How can I see a list of users who are following a section or an article in Guide?
To retrieve a list of users that follow a section or article, use the content subscription API. Logged-in Guide admins and agents can follow the steps below.
Listing Guide subscriptions
- Select the type of endpoint that you want to use. In this example, we are going to list the users subscribed to a help center section. The endpoint being used is List Section Subscriptions
- Add your subdomain, locale, and section ID to the endpoint. For example:
- Enter the URL within your web browser and the list of section followers will appear.
The ID of a category, section, or article can be found at the end of the URL. For example:
You can also use third-party API clients like Postman. Change the endpoint to check which users are following a category, section, article, or community post.
Richard Forbes (Leaver)
Looking for the way to do this without needing coding knowledge, our users wouldn't be able to use an API. This is surely something that should feature in EXPLORE or users be able to action by clicking on said article, or their own profiles
Clara Siegele
Having the ability to look up this information in Explore would be so helpful!
Laurie Holtby - Peloton
I am looking for the ability to see the number of subscriptions to sections. The new Guide Explore reports currently just show the number of followers for articles, not sections.
Knowledgebase Admin
I would like to be able to see a list of subscribers for a section or article without having to code.
Thomas Joussot
+1 we absolutely need this without coding knowledge!
Manual subscription per user should be supported too, in user details or/and article/section settings.
Tatiana Christensen
Should be possible without coding! Important to know who's actually receiving updates when new content is added.
Shawna James