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Editing dates and date ranges

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Hi @... @...

It seems this article sent provides instructions on how to do adjust time for a query.

However, I'd like to adjust the "LAST WEEK" date range in the time filter for the entire DASHBOARD, not the query. My preference is start date: MONDAY, and end date: SUNDAY.

For reference, please see the screenshot below. When I click "Last Week," the result is 1/24 - 1/30 which is a start date of Sunday, and an end date of Saturday -- instead, this should display 1/25 - 1/31. Is this possible?


Is there a way to create a dashboard that can have its dates set for on-demand reporting but can also generate scheduled email reports for preset ranges like "last 7 days" or "last month?" When I've done this before, I had to create duplicates of all my queries and a duplicate dashboard - one set of queries with no date restrictions so the Dashboard can set the dates, and another with the specific date restrictions for the scheduled email reports. I'd much rather do it with a single set of queries if there's a way to do it.


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Taylor Bowser

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...

Thanks for reaching out! Selecting Last Week within the time filter should default to Monday - Sunday but as you can see the dates shown reflect Sunday - Saturday. We've raised this issue with our Product team and they will be working on a fix. I'd be happy to create a ticket on your behalf so you can stay updated on the progress. 

In the meantime, we recommend manually selecting the dates within the time filter to reflect Monday - Sunday

We're very sorry for any inconvenience.


I recently created a series of queries that have a pre-set date range of the last 7 days, and wanted to know if there's any way to include the date range that's covered somewhere on a dashboard that goes out via email each week. I know I could include the covered dates in table format, but these particular queries are either KPI (average for the week) or sparklines, so they don't display the date range.


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Taylor Bowser

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi @...

Could you use a time filter at the dashboard level to filter to the last 7 days instead of filtering at the query level? When adding a time filter to a dashboard you can choose to show the selected date range on the dashboard. Here are some articles that might help for setting up time filters: 

Warm regards, 


I'm having the same issue as Ervin with the "Last week" time filter, but I want to add some more info on what I have observed. 

When I select "Last week", the dates shown as currently viewing are Sunday to Saturday (2/28 to 3/6), and these are the results my queries show:

Then, when I select "Custom", starting on Monday 3/1 and ending on Sunday 3/7, my queries show the same results:

And finally, if I select "Custom", starting on Sunday 2/28 and ending on Saturday 3/6, I get different results:

So, from this, what I understand is that the "Last week" filter is correctly showing results for Monday to Sunday, even though the dates shown as currently viewing are Sunday to Saturday. To everyone confused here, if your work week is Monday to Sunday, it looks like you can continue to use "Last week" confidently. 

@... please make sure your Product team is aware of this, and I hope the display issue can be fixed soon.


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Antonio,

Thanks for adding these here. Like what Taylor mentioned, this has been raised to our product and they are working to address this as soon as possible. Sorry again for any trouble that this may have caused. We'll also create a ticket on your behalf and link it up to the problem ticket that the product team is working on, so that you'll be notified as soon as a fix is ready for roll out.

Thanks Antonio!



Currently, my organization pulls the data individually for every day of the month. We need each separate day due to the way we currently calculate our metrics, but I'm having trouble finding a way to edit the date options in order to do that in one single report (choose a month and have that break out each individual day in one report), so that I can do a single export with all the individual data per day for each of our analysts, rather than having to adjust the date options for a single day, export, then rinse and repeat for the entire month.

Any suggestions?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jake,

If you add a - Date or - Day of month attribute (example: Ticket solved - Date, Update - Day of month) under rows/columns, then your metrics should be sliced per date. When you visit your report to export the data daily, the query should show how the numbers are for each day/date. If your report is also sliced by agent or assignee, then your report will display the stats of each agent for each day of the month.


When will the dates shown when selecting Last week vs. the dates reported on be corrected?


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Zendesk Engineering

Can you further explain what exactly is the issue you are experiencing?


Dane, Fixing:  "Selecting Last Week within the time filter should default to Monday - Sunday but as you can see the dates shown reflect Sunday - Saturday. We've raised this issue with our Product team and they will be working on a fix. "


Hi, I would also like to know the above. The Last Week date range selects Sunday-Saturday instead of Monday-Sunday. In previous comments this was stated to be an error. When will this be corrected? Or is there the ability to choose?


