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How can I remove the due date on a task ticket?

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Dan Borrego

Zendesk Customer Care

Edited Sep 16, 2022




I must admit that I'm pretty disappointed--and frustrated--that this simple bug hasn't been fixed 1.5 years after Dan reported it above.  This workaround would've been ok for maybe a couple months, but the idea that a program manager never added this almost-surely simple to fix bug to the backlog so a developer could've taken 10 minutes to fix it by now really strengthens the impression that I've had for several years now of Zendesk--that you're not allocating enough of your developers' time to fixing bugs and design flaws.  If I weren't grandfathered onto a reeeeally inexpensive plan, I would've found a different system by now.  It seems a bit ridiculous to be paying $19/mo/agent just for basic ticketing functionality, when you take so long to fix even simple bugs like this.



I have a Similar issue, I don't want ro remove the date intentionally rather in my use case if an Agent removes or changes the set Date by mistake and updates the ticket which is in my case due date for time needs to solve the ticket, I want to to revert that date to the original one once the ticket was created understanding the agents mistake. For example if a ticket is created today my trigger is setting a due date for 30 days from today.


The bug should be fixed natively in Zendesk without the need for any workarounds like changing the ticket type. 
The fact that it has persisted for so long is not a good sign.
Waiting for official fix too.


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