When you create a dashboard, you might want certain users to see some of the data without being able to see all of it. While you could create a separate filtered dashboard for each user, it’s much easier to accomplish this goal with dashboard restrictions.
For example, you can create a single dashboard to monitor agent productivity, and then use dashboard restrictions to ensure that each agent can see only their own metrics when they open the dashboard.
This article contains the following topics:
Creating a dashboard restriction
The first step in determining what a dashboard viewer can see is creating a dashboard restriction. A dashboard restriction is a set of rules that determines what data—broken down by dataset, attribute, and attribute value—a user is allowed to view.
Customers on Professional plans can create a maximum of 10 dashboard restrictions. Customers on Enterprise plans can create a maximum of 100.
To create a dashboard restriction
- Open an existing dashboard for editing (it must have been created using the beta
dashboard builder), or create a new dashboard using the beta
dashboard builder.Tip: You can use the Support agent productivity template to quickly create a dashboard that’s designed to show a full picture of agent productivity over the last 7 days.
- Click the arrow next to the Share button and select Manage data
- Click Create restriction.
- In the window that appears, fill out the following fields:
- Name: Give your dashboard restriction a descriptive name.
- Dataset: Select the dataset that you want to restrict data for.
- Filter: Select the attribute that you want to restrict data for. For details, see List of dynamic attributes.
Values: For the filter you selected above, select up to 20 values
that will be visible to the dashboard viewer. Search for specific values
by typing. For example, if you want the dashboard to show only tickets
assigned to a specific agent, you could select a Filter of
Assignee name, and a Value of the agent’s name.
The Based on viewer option dynamically restricts a dashboard’s data based on the signed-in user. For example, if you select the Assignee name filter and the Based on viewer value, the dashboard will show only tickets where the signed-in user is the assignee.
Note: Dashboard restrictions that use the Based on viewer setting can’t be shared externally.
- If needed, click Add filter and select an additional set of
Dataset, Filter, and Values. You can add as many
filters as you need to restrict the dashboard to your desired level.
You can remove a filter at any time by clicking Remove filter underneath the corresponding Dataset/Filter/Values set.
- When you’re done, click Create dashboard restriction. The Dashboard
restrictions window appears, showing you the restriction you just
created along with any other restrictions that exist for this
- Click Done.
Creating a dashboard restriction is the first step in controlling what dashboard viewers can see, but you need to share that dashboard restriction with the applicable users for it to have any effect.
Sharing a restricted dashboard with users
After you’ve created at least one dashboard restriction, you need to share it with users. Sharing a dashboard restriction with a user invites them to view the restricted version of the dashboard, meaning they’ll be able to see only the data that you defined in the dashboard restriction you created above.
To share a restricted dashboard with users
- Open an existing dashboard for editing (it must have been created using the beta dashboard builder), or create a new dashboard using the beta dashboard builder.
- Click Share. The Invite people window appears.
- In the Add team members or groups field, select the users you want to share the dashboard with. Search for specific users by typing.
- In the Access field, select the dashboard restriction that defines which
data the selected users should be able to see. If you don’t want to apply any
dashboard restriction for the selected users, choose All data. The
People with access pane shows you which users can already see the
dashboard.Tip: If none of the existing dashboard restrictions meet your needs, you can create a new one from this dropdown by clicking Create dashboard restriction.
- (Optional) Clear the Send email notification checkbox if you don’t want to send an email notification to the invited users to view the dashboard. If you don’t send an email, users can still find the dashboard in the report library or by going to the dashboard’s URL.
- Click Invite people.
Viewing a dashboard with a restriction
When a user opens a dashboard that was created with the beta dashboard builder, they can see the name of the dashboard and the currently applied dashboard restriction at the top.
Users with access to multiple dashboard restrictions (like admins) can switch between the different restrictions, changing the data shown in the dashboard. Users with access to only a single restriction cannot change the selection.
To view a dashboard with a restriction
- Open a dashboard that was created using the beta dashboard builder.
- If you have access, select the dropdown next to the dashboard’s name to switch
between different dashboard restrictions.
List of dynamic attributes
You can create a dashboard restriction with any historical dataset or attribute. However, the attributes listed in the table below are the only ones that dynamically change the dashboard’s data based on the viewer.
You cannot create dashboard restrictions for live data.
Dataset | Corresponding attributes |
Support - Tickets |
Support - Updates history |
Support - SLAs |
Support - Backlog history |
Talk - Calls |
Chat - Engagement |
Chat - Messaging tickets |
CJ Johnson
Edit: In case it's unclear, this feedback is specific to the Agent Productivity Reporting Template. I don't see anywhere to give feedback on this.
