Since it is not possible to use Chat triggers whenever an account is offline, this recipe gives you a workaround to notify your customers that your operating hours have ended or are close to ending.
To avoid unanswered chat requests because the agents are at the end of their shift, send a friendly message informing your customers about the operating hours.
For this recipe to work, agents need to change their status from Online to Away during the last hour of service. Agents can still handle chat requests when the agent's status is Away and they can also manually choose to answer to other chats through the Visitors tab in the Chat panel.
The trigger fires whenever the chat request occurs, and all agents' status is Away.
How to create the trigger in Chat
Use the conditions below to create this trigger in Chat:
- Under Run trigger, select When a visitor requests a chat.
- Under Check conditions, select Check all of the following conditions.
- Still on site | 30
- Visitor served | Is false
- Visitor requesting chat | Is true
- Queue size (account) | Not equal | 0
- Account status | Not equal | Online
- In Perform the following actions, add:
- Send message to visitors | Customer Support | Our chat service is close to ending. We will be back tomorrow, from 9:00 to 21:00.
Beth R.
Just enabled this. I will let you know how it works.
Would be interested to hear how this worked for you Beth R.?
Marcin Rogalski
This doesn't work. I was sent this by a support rep. Followed it to a T. Still not working. I'm using your Chat Bots. And reenable messaging with this new trigger. All agents are offline. After bot asked questions, gave some answers, we tested asking for an agent next. And nothing. It said it's transferring us now. And it just waits. So a customer would be waiting indefinitely. What's the solution.
Viktor Osetrov
It really works. Please use the following settings:
1) Trigger. Take a look at below
2) Agent status - "Away"
3) Testing
The trigger fired - here we go
Hope it helps
Samer Kaskas
Hi Viktor,
this only works for chat, but what about messaging, I know that in the admin center, there is a schedule of the open hours and I can use it, in the ChatBot Answers, but is there any solution, that I can still know or get the information that someone tried to reach us.
Thanks in advance!
Samer Kaskas
Cheeny Aban
You can include your schedule on your messaging bot workflow and you can use tags to identify tickets created outside your business hours.
I hope that helps!
Chris Smith
How can I make this trigger work with multiple departments of varying operating hours (e.g. Dept. Fred's operating hours are closed but Dept. Barney and Dept. Betty is open)? Need to give Dept. Fred customers a closed message. I'm guessing the Queue Size (account) condition is not relevant.