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You can clone a report to make a copy of it. You might do this if you want to copy a report into a different dataset, or edit an existing report without modifying the original.
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Cloning a report from one dataset to another
In the Reports library, you can create a copy of a report in a different dataset than the original report. For example, you might have created a report in a test dataset and need to copy it into a shared dataset for others to see.
To clone a report from one dataset to another
- In Explore, select the Reports icon (
- Find the report you want to clone in the list of reports, or search for it in the search bar.
- Hover the mouse over the report and click the options menu (
) on the far right.
- Select Clone.
- In the Clone report window, fill out the following fields:
- Report name: (Optional) Rename the cloned report so you can distinguish between it and the original. If you're moving the report to a different dataset, you might not want or need to change the name.
To the dataset: Select the dataset you want to create the cloned report in. You can choose to clone the report in the same dataset, if you want.
- Click Clone. The cloned report appears in the Reports library.
Cloning a report within the same dataset
In the report builder, you can create a copy of a report in the same dataset as the original. For example, you might want to create a new report that's similar to an existing one without modifying the original.
To clone a report within the same dataset
- In Explore, open a report for editing.
- In the report builder, click the dropdown arrow next to Save and select Save as new.
A copy of the report is added to the Reports library.
- Select the Reports icon (
) to open the Reports library.
- Hover the mouse over the report you just cloned and click the options menu (
) on the far right.
- Select Rename and give the cloned report a unique name so you can distinguish between it and the original.