Some feedback on this. Apologies if my tone is brusque, my intent is simply to approach this with a critical eye.
As far as I can tell, this is a count of how many tickets are assigned to the agent that were created in the last seven days – regardless of whether the agent has replied to them even once yet. That’s a very strange metric. I would be curious what Zendesk’s intent for use for this metric is. It doesn’t work for us because agents may take 7 tickets for 3 hours, work 3 of them, and never work on the remaining 4, with those being passed off to another agent. They shouldn’t be counted and it will make it very difficult to reconcile numbers across the team if they are, as the time of the report being generated will impact this. I would anticipate spending a lot of time trying to figure out why tickets are being double counted if we sent this report out to agents and supervisors.
4. The metric “Unsolved tickets” suffers the same problem as above.I might have 42 unsolved tickets, but it will return “2” if the other 40 were created more than 7 days ago. That makes this metric not very helpful for an agent to see their actual workload, and will lead to a lot of emails about why the dashboard isn’t counting all their work. It doesn’t make sense to constrain unsolved tickets assigned to an agent by the date of creation on a dashboard intended to reflect productivity.
5. The lack of ability to add filters for things like Tags to the entire Dashboard renders it useless for me for the one task I need this for, unfortunately. I need to filter out merged tickets, for example, from basically all metrics. Editing every report on the Dashboard to do this behind the scenes, makes it impossible for the viewer to know why some tickets are excluded. This then leads to me having to spend time explaining why ticket x wasn’t counted. I want and need the filters on reports to be visible and filterable at a Dashboard level, for all things, not just the select few filters that are currently allowed on this Beta version.
Steve Steffel
This is a wonderful and very useful feature for us! One question: Can dashboard restrictions be copied to multiple dashboards? For example, maybe my restriction is "Group ABC" and it's a filter on ticket group with values "Group A", "Group B", "Group C". I'd like to reuse that filter across different dashboards instead of recreating it. Is that possible? Thanks!
Walter Bellante
Hi Steve Steffel,
thanks for your positive feedback and interest in the feature.
While I understand you want to reuse the same dashboard restriction across different dashboards, we currently do not plan to support saving restrictions.
Abby Armada
Hi there,
I love this feature, but would love an expanded attribute list. In "Support - Updates history", I'd love to see "Updater name" since many of our tickets are re-assigned and we count tickets via agent update. This would 100% solve all of our data sharing problems. Thanks!
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter,
we testing the feature currently as we have 200+ Dashboards and 2500+ queries, so our reporting is impressive and customized.
I found 2 limits I can´t figure out:
a) Talk "Dataset" seems unavailable in Restriction Area; is it true? Will it come?
b) The limit of 3 datasets may not be enough, as, i.e., we are creating Dashboards for Agents Performance / KPI measuring, we need on 1 different Dashboard Datasets applied when this Agent opens Dashboard (Support SLA, Support Tickets for CSAT, Talk Calls .. ..)
c) Some larger queries can´t filter correctly instead of "per Agent" I see result of "all Agents" which should not be the case, bug?
It would be good to get some insight into that.
Kind Regards,
Jordan Forsythe
This is the best feature I've seen you release for the new dashboards! Why wasn't this communicated to users!
Very happy with this functionality
Jordan Forsythe
Question about two improvements to the new dashboard beta!
Do you have plans to exclude the restrictions from applying to certain reports on the dashboard. E.g I have an average KPI report that I calculate and dont want that to filter for only that agents user.
When are you going to introduce excluding the dashboard time filters from certain reports on the dashboard? I can do this in the legacy builder but really miss this in the new beta.
Thank you!
Walter Bellante
Hi Abby Armada,
thanks for your feedback.
We have just added the Updater Name and Updater Email for the "Support - Updates history" dataset.
Walter Bellante
Hi Jordan Forsythe, thanks for the positive feedback.
The ability to exclude filters from certain reports will be available before the GA of the beta builder. You can check the list of features available at each stage in this article.
Walter Bellante
Hi Tobias Hermanns,
thanks for your thorough feedback.
a) Regarding the Talk dataset, what attributes would you like to see in dashboard restrictions?
b) I see why 3 filters would be limiting for your use case. We'll increase this limit soon.
c) May you please check if the report and the restriction are linked to the same dataset? If that's the case, could you open a ticket so my team can look into it?
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter Bellante
thanks for your feedback here!
a) We need the "Leg Agent Name" to identify Missed / Declined Calls from the Agent to perform KPI Dashboard :)
b) Thank you, that would be amazing.
c) Yes, it is the same dataset, it works a bit in "Edit" Mode but after Publish or refresh, it may fail to render the report correctly. It´s under 11209679
I waiting for feedback for a week here, I am not even sure if they understand it right you may check the status. The Dashboard with the issue is still ready for duplication. And in case I shorten the list by "time filters" in the query, it looks better.
