is this expected behaviour? That indeed Light Agents are assigned to tickets if they happen to be the only agent in the Group the ticket is assigned to?

It's weird because the events show the ticket assigns to a Group and the Light Agent in the Group but when I look at the ticket from a Admin perspective, there is no Group or assignee in the 'Assignee' field on the ticket.

Any thoughts on what is happening here? This impacts business rules as Zendesk 'thinks' the ticket is assigned to an agent and therefor certain triggers we want to fire, don't fire like 'Notify Group of Assignment'.

See screengrabs.

Ticket Events

Relevant Trigger

Light Agent Paul's role permissions


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @Gravity CX,
If only one agent belongs to a group, all tickets assigned to that group will be assigned directly to that agent. The status of the ticket will automatically move from New to Open.
For more information about triggers, see Creating and managing triggers.
I have created a ticket on your behalf so we can further discuss your use case. 


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