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Viewing the Autoreplies admin page
You can view autoreply-related email triggers and web form settings on the Autoreplies admin page.
To open the Autoreplies admin page
In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select AI agents and automation > AI agents.
Note: In some older accounts, autoreplies are known as article recommendations. In those accounts, clickChannels in the sidebar, then select Bots and automations > Article recommendations.
- Click Manage AI agents for email and web form.
The Autoreplies admin page includes the following tabs:
- The Email tab, which displays the triggers associated with autoreplies and autoreplies with artilces.
- The Web form tab, which displays options for activating and deactivating web forms and the web form channel.
The Email tab
The Email tab lists the triggers associated with autoreplies. These are active triggers that include the following actions:
- Autoreply with articles
- Autoreply
On this tab, you can:
- Create a trigger by clicking the Create trigger button.
- Open an existing trigger by clicking the trigger in the Trigger name list.
For more information on working with email autoreplies, see Using autoreplies to recommend articles in email notifications.
The Web form tab
The Web form tab displays options for including autoreplies with articles in your ticket forms.
It contains two sections:
- Web form, where you can activate or deactivate autoreplies with articles for the web form.
- Active web forms where you can view any ticket forms incorporating autoreplies with articles, and activate or deactivate autoreplies with articles on these forms.
For information on these options, see Using autoreplies to recommend articles in web forms.
Rebecka Linnér
Why is it not possible to see and customize the default triggers made by the AnswerBot in the Messaging solution? Is this on your roadmap?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Rebecca,
I don't believe that we've heard this feature request before. I encourage you to post it to the product feedback forum, where other users can upvote the idea and, if it's something enough users are interested in, then a product manager may review it for the future.
Here's a link to that forum:
And if you haven't posted there before, here is information on how to write an effective feedback post.
David Green
Hi, when I open up the Autoreply section the page is blank, what would cause this? We have enterprise and I have access to everything else