Issue symptoms
In the Salesforce integration, Data Sync was connected and working. But when I checked the settings in Admin Center, it displays this error message: Your sync has been disabled due to an error.
Here are a few of the reasons this could occur:
- If the profile permissions of the SFDC user who connected the integration changed, they will no longer have the ability to use Push Topics.
- The Data Sync feature relies on the Salesforce Streaming API which has a limited number of calls in a 24-hour period. For more information, see the Salesforce article: PushTopic Streaming Allocations, specifically the "Maximum number of delivered event notifications within a 24-hour period, shared by all CometD clients" row in the table.
- Maintenance or outages on the Salesforce platform. For details about whether either of these occurred, see: Salesforce Status - Maintenance and Salesforce Status - Incidents
If the Salesforce integration encounters the rate limit, the sync is disabled to avoid pushing Salesforce further over the limit. To confirm whether this is the case, see the article: How can I check my Streaming API limits and usage?
Hi Dwight Bussman
We just noticed this error this morning. Can I ask why there is no email notification of this error or alert within our Zendesk instance.
We rely heavily on our integration between Zendesk and Salesforce so having no notification means this could have remained disconnected for an extended period of time. Potentially causing an IC for our support team.
cc Tyler Loessl
Dwight Bussman
HeyO Adam,
Sorry to hear about the disruption. That's definitely a feature our team has looked into building, but it isn't yet a part of our product. I'll make sure they're aware that this need still exists, but I'd recommend posting in our Product Feedback Forums so that other folks can vote in support of it as well to give it additional weight of consideration by the product folks who make decisions about what's to build next.
The Original DKNY
SOrry for the snark here, but humor is all I have to explain how frustrating this MASSIVE gap is
for Adam and all of us with enterprise monitoring requirements.
May this Haiku inspire Zendesk to prove me wrong or atleast get upvotes for the Gap to be filled
like all zendesk gaps,
this an enterprise feature,
no sell feature love.
(Dwight Bussman sorry, I have little belief this is your team's fault, no blame on you or your team...)
Dwight Bussman
HeyO The Original DKNY
No need to apologize for the snark; I can definitely empathize with the frustration - better visibility for failures on an important feature like this data sync feel like an important inclusion for a mature integration. Your hunch is spot-on that we Customer Advocates don't really have a say in what gets built, but we can share pain points/customer frustration. I will continue to push for better monitoring around this error, and hopefully your haiku helps with that.
In the meantime, here's my favorite tech-related haiku, relevant to an issue I was chasing a few years back (punctuation mine):
It's not DNS.
There's no way it's DNS...
It was DNS.
Randy Magliozzi
We encountered the same, cryptic error ONLY after one of our customers had a bad experience by not receiving a welcome email. We checked the logs -- nothing! But noticed the last log entry was almost 1 week ago. So the sync has been disabled for up to 1 WEEK!!! We found the error message in the Integration page for both the Account and Contact interfaces. I'm fairly certain we didn't have any rate limit reached. BUT NO NOTIFICATION THAT ZENDESK IS DISABLING THE SYNC. This is by no means enterprise-grade software. Firm asks: 1.) Put useful information in the log file and 2.) send an email notification if the interface is disabled by your team or app. These two asks should be something a summer intern can handle. PLEASE let us know if you ever intend to address in the next 3-6 months so we can plan accordingly. Thnx!
The Original DKNY
Dwight Bussman, just a bit more snark then... sorry...
Is there a product owner at Zendesk brave enough to enter a Zoom with me on this topic and say "This is the state of play and time frame until delivery" or "Never gonna happen, sorry we just keep giving you heartburn on the feature gaps"
The number of times we found this product gap in Feature Requests in product feedback sections of the community has led to my team calling it the "Well of Forgotten Needs". Data hygiene and synchronicity are not "nice to have."
Anika Rani
Randy Magliozzi The Original DKNY
I'm the Product Manager of our Salesforce Integration and acknowledge the frustration you're both facing. I know how critical data synchronisation is to your business operations and how disappointing it is when you have to keep on top of identifying something that is broken, and the downstream impacts.
While I can't offer you an ETA on when real-time alerting/ notifications will be available, I can offer you the following:
I'll reach out to you at the start of next week to organise a time for a call, and thanks for your patience on this.
The Original DKNY
Thank you for responding to my pain points shared. Let's get a call scheduled, the risk of a sync disconnect makes this a priority.
Pascal Turmel
Same here. We return from PTO to find out that our SF App has been disabled after Customers complaining that they were not set up correctly... No notification or log to notify us. We now need to back track to find out exactly when this started... and reset the all data sync configuration again. Not impressed indeed by the lack of proper logging for this critical component.
Mark Powell
FYI we also discovered this business critical functionality was down without being notified. Raised this in Jan 2022.
We had the same issue, but it was Zendesk that turned off our Salesforce sync and only notified our Zendesk owner and not the admins. Frustrating that no notification was sent out, as the downstream effects of this have not been good.
David Gillespie
Hello everyone!
We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on September 12th at 5PM CDT for our PM Roundtable on our Salesforce integration.
It’ll be an open discussion on what is and isn’t working for you on with the Salesforce integration built by Zendesk. We're collecting feedback at the moment to help inform a new roadmap of improvements across the integration. So please bring those questions, concerns and use cases because we want to hear from you!
The link to register can be found here, we’d love to see you all there.
David Gillespie
Hi Everyone,
Following up on this thread after our PM Roundtable on the Salesforce Integration. Just wanted to stay another big thank you for providing feedback in this area.
In case you missed the PM Roundtable session, please find the deck, recording, and follow up article. Thank you again for your feedback!