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Joined May 25, 2023


Last activity Mar 20, 2025





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Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Hi Team, 


Following the recent update to the dashboard builder, it might be the perfect opportunity to perform an Explore Overhaul.

There are several features in the UI which can use an update. Those being: 

  • Being able to open any dashboard in a new tab. This is a feature that has been missing and as a company currently managing dozens of Zendesk instance with hundreds of dashboards, it is not productive to go over them and having to open each dashboard without the possibility of opening them in new windows or tabs.
  • Dashboard tab order (Shared with me; My Dashboards; All) - This currently does not make sense and could use a reorder. Whenever I want to go back (exit a dashboard) which for example is not shared with me and is located in “All dashboards” tab, I am being rerouted to dashboards “Shared with me”. This can cause confusion if we are performing an audit of all dashboards created in a Zendesk instance and can cause the person auditing them to lose track and focus. Ideal order would be “All”, “Shared with me”, “My dashboards”.
  • An advanced security layer for sharing public links for dashboards. There are members within instances which have permissions to Create their own dashboards, however we can see that “Public Link - ON”, meaning that this dashboard is being shared, however we are not aware with who. This should ideally be a permission available only for Admins or a configurable permission given by Admins to reduce risk of data exposure. Perhaps there could also be a notification which will inform Admins whenever someone has enabled this feature. 

Hope these enhancements will be taken into consideration and implemented. 


Thanks in advnace.  

Posted Mar 20, 2025 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Admin Center

Hi Team, 


We would like to be able to have and use Capacity Rule Automations. Idea of these automations is the following: 

For example - there are 3 capacity rules set up in Zendesk:
- In Training (limited capacity) - used for new members which are in training (first month)
- Onboarding (increased capacity) - used for members which now have more experience and can handle an increased amount of workload (second month)
- Fully Onboarded (Full capacity) - used for members which have extensive experience and can handle the full amount of workload (third month and above)


Currently, depending on the onboarding style, each time a change in capacity is needed - a manual effort from another member with relevant access needs to be done. What we want to achieve is for this entire process to be automated to avoid manual change in capacity every time.

For this purpose, we set up an automation for all new members where they start from “In Training” capacity and after 1 month, capacity is changed to “Onboarding” and after another month, capacity is changed to “Fully Onboarded”.


Admins are currently affected by the lack of such a feature and manual effort is needed every time.


No workaround is possible for this, only manual change. 


Ideal solution for this would be to incorporate automations in Capacity rules in Admin Center. Automations can be set up for predefined time frame such as 1 week, 1-6 months, 1 year, indefinitely and so on. Another possibility is to have this fully custom where we can have a field where we input how many days this capacity should be applied for.


Hope to see this implemented.

Posted Mar 14, 2025 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)



Currently, when an end-user submits a form via the Help Center Page - ticket will be created in Support with ticket channel “Web Form”.
Same also applies when an agent send an outbound e-mail to an end-user.

What we need is a clear native differentiation and indication in Explore which form the end-user has submitted and it will be immediately clear to anyone creating or filtering an existing report.


This will solve countless filtering options that need to be selected or excluded in order to find that information. This increases the chance of exporting incorrect data which is then presented to stakeholders, potentially influencing decisions and untimately impacting the business.


What we can utilize is a new data filter or altering existing one which will give more control over what data is presented and setting clear differentiation between tickets coming from different web forms.


Workaround we are currently using is to filter reports by channel and for selected forms which in our case could be dozens increasing chance for error. 

Posted Feb 21, 2025 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi Team,


We are currently looking into implementing the “End Session” feature for Messaging. However, we noticed that when enabled, the feature is activated at the instance level and not per brand.


By making it per brand, we will have more granular control, which is something Admins should always have for every new functionality that is released. 


We are not currently directly affected by the lack of this functionality. However, in the future, should stakeholders want this feature enabled on one brand and not the other for one reason or another, we would like to have this as an option.


The ideal solution would be to simply have a toggle for brands when “End Session” is enabled.

