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end-user timezone should be set to their IP location and not the default location set in admin.
Posted Aug 08, 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk should begin using the IP address location information when setting the timezone for an end-user. Currently, the timezone is automatically set to the default timezone set in the admin centre location. This means that all end-users have the same timezone unless manually changed.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
To have the correct timezone set in an end user's profile automatically.
Other necessary information or resources:
Link to the discussion of "How does Zendesk capture the location of the end user?".
Paulo Jacob
This is an issue with teams that are spread across several time zones (some with several hours difference)
Cameron Milne
Couldn't agree more, the information there is completely unhelpful.
Lucy Linnell
This is completely baffling approach. It would be much better if the customer time zone was completely hidden, rather than displaying incorrect/misleading information
Cameron Milne
Lucy Linnell I agree, this is completely superfluous information. The fact you cannot adust the content in that User Context panel is baffling to me also.
Totally agree with this post and all previous comments. I just wanted to add that I thought I would use a trigger or automation to update that field automatically based on some location tags we are using but nope, editing the time zone isn't part of the available actions :(
So the only thing we can do, as far as I can see, is to edit manually the time zone in the customer profile. And since there isn't any feature to bulk edit user profiles, it will have to be done one by one...
Luca Di Gangi
Upvoted to hopefully draw some attention to this.
For businesses that have organisations based in different countries all using the same Zendesk account, the ability for customer profiles to be set automatically based on their physcial location will go a long way to reducing both questions and doubt from customers concerned that they may be speaking to the wrong support team based on the ticket timestamps.
Manually amending the time-zones on customer profiles as tickets come is a waste of time when this could all be automated.
Mark Firman
Highlighting the importance of this issue: Automatically updating customer time zones is crucial for our business. The absence of this feature is creating additional work for our agents and causing confusion for our customers.
I hope that we see the ability to amend customer time zones using triggers in the next release.
John Prather
Bump! I can't believe there is a field for Time Zone in Contacts and Local time of Requester in tickets but it isn't derived from the email headers or web browser time/zone/location information that is collected and tracked in events. We have a global team and global customer base so this is very useful information that we currently have to manually update. As noted before, it isn't even available for updating via a Trigger. Please provide this functionality as soon as possible.