Kind Regards,
Walter Bellante
Hi Tobias Hermanns,
we have now increased the limit on the number of filters from 3 to 5.
We will include additional attributes related to the Talk (including Leg Agent Name) and Messaging dataset before the end of Q1. Keep an eye on this article to learn when it's live.
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter,
That sounds good! We are converting more and more to this Dashboard style.
The talk would be a fantastic enhancement.
We are also missing the New Dashboard Builder Tabs (it is on the roadmap). I think if we have them, we have our base to go.
Matthew Peng
Hi team,
This is really helpful and useful feature. Since this feature is still in the Beta version and the dashboard builder (Beta) is also in Beta, can I know if there is any ETA that these features will be fully available(not in Beat anymore)?
Anton Maslov
Walter Bellante
Hi Anton Maslov,
thanks for sharing your feedback.
The 3 features you mentioned (Tabs, Exclude filters, Link filters) will be built into the beta builder.
You can look at the complete list of features here
Tobias Hermanns
i have the following needs. We have 1 custom field synced from CRM into Zendesk show the Branch where the customer is located i.e. "BNL; GERMANY; UK;" now I want create 1 Dashboard with Restriction, that each Light Agent (for their region) can see their content.
I was hoping, I can use Custom Field in Restriction and map them like:
Light Agent A = See Pre-Filter Result Value A
Light Agent B = See Pre-Filter Result Value B
This kind like Bookmark together with other people can´t see other region content.
Both is impossible, will this be enhance in future, or does I need to create again classic dashboards (per region) with bookmark filtering?
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter Bellante
Is the Omni Channel dataset not supported to select in Agent restriction?
Thanks Tobias
Walter Bellante
Hi Tobias Hermanns,
while we plan to introduce it, live data is not currently available in dashboard restrictions.
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter,
that would be nice, we just introduce Omni to our Team together with Beta Dashboard (per Viewer) to save dashboards, so all good like individual CSAT, individual Ticket solved, but some individual "working time", "online time", capacity per viewer, would be high benefit the team!
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Walter Bellante
While we waiting for Omni Channel Dataset into Restriction to choose, we also found "Real Time" Channels i.e. "Agent Online" can´t work. Is this also planned?
We want for example build a "Talk > Call Name" set (which is already doable) and then show how many Agents are "Online" to take calls, so they can self organize their break / project timings.
Let me know if this is planned.
Julia DiGregorio
Can these user restrictions be used for customers. Meaning I created on dashboard with a permission call Ticket organization and select based on viewer. If so this would mean I could have one dashboard to share with all customers.
Julia DiGregorio
Also - I am not seeing the option to schedule the dashboard, export a dashboard or download a report
Walter Bellante
Hi Julia DiGregorio,
thanks for your interest in dashboard restrictions.
As of now, dynamic restrictions can be used just internally to your own account.
While it won't be possible to dynamically restrict data based on an external viewer, soon you will be able to share a dashboard restriction with an end user.
As for exporting a dashboard, it will be available too before the GA of the beta dashboard builder.
Here you can learn more about the features available in the beta builder.
Rob Tihanyi
Hi Walter Bellante,
I note in July you stated that Live Data is not currently available in restrictions. Is it possible though to allow it to be shown regardless of restrictions?
What we see currently is that on a dashboard with some data restrictions in place (eg. for tickets) none of the Live Data reports show any information. Is there a way to show all Live Data and still have restrictions on the remaining historical reports?
I seem to be stuck with either applying restrictions and having no Live Data at all, or exposing all of the information to make it all work.
Walter Bellante
Hi Rob Tihanyi,
thanks for sharing your feedback on dashboard restrictions.
The ideal behavior you described is exactly what happens when you combine live data and historical data with restrictions.
Could you open a ticket so we can look at your dashboard more closely?
Agnieszka Czajka
Hi Anton Maslov!
You can now add tabs to your dashboards in Beta Builder. You can learn more on how to do it here: Working with the dashboard builder (Beta).
Tobias Hermanns
HI Walter Bellante
When the builder can support the Omni Channel Dataset as per Viewer?
i.e. We want to add a Tab like "Online Time" but it can´t be filtered based on Agent.
Walter Bellante
Hi Tobias Hermanns,
thanks for sharing your comment about dashboard restrictions.
While the ability to dynamically adapt dashboards for live data is on our radar, it won't be available in the next 9 months.
Efrat Barak Zadok
How can I move all data sets and tabs I have from my "regular" dashboard into the beta dashboard builder?
Note that I have tabs related to different datasets such as knowledge base, chat, SLA etc.