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Creating standard calculated metrics and attributes

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Hi Team - trying to create Same Day Resolution (SDR) Metric in Explore however, it seems that some values are not being captured.

Should be Ticket Created Date = Ticket Solved Date like the below:

However, there's some result that are incorrect. See sample:

Here's the calculation I created.

Can someone help me identify what's wrong with my calculation?

Thank you


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jerenz! It looks like we were able to help you with this question via a ticket. I'll just share the metric my colleague helped you with here, in case anyone else is following along the conversation.

IF ([Ticket created - Date]=[Ticket solved - Date])
THEN [Ticket ID]


Hi Bonnie Leib - yes and totally helpful :) Thanks for your help.


Hi ,

i have created a Group attribute with the agents from our group in the Support-tickets dataset .

Is there a way i can copy the same in the other datasets .

i want to use the group attribute as a filter in a dashboard which has different datasets ,so i i have the same attribute in all datasets the i could link and use the attribute.

Please help!  


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Gaurav,

You can duplicate an attribute and select which dataset you want to save it to. Here's a sample:

Note that the attribute will only work if the elements referenced in the formula can also be found (with an identical name) in the other dataset. If, for example, your custom group is based on the native Assignee name attribute, then there should be no issue; in the Backlog dataset though, you may have to edit the copied attribute since "Assignee name" is not available in that dataset.


Hi, team. We have a custom field in zendesk support, so when the agent clicks the field, we can see it as true in Explore, else is False. I'm trying to use the calculated metrics to only count the True value as below but the system didn't show any data. any suggestion? 



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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Rebecca Che,

Very Close!  Try:

THEN [ticket id]



Hi guys. I'm interested in creating a custom metric to show the timestamp (or time lapsed) for the first internal note on each ticket. This used to be possible in the old system (GoodData) but I can't figure it out in Zendesk Explore. Any ideas please? Many thanks!


Hey Catalin, Explore has the 'DATE_FIRST' function that you can use in the Updates dataset to get the first internal comment. 

IF ([Comment present]=TRUE
AND [Comment public]=TRUE
AND [Updater role] != "End-user")
THEN DATE_FIRST([Update - Timestamp])

Is what I have for a custom 'First Update' attribute in my instance, changing 'Comment public' to FALSE and adding some separation by Ticket ID (additional column/row) should get what you're looking for.


Hey Saxon, thanks a lot for the tip! I managed to get it working. Based on your suggestion, I also found some useful details (that I didn't find before) here:


Hi Reporting and Analytics Team,

I want to add 2 custom Standard Calculated Metrics to an Assignee Activity report:

Average Tickets Solved per Hour and Average Tickets Updated per Hour. 




Hey Tim, welcome to the community!
If you want to do this yourself, you'll need to start by cloning the dashboard -- then you can add your own metrics: Cloning dashboards
If you're wanting these to be added in to the standard default dashboards in Explore, the best way to get this idea in front of our product team is to post in our Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore) community topic, using this template to format your feedback. Thanks!


Tim Bechtold You should use DCOUNT(Solved Tickets) instead of COUNT(Tickets) in the calculations. 


Beyond that though, I'd recommend not using custom metrics for this and instead use Result Metric Calculation:

This lets you run calculations on the existing metrics in your report as well as hiding source columns if desired. Since it runs off of the existing data in your query there's usually no problems with it incorrectly scoping data. 


Thanks for the tip, Saxon! Tim, for more information see Using result metric calculations



I am trying to add a column to a query to indicate whether an agent is an internal or external resource. This is defined by the assignee email address.

The following formula is showing an error message when trying to add this attribute:

IF (CONTAINS([Assignee email]]),""))

THEN "External"

ELSE "Internal"


What can I do to correct this?


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Bob Gaul, I think there's an extra bracket and parenthesis after Assignee email that's causing the error. I tested the formula and it seems to work when written like this: 

IF (CONTAINS([Assignee email], ""))
THEN "External"
ELSE "Internal"


Thank you so much Erin O'Callaghan! I've no idea why I didn't think of that myself...


Hi there, 

I need to create an attribute that shows me something like:

- x requester emails  created [0-10] tickets 

- x requester emails created [10-20] tickets


any idea?

 i have tried a simple one like 

if (value(End-user submitted tickets)
>50) then ">50"
else "<=50"

but it does not provide proper results. 

Any idea?


Is there any way to lock calculated metrics and attributes from being altered / deleted by another user?  I think this would be a useful feature while allowing admin override.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Walter,
You can create a customized dataset and just give editors the ability to view and save reports. 

Users will not have access to the "Calculations" section. Even though they can still access the existing calculated metrics or attributes, any changes they made will not be saved.

Hope this helps!


Thanks Dane!


Dane your suggestion for grouping orgnazations worked like a champ.  I am now stuck on how to report on month and year combined in a calculated attribute.   In this article it says it will sort them alphabetically - is there any way around that?

  • Sort like time attribute: If your calculated attribute represents dates, this option places your date values in the correct order.
    • Note: This option applies only to single attributes. Combining attributes, such as adding a year to the end of a month, will result in sorting alphabetically instead of chronologically.


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi John,
Can you share your calculated attribute for me to determine what can be done?



I am trying to obtain only the last timestamp of when the ticket was updated with a public comment by the end-user and from the agent. 

I am running into the following 2 issues:

  1. I am getting all the timestamps of when the ticket was updated with a public comment 
  2. Both columns display the information without overlapping in the same row (if that makes sense?) 

These are the queries I have:


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi UIises,

With those formula, the attributes will return the timestamps of all end user and agent comments. To get the most recent timestamps, you can try using the Latest date functions. You can find sample recipes here: Working with earliest and latest date functions.


Dane your suggestion for grouping orgnazations worked like a champ.  I am now stuck on how to report on month and year combined in a calculated attribute.   In this article it says it will sort them alphabetically - is there any way around that?

  • Sort like time attribute: If your calculated attribute represents dates, this option places your date values in the correct order.
    • Note: This option applies only to single attributes. Combining attributes, such as adding a year to the end of a month, will result in sorting alphabetically instead of chronologically.

With the below formula, you can concatenate year, month and day to date in Excel. 1. Select a blank cell to place the concatenated date, and enter formula =A2&"/"&B2&"/"&C2 into the formula bar, then press the Enter key

  1. Create a new power query from your data table.
  2. Add custom columns and enter the formulas for getting year and month.
  3. Optional: you can enter the steps directly into the advanced editor (shown at the end of this post).

Select the cells you want to format. Press CTRL+1. In the Format Cells box, click the Number tab. In the Category list, click Date, and then choose a date format you want in Type.



I'm trying to make an attribute that sees the following. 
Tickets solved and tickets created withtin the last 3 hours.  Any idea on how to make that work? My metrics are tickets solved and tickets created, but what would you put to make the attribute just look at the last 3 hours? 


Lea Møller Baun - add a filter for Last Updated


Hi Lea Møller Baun,

Try this for Tickets Created within 3 hours:

IF(DATE_DIFF(NOW(),[Ticket created - Date],"nb_of_hours") < 3) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF

Try this for Tickets Solved within 3 hours:

IF(DATE_DIFF(NOW(),[Ticket solved - Date],"nb_of_hours") < 3) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF


Thanks Walter,
We are getting there!
It shows something, but not quite the data. It shows 15.000 tickets, which is not the right data. :/  Do you have any other ideas? 


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