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Working with the report builder (Beta)

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Mar 14, 2025




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Dan R.

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Really excited for this beta. Does this new builder allow multiple users to view a report at once?

If not, is this planned?


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Dan R. 
I am glad to hear that you are excited about the new reporting experience. The new report builder allows accessing reports by multiple users at the same time. However, the fact that another user is looking at the same report is not yet exposed in the UI. If another user saves some updates they will be applied to the report and in order to see them you will need to refresh the page on your side. 


Just getting started in the new builder and the functionality is better for admins, but I'm not seeing the ability to export. Will "export" be available in the new builder?


Where is the export to excel?

There is no way we will ever use the report builder without the option to export into excel.


Eugene Orman as product manager of the report builder (beta), would be so kind in addressing the question raised above: "where is the export to excel" in the the report builder (beta)) Exporting to excel is absolutely basic functionality that must be added. I had to switch immediately back from the beta because export to excel is missing.


Hi, i also cant export the report which is not perfect because i have weekly stats to prepare and the old version no longer shows the data i need for some reason? 


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Mike DR

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Antonio! The feature is currently unavailable yet but do check out our updates once new features are added in the future road maps!

You can monitor our updates here: Zendesk Updates


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Sarah Miracle, Antonio Naddeo & Poli Minkova thank you for your feedback. Thanks to it the Exports feature was prioritized and is now available in the Beta report builder, check it out. 


Hi, I can not find the calculation menu in this beta report builder


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Deiaa Eid,

Currently, the calculation menu isn’t available in the beta builder yet, and at the moment, there is no announced release date. We recommend watching this announcement space for updates on this product area.


We have a requirement to send a weekly report to our partners. When will a subscription service be added to the feature?



This beta appears to be missing key features needed for generating reports including the ability to create calculated metrics and attributes.


Willing to have a function of auto exporting as exel.


Currently heavily limited by the lack of ability to create custom metrics and attributes in the beta builder, as mentioned above. Any idea on when this functionality will be introduced?



Where can I find the decompose button?


What is the expected timeline to create custom metrics and attributes in the beta builder?

Otherwise it is not really usable for us.


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Jupete Manitas

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Wendy, thanks for writing in! Upon using the beta, it looks like the Decompose option is not yet available but Drill in is available. If you try to use the Beta option, please continue sending your feedback to the team before the GA and here in the comments.  Thank you!



It is still not usable because core things are still missing like creating custom metrics and attributes.


How long will it take to fix and or making other improvements? There is nothing new since months.


I need to make Custom Groupings to associate our Agents with their Team Leaders, allowing our Team Leaders to view all the data specific to their team easily. I consider these Beta Reports uesless until they are updated with all the features of Classic.




I'd like to perform calculations on our data and visualize it in a report.  For example, I'd like to see the % of tickets created from various ticket channels  (the web form vs an email) over time.    It seems easy to plot the number of tickets created by a given ticket channel, but is there an easy way to calculate the % of tickets created from a specific ticket channel over time in the beta version?


thank you,



How do you place a schedule on the dashboard report now?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Everyone,
You can check out this article to see which features are already on the roadmap and their expected release dates: Comparing features available in the dashboard builder. If the feature you're looking for isn't listed, feel free to use the "Share feedback" option in the top-right corner of the report builder to send your suggestions. The product team actively monitors these inputs and will follow up accordingly.


Elaine, your link is broken. This link is also on the landing page for Dashboards and it is also broken. You should revise your links posted so we are not left in the dark about this.


I have a few concerns here. We had beta experiences with the customer info tab that eventually got removed. 


One reason I did not start using Dashboard beta was because I was afraid that it was also going to get removed. Is the Beta for Reports expected to stick around or are we in another “evaluation” phase and it may also get removed?


Finally, REALLY not a fan of the new dashboard builder, it completely removed all the customization we could do. I had made some very nice looking reports and now I have lost this ability. That seems like a massive step back and I don't understand the rationale in removing the ability to add images to dashboards (think about all these banners we had in our dashboards and now they're gone), and the dashboard background, (we may want to not use a white background for our dashboards). This is really frustrating to use the migration tool and to find out that none of the dashboard's core look remains. I'm quite dismayed about the amount of work that is now added on my plate to re-do all the visually appealing dashboards I had previously spent hours upon hours to build. This makes no sense.



As other customers posted in this article, I would like to know, when Zendesk is going to support the custom metrics and custom attributes in the Beta report builder.  For some customers this is a core feature of the report builder and, therefore, a show stopper for the beta version. Just the sentence “Yes, we are going to support them!” would be enough for me :).




There's not one feature I could point to here, but I will say, I like what I'm seeing, but it's just not ready.  And to make matters worse, in the 5 or 6 months we've been customers, I don't believe I've seen the Beta Builder updated at all.  Beta is generally the step prior to QA or similar.  The current state seems far off from a full release.  


I'd like to know what the timeline is for moving the entire feature set over to the New Report Builder.  While I like the functionality I'm seeing thus far, it's missing so many features, I've stopped using it and have moved back to the Classic Builder.  






cuando se van a poner añadir imagenes al nuevo explore? es muy importante 


I agree with David Froemke 

There are too much known errors, functions that are not working, restrictions, etc.


We don't saw any improvements here in the last couple months. 

Sometimes the beta is loading faster than the “old” explore.


Given how much existing functionality was lost when the new dashboard builder replaced the old dashboard builder, I REALLY hope that you're not planning to do the same thing to the report builder.

The fact that a new dashboard builder was released that is incapable of recreating the existing stock dashboards is just mind-boggling. I live in dread of the same thing happening with the new report builder.

TBH, I find the new report builder basically useless, as I wind up needing to adjust settings on every report I create/modify.


El nuevo generador de informes tiene varias limitaciones, tanto en lo visual como en la capacidad de crear métricas o atributos personalizados. Además, una de las funciones que es la de descomponer, no está disponible, lo que representa una restricción bastante preocupante. Sería fundamental tomar en consideración estas observaciones antes de proceder con la migración definitiva, que ya se encuentra en proceso por el beneficio de los usuarios.


I'd like to echo what Jorge said, there's a number of grossly lacking features that are available in the old version. What worries us here is that there has been features such as customer info panel that were in beta that were later removed. 


We cannot use the current beta of reports because 1- it's very incomplete and therefore unusuable and 2- we have no current guarantees that this change will stay. 


I'd like to add that what you did with the dashboard was a step back. That new dashboard experience is not as feature rich as the previous legacy was. We were able to load banner images in the legacy editor and that has been removed. When I tried to migrate our dashboard, everything got broken and find myself having to start my dashboards from scratch. Basically 100 hours of work completely wasted because someone decided to rebuild something that was perfectly working.


I'd like to get a sense of where Zendesk team stands on these matters.


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