Disclaimer: This article is provided for instructional purposes only. Zendesk does not support or guarantee third-party tools. Try searching for a solution online or contact Kaspersky for support with the tool.
Issue symptoms
Whenever I sign in to Zendesk, my screen is blank. No pages are loading. This issue happens from multiple browsers.
Resolution steps
If you sign in and your screen is blank, you may be using a proxy or firewall that blocks websites such as Zendesk. Typically, Kaspersky or NordVPN may prevent Zendesk from loading or return a 404 error.
To resolve this error with Kaspersky
- In Kaspersky, go to Security, on the left side.
- Click the Settings gear icon.
- Under Network settings, clear this option: Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages.
In addition, once you are successfully logged in:
- Open your user profile.
- From the left, select a Language.
This ensures that any Admin Center pages can load properly as well.
For more information, see these articles: