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How do I set up Postman to make API requests to my Zendesk account?

Edited May 07, 2024




Can API token be used instead of Basic Auth in Postman as I wish to test the tokens. Thanking you in advance


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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Mohamed!
Thanks for posting your question to the Community. You can absolutely use your generated API token to access Zendesk API's.  With any request in Postman, you'll just set Authorization as the key in your header then for the value you'll put Basic {email_address}/token:{api_token}. You'll want to ensure your API token is base 64 encoded first.
Hope this helps!
Erica - Dev Support


Hi Erica, thank you for the response.  I am unsure what type I should be setting in the Authorization tab in Postman.  I tried using API Key but no luck.  I also tried to use No Auth and added what yo have suggested to the header, again no luck.

Thank you




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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Mohamed, 
That does sound a little strange. I can go ahead and pull you into a ticket to take a better look. Please look out for that email correspondence from me.
Erica - Dev Support


I had trouble getting this to work as well. The docs aren't quite right.

Postman Settings

Type: Basic Auth
Username: {email}/token
Password: {your_api_token}


Hi Norman,

Fantastic, this works perfectly.. nice one.


Hi Erica Girges

i am new to Postman, want to test Zendesl support API using Postman, i have generated Key in Zendesk but could't move further.

i tried above steps in postman using authorization as API key,but still m getting error:could't authenticate you.

In postamn authorization their are three values. Key,Value,Add to

could you elaboreate more what to enter here & any other setting to be taken care ?

Appreciate your help here,Thanks in advance.




Hi Prasad, 

The API Key does not seem to work, or I couldn't get it to work with Postman. Norman Nolasco kindly advised me of what to do and it has worked without any issues.  You have to change your Authorisation Type to 'Basic Auth', not intuitive and seems incorrect but it works. You'll need an profile set up in Zendesk with a valid email address. I have created an account just for API calls and given it the required role/privileges. 

Type: Basic Auth
Username: {email}/token
Password: {your_api_token}

I hope this helps



For anyone who is as clueless as me. This is how I made it work:

First select the Authorisation tab, then select Basic Auth within the Type dropdown list. Now let's fill in the following information under Username and Password.

Username: {email}/token
Password: {your_api_token}

For example:
Password: uyviuyvoubpuigq8fvoufybcqoiquhg8t8x5c


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Ben Wilcox

Zendesk Luminary

Thank you, Sara.  I've been trying every article I can find and have not found anything that would work until your simple screenshot and instructions.  (Zendesk, take note... this is the kind of documentation we need to get this kind of thing kicked off!)

Really appreciate your taking the time to post this. 


Thank you Sara – I wouldn't have guessed that in 100 years. 


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