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Explore recipe: Solved tickets this year compared to last year

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Ricardo Pinto

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Any ideas how to include the current year? I have 2018, 2019 and 2020. I have also chosen 2021 and would like to see everything so far during this year too. However 2021 isn't appearing despite choosing it?



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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Hi Darren Taylor, thank you for the screenshot. Could you tell me if you have any custom fields in use as filters? I have noticed that if I change my custom fields, their existence will impact what time periods will show up. What I usually end up having to do is use tags because my tags remained the same even though we changed the ticket fields they are in.

If there aren't any other filters, try opening the "Edit dates" in the Year filter and see if there's anything funky going on.

Are you using any custom sorting or Top/Bottom selections? Those will also impact what shows up.


Hi @... thanks for the reply. I've double checked all filters and they don't apply to this query. I even setup a new tab with no filters and added the query there on its own and its still the same. No 2021?


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Thank you for checking Darren Taylor. I think your best bet will be to chat with Support. They will be able to assume in and see what's going on. 


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Hillary Latham

Community Moderator

@... - check out the row selector.  This recent question is similar the fix is about Row selector and has some screenshots that may help you if that is the problem. It gets me every time, especially in the new year!


@... Perfect that was it! Thanks so much. 

If anyone has the same issue, I changed Row Selector/Selected position/Selected values to "Select all"



I would like to display a range of KPI's on my dashboard display using time filters on the dashboard. One set of KPI's should display unsolved, open, pending, on-hold tickets current and the other set should display a comparison of those same statuses at some period in the past defined by the comparison time filter.  For comparison I am using a clone of the Support Tickets Dataset. For example, current unsolved tickets compared to the unsolved tickets last year. The current number of unsolved tickets could be 100 and at the same time last year it should be roughly the same but it is showing a value of less than 10. The supplied Zendesk dashboard looks like it is doing this but the values are wrong. I have tried excluding filters such as 'Ticket Created' and 'Ticket Solved' alternately but the values are still incorrect. Maybe I need to use a different filter? My different reports use 'dcount Tickets' of status 'Unsolved'/ 'Open' / 'Pending' / 'On-hold'. I have also tried using 'dcount unsolved tickets'. I think it must be something to do with the filters but apart from 'Ticket Created' and 'Ticket Solved' I don't know what other filters to use. Any suggestions or help gratefully received.


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Salim Cheurfi

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ian, 
Sorry for the delay, I would recommend checking the filters of your dashboard and comparing it with the reports that were added in order to see if they are linked to the right dataset. It looks like the dashboard filter is messing with your data , more information here : Best practices for using dashboard filters.
If you still need help with that, I would recommend opening a ticket with our support so we can directly check this for you.
Have a great day, 


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