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About automatically upgrading

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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Dec 19, 2024




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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Brenda
You can contact Zendesk Customer Support and request that the upgrade be postponed. See this post for more background information. 


Just wanted to let you all know that I received approval to stay on the current UI, not sure until when because they did not confirm.


Just rolled my account into the new Agent Workspace experience.

@Jonathan Aniano, How can I provide formal feedback on the product? You mentioned there will be listening session(s). How can I join these?

So far, the new Agent Workspace is not as bad as people are making it to be, and I'm actually seeing performance improvements in general responsiveness with the interface being able to keep up with the "quick" ticket updates I make, however I did notice a few annoyances compared with the "legacy" UX:

  • Although commits to tickets are saved in real time, when updating tickets (e.g., marking as solved) the ticket views don't update in real time to indicate this, and I need to either refresh the view or refresh the entire page. 
  • When composing a comment on a ticket, then switching it to be an internal reply the entire comment gets wiped. After playing around with it a little more, it appears that internal and public replies get their own "cached" versions when you toggle between both when editing. It would be nice if some kind of visual feedback was provided to make users more aware of this context.
  • As others are indicating, having the ability to toggle the way newest comments are displayed (top down or bottom up) would be nice, but not a showstopper.



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Jonathan Aniano

Zendesk SVP, Product

Hi Onur - Consider your feedback formally submitted! Thank you for your comments. I've passed this along to the team and I know we are actually working through designs and solutions for all of these.

As for the listening sessions, we'll post here with timing and instructions.




Thanks, Jon!


I absolutely dislike the new "look/feel".

The way you reply back to emails, show emails etc. feels so off.

I would go as far as saying I was 17% or more effective in the old version rather than this new look...

The new mode doesn't suit any customer that works tickets in email only mode.


Your support is unresponsive. Can we get opted out of Agent Workspace please? Already opened a ticket. 



Hi Winnow Helpdesk, it looks like our Customer Care team has responded to your inquiry. 


I've managed to delay our auto-upgrade that was supposedly to start tomorrow using the chatbot on support and referencing this thread.

We also use our accounts for EMAIL support ONLY! It is imperative that the newest, latest message appears at the top. Cluttering up the interface with features we do not use makes our workflow more complicated. Please include options to sort with latest messages on top and the option to de-clutter and only show emails in Agent Workspace.


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Kolten Kittleson

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

We sincerely appreciate this feedback and would love to hear more about this feedback live. Please join us on Thursday, October 13th at 11 AM CST for our PM Roundtable on Agent Workspace. Live chat with us on what is and isn’t working with recent UI changes, your product experiences, and share your feedback directly with the product team.

The link to register can be found here

The team would like to know more about how different customizations can help workflows, and learn how the plans for allowing this can better be expanded to allow for a more comfortable UI for all different teams. . 

And also feel free to contact our Support team to learn about any possible changes already available to your accounts. 



Really would like to get on this roundtable discussion. Unfortunately, the registration link appears to be broken though.


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Kolten Kittleson

Zendesk Product Manager

Onur Olmez

Thank you for the heads up! We fixed the link and it should be accessible now. Let me know if you or anyone else run into an issue.  


Thanks, but problem #2: Apparently the registration site doesn't recognize my preexisting Zendesk Community user account. Is different from


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Kolten Kittleson

Zendesk Product Manager

Onur Olmez

Interesting! We will look into this right away (for reference there shouldn't be any issue), and just so we make sure you get registered, would you be able to try this link but use your browser in an incognito window?

If you continue to run into a blocker, let me know and we will manually add you, just to be safe and avoid you missing out on getting to talk to us live about feedback and your thoughts. 



No dice unfortunately. Can you please add me manually? Thanks.


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Kolten Kittleson

Zendesk Product Manager

Onur Olmez

No worries! I'll get you added in a few minutes, and you should get an email confirming that. 

I look forward to seeing you there!




Even if I'm chatting with an end user, it still makes more sense to have the most recent reply at the top along with the reply box. Otherwise it's way too much scrolling.

Has this been fixed? Just got notification this is rolling out to everyone in March.


@zendesk I'm not sure you have received one comment that is excited about this drastic move. Its imperative that the reply box to the top of the ticket interface, why is this not considered before you pull the plug on the old UI.


Or just provide the option per agent/organization for how they want it. It's literally a database sort command.


Read through the entire thread and based on the past 10 years of experience with Zendesk and many interactions with their support team I have to agree with everyone here. Zendesk seems to be out of touch with at least a big part of their customer base - those providing support by email. Missing features that would improve agent efficiency do not get added. Instead existing functionality gets deprecated. My impression is that by seeking out additional markets the old - and very loyal! - customer base gets pushed out. A good products gets turned into a bad one instead of improving it - what a colossal waste of development resources!

It's a step we tried to avoid for a long time, but finding a service that fulfils our needs instead of trying to be hip is a topic that is back on my desk. Really, I'd love to rather spend my time providing value to our customers, but Zendesk makes this increasingly harder.


@... - for those of us who were unable to attend the 'PM Roundtable on Agent Workspace', is there a link to the recording available?


So is Zendesk just going to leave those of us using email high and dry?

Why not provide a top level down for SMS/chat and a top level up for email tickets?


Ok... this isn't as bad as it sounded.   At least it jumps to the last reply... which doesn't require any more scrolling than it used to.


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Matt

In the Agent Workspace, you can have a mix of SMS/Chat and Email conversations within the same ticket. So, there are no longer separate tickets for SMS/Chats vs. Email. 

That said, the Product Team is aware that having the "the newest comment first" in a ticket is a popular feature request that customers would like to see.  You can vote for your favorite features on our Community site


Lisa Kelly So let's back up a moment.  If a customer is having one conversation with us via e-mail and then starts a different conversation on a different topic via SMS -- they are going to be in the same ticket?  That's absolutely terrible.


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Lisa Kelly

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Matt, That's not what I meant. Apologies for the confusion.
Just to clarify. If the ticket is related to the same topic, the conversation can change from SMS/Chat to Email, all within the same ticket. See this description of a Sample ticket and workflow for an example.  You can also watch the video in the article I linked for a quick overview of the Agent Workspace. 


So from reading this thread and how every comment is against a forced move, it sounds like this got delayed. We're now told the force move will be in March - but can we get any confirmation that the issues people have raised will be addressed?


The main issue is the order of messages, especially for email only customers (myself included). The fact that the forced moves were delayed and you've had roudtables etc. should mean you'll address it? Or are you just waiting for people to give up complaining and then continue doing the same thing?


Most of the other benefits listed are already available in the existing interface with sidebar apps etc., so really the move is just going to make us less productive regardless of how many buzzwords you try and throw in to make it sound better.


Some confirmation  that things are actually going to be addressed before next March would be great.





It looks like custom field isn't correctly ordered on the UI.

I created a "Summary" multiline field, put it in the first position : it work with current Zendesk UI. But, if I do the same thing with new interface, the Summary Field stay in the bottom of all others fields.

Edit : I'm talking about custom "agent" fields ; thoses who are ordered on the left panel.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Oliver,

I have tested the behavior on both AW and Standard interface. All the standard fields (requester, assignee, tags, organization, etc.) will be on top of any custom fields no matter how you sort them in each forms.


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