Service catalog and Approvals early access programs (EAPs) require theme updates in order for end users to view and use the EAP features. Depending on whether you're using a standard or custom theme, you can either update your theme to the new Copenhagen (Beta) version, or download the features from Github and add them to your custom theme.
Adding and updating the Copenhagen (Beta) theme
If you're using the Copenhagen theme as a standard theme (or if you want to get up and running quickly), you can add the Copenhagen (Beta) theme to your help center, then update it with your current Copenhagen theme settings (such as colors or logo).
To add and update the Copenhagen (Beta) theme
- In Guide, click the Customize design icon (
) in the sidebar.
The Themes page opens.
- Click the Add themes drop-down list, then select Add Copenhagen
theme (Beta).
The new theme appears in your Theme library.
- If you're using the standard Copenhagen theme and want to import customized
settings (such as colors or logos) to the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, then
click the options menu icon (
) on the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, and select Apply settings.
Select the theme from which you want to import your customized settings, then click Apply. You can only select from standard Copenhagen themes.
All settings from the selected theme will be copied to the Copenhagen (Beta) theme.
- When you are ready to make the Copenhagen (Beta) theme live, click the
options menu icon (
) on the Copenhagen (Beta) theme, then select Set as live theme.
Confirm that you want to make this theme live for your help center.
The theme moves to the top of the page and is applied to your live help center.
Adding EAP features to a custom theme
- Check the templating API version for your custom theme. If you are not using templating API v4, follow the instructions to upgrade before you continue.
- Download your live help center theme and unzip the theme folder.
- If you are using the:
- Service catalog EAP, then click the following links to open the template files and asset folder on Github:
- Approvals EAP, then click the following links to open the template files and asset folder on Github:
- Click the Download raw file icon on each template and asset file to
- Add the template files (.hbs) to the templates folder in your unzipped live theme.
- Copy all assets to the assets folder in your unzipped live theme.
- Add the code snippet here to the document_head.hbs template, then delete any existing script starting with <script type="importmap">.
- If necessary, you can customize the page templates.
- Zip the theme and upload it to your help center.
- When you're ready, change the live theme of your help center to the theme you just downloaded.