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Play recording while caller is waiting in the queue


Posted Dec 17, 2021

Feature Request Summary: 

Zendesk Talk should have the possibility to add a custom recording to be played while the caller is waiting in the queue. The recording can play after X amount of mins (or secs), and this time should be configurable per number.

Description/Use Cases: 

The possibility to play such recording would increase the customer's experience as he/she will not be waiting for a long time without any further information. This recording can also be used to remind the caller that he/she can press 1 at any time to leave a voice message (or 2 for a callback). The time to play such recording should be configurable per line so that an admin can decide to play this recording every X amount of time, e.g. play it every 1 minute while waiting.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

The caller has no information that actually he/she is still waiting and also may not remember that pressing 1 allows him/her to just leave a voice mail (or 2 for callback).





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Widson Reis

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Al Hafiz and others,

It's possible to customise the "waiting greeting" to loop through a certain message every few minutes. For this, first, you have to record the message you want to repeat and then, using a basic editing tool (there are plenty of free options online), stitch it with some music. So if you put together, say, 10 seconds of message and 4:50 minutes of music, you have a greeting that will repeat itself every 5 minutes. 


I don't know if this helps, but for us, we spliced in a reminder at the callwaiting music minute mark stating they can press 1 for a callback. It isn't foolproof as they don't know the queue size and requires additional work but it was a temporary workaround if you need it asap.


Hello Sydney,

Thanks a lot for your comment and idea, this definitely helps, it is an interesting workaround which we are evaluating. Still... I think that this product feature is still relevant since the "waiting music" and the "reminder message" should be a different recording from my point of view.

Best regards, Alfredo


Agreed! I have upvoted your post and will follow it in case there is a development :)


When we first spliced our wait music, we had the "press 1" notification at the beginning and again a minute in. However, we found people were pressing 1 just before they were being routed to Agents so we ended up editing it again and only having the minute notification.


Including it here as well for Zendesk Support. Looking to get support in terms of an ivr messaging we can send to callers when they're waiting 5/10/20 mins in call queue rather than just music throughout. Is there any development on this?


Widson Reis With the amount of money charged by Zendesk, I would hope that 3 years of development time would suffice to add this industry standard practice. Please expedite a native solution vs expecting your customers to use a work around that requires external audio editing tools to accomplish. 




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