In Germany, the National Regulator (BNetzA) directly assigns toll-free numbers to individuals and companies. Once BNetzA assigns you a toll-free number, Zendesk can activate it. There is an activation fee per toll-free number.
Use these steps to acquire a number:
Step 1: Applying to BNetzA
BNetzA has published a guide on applying for German toll-free numbers.
The application can be made online or the application form can be mailed or faxed to BNetzA. If you apply online, a signed application must either be faxed or mailed to BNetzA to the following address and fax number:
- Mailing address:
Dienstleistungszentrum 22 Nürnberg
Standort Fulda
Marquardstr. 27-29
36039 Fulda
Germany - Fax: +49 (0)180 3 11 0900
You can find the online application form here.
BNetzA will issue you an invoice for the toll-free number. If you do not pay the invoice when due, BNetzA will not issue you the Toll-Free number. Once you have paid the invoice, BNetzA will send you a number allocation letter (“Zuteilungsbescheid”) listing your new number.
Step 2: Activating your toll-free number
When you receive the toll-free number allocation letter (“Zuteilungsbescheid”) from BNetzA, you can have the number activated.
The activation process is as follows:
Compliance requirements:
You must meet the German toll-free regulatory requirements and submit them to Zendesk Customer Support for review. Zendesk needs to collect the documents to ensure BNetzA has allocated you the toll-free number. The regulatory bundle will require you to provide the following information:
Requirements for business - German toll-free |
Business name |
Proof of identity |
Numbers allocated |
Proof of allocation |
VAT number |
No documentation required |
Once the Zendesk Customer Support team receives your documents, it will begin the process of getting the number activated.
If you have not activated your Toll-Free number within 180 days of receipt of your Toll-Free Number Allocation Letter (“Zuteilungsbescheid”) from BNetzA, BNetzA may reclaim them.
After you send the request, Zendesk will activate the number for you and inform you once the process has been completed and the number is ready for use. The general timeline for activation is around 15 business days after submission.
Cheryl Joseph
Hi Joey
Not related to toll free numbers, but is there a similar service for fax numbers? We need to publish a fax number on our website and have any faxes that come through to that number arrive as emails to our Zendesk account. Do you know how we can do this please?
Thanks in advance
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Cheryl Joseph
Unfortunately at the moment, we currently don't have any features or provide support for fax.