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Zendesk Engineering

@James and Elle,
A fix has already been rolled out. Please refer to Announcing custom start of the week in Explore for more information


Is there any further documentation on how Advanced date range selection is supposed to behave?

I have noticed that when selecting "From the beginning of 1 years in the past" to "To the end of Today" that get unexpected results. For example, I would expect to see a list of tickets generated in the past year, say from 'today' in 2021 to 'today' 2022. What I am seeing instead is a list of tickets From Jan 2021 to 'today' in 2022.

I've built a lot of reports using the example above and if the behavior that I've explained above is the intended behavior then I will have to work around this by using from "365 days in the past".

Is this intentional behavior or is this a bug?


HI Jacob, it looks like someone from our Customer Care team is working with you on this -- hopefully they'll be able to clarify or determine what's going on. Thanks for flagging this!


I'm trying to filter with the dates to get the number of open tickets within a time range (without filtering with created date or solved date), is this available ? 


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mohamed,

The closest that you can build in Explore is through the Backlog dataset. You can report on the Backlog numbers to see the number of unsolved tickets within a certain period. If you need to see the count of tickets that were in Open status, then you can also slice the backlog data by Ticket status. But note that the Backlog is recorded each day – if a ticket remains unsolved for several days, that ticket will be counted under each Backlog date. You can read more about this here: Analyzing your ticket backlog history with Explore.


Does Yesterday (working day) consider holidays in the schedule?

Eg, today is Monday, last Friday was a holiday (Added in schedule), so last working day was Last Thursday.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Jared, 
Currently, Zendesk Explore uses the "Yesterday" date attribute to refer to the day before the current calendar day, regardless of whether it was a business day or a holiday according to your Zendesk schedule. It doesn't skip non-business days or holidays, so in your example, "Yesterday (business)" on a Monday would refer to Sunday, not the preceding Friday.
For more tailored results, you may need to manually adjust the date range or create custom metrics. See Creating standard calculated metrics and attributes.  
We have recipes that you may want to take a look as an example: 
Hope this helps! Thank you. 


Hi Rosie,

Not sure that you've understood the question, actually.  I am referring to 'Yesterday (working day)' which is an option in the date selection.  See it in the article above, heres an exerpt:

"Yesterday (working day) will show either the previous day's results if the current day is between Tuesday through Saturday or the previous Friday if the current day is a Sunday or Monday."

(Here's a link:'s%20results%20if%20the%20current%20day%20is%20between%20tuesday%20through%20saturday%20or%20the%20previous%20friday%20if%20the%20current%20day%20is%20a%20sunday%20or%20monday.)

In this, the 'Yesterday (working day)' will go back to the last working day (per the description provided above).  I assume this would be pulled from the scheduled that is configured.  Hence asking if a holiday is added, whether this holiday be considered in the 'Yesterday (working day)' calculation.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Jared, 
Regardless if the Yesterday you are trying to use is within the repeat pattern, it is based in calendar days. Explore wouldn't be able to reference any business schedules from Support. 
If you'd like to take holidays into account in your analysis, you may create a custom metric/attribute. For example, to exclude holidays from the metrics calculations, you might have a Boolean field in your dataset that flags whether a day is a holiday or not. When calculating metrics, the 'holiday' days could then be excluded from the analysis.
Here's an example of the custom attribute I made from my test account: 
IF ([Ticket updated - Date]="2023-12-08")
THEN "Holiday"
ELSE "Not a holiday"
Remember that Zendesk Explore or any other analysis tool does not inherently recognize or consider holidays; it is the responsibility of the data analyst to factor this information into report calculations.


This following sentence in the article is not accurate as of my testing today.

For example, "1 year in the past" would begin on January 1 of the current year, "2 years in the past" would begin on January 1 of the previous year, and so on.

What actually happens is “1 year in the past” would begin Jan 1, of the previous year. If one would like Jan 1 of current year, then choose “0 years in the past”. This makes sense to me, so not complaining about how it actually works. You might want to update the article please to correct the note


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