Posted Jan 10, 2025 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

Hi Team, 


Recently, we needed a more in depth reporting capabilities in terms of checking agent capacity historically to determine whether an agent was at full capacity at the time when a messaging conversation was requested. 


We were attempting to use the default Omnichannel dashboard to find this information, however it was missing some metrics and attributes to accurately establish an outcome. 


One of these attributes is Ticket ID, which will help us see on which tickets the agents were working on during a specific time-frame. Another attribute which is missing is the agent status.


We would appreciate if these can be added and the omnichannel dataset is further developed as it can show a lot of in depth and important data which is crucial for properly managing team workload.

Posted Dec 10, 2024 · Atanas







Atanas commented,

Community comment Feedback - Help Center (Guide)

Hi Orsolya Forster

Idea behind this suggestion is to have control over published articles and their visibiliy.

Our particular use case in this situation would be the following:

- An end-user has a very specific or sensitive issue/topic he needs to have information for. 

- We create an article specifically for this case, however since it could be sensitive - we do not want to expose this article to all end-users. 

- We need to have visibility restrictions on articles which will allow us to publish this article but not make it publicly visible.

- By utilizing this restriction, only Admins and relevant team members with access will be able to view the article, then the URL of this article can be taken from the address bar and sent directly to the end-user, so that he can view it as well.


This is somehow similar to custom forms which can be seen and accessed by end-users only via a direct link to the form itself. 


Let me know if you need more information on this topic. 


View comment · Posted Nov 12, 2024 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi Team,


I wanted to bring to your attention a recent announcement from Zendesk regarding user suspension for the messaging channel. Link to article can be found here.


We’ve had some interest and questions about this new functionality, which were addressed by a support representative. According to the information provided, the permission to suspend users is granted based on the agent’s role. This is quite disappointing for us, as we use Unified accounts where all contact details (email, phone number, external ID, etc.) are consolidated in an end-user’s account. Consequently, this feature becomes completely obsolete for our needs.

The current role-based permission means that if an agent is granted this ability, they will suspend not only the messaging channel but all other communication channels for an end-user. This broad scope of suspension is not practical for our operations.


For the future, we strongly recommend making permissions more granular, for example specifically making this one based on channel rather than role to accomodate a broader audience of your customers including us, who find the current implementation unusable.

Thank you.



Posted Nov 04, 2024 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat)

Hi Team, 


Currently there is no way to differentiate between Authenticated and Non-authenticated end-users in Messaging when reporting in Explore. 

We are currently looking to activate Messaging for both types of customers and therefore we will need to divide them within reporting.


Having some kind of native solution will really help us to determine volumes of each contact origin in terms of authenticated or not customer. 


We are currently being affected by this lack of functionality and subsequently looking for workarounds which we are currently in the works of.


Ideal solution would be to tag these interactions with a system tag, so that they can later be divided in Explore. 



Posted Sep 13, 2024 · Atanas







Atanas commented,

Community comment Feedback - Voice (Talk)

We are currently exploring this feature for possible implementation and also encountered this limitation for Callback functionality. Being able to select particular working hours for this feature will greatly improve its efficiency, usability and most importantly the end-user experience. Offering a callback when the support team is close to EOD (last hour) is not a good end-user experience as there will be no one to pick it up. 


Another thing I would like to bring to your attention is the inability to customize the 3 sub-greetings when requesting the callback. The pre-recorded messages are too robotic and mundane. 


@..., do you have any updates about it and is it on your roadmap currently?

View comment · Edited Aug 01, 2024 · Atanas







Atanas created a post,

Post Feedback - Admin Center

Hi Team, 


We have noticed that in the new Consolidated Macros Management interface, in some cases the macro name column will overlap the date created column if it is too long:

Additionally, it would be great if a couple of new columns will be added such as “Created by” and “Last update by”. This will be highly useful for audit purposes.


No workaround is currently possible for either feature improvements.

Posted Jun 21, 2024 · Atanas





