With Team Publishing, you can set up a workflow for new content collaboration or approval. A content author can create a new article as a work in progress, then, when ready, submit the article for review. Articles that are ready for review go into in a queue that reviewers can monitor, if they have permission. Articles can also be assigned to a specific person for review.
To create a work in progress version of an existing, published article, see Staging content updates for an existing article for review.
Agents can create new content for review if they have management permissions.
Creating a work in progress article
You can create a new article and save it for publishing later. When a new article is saved, it becomes a work in progress article.
To create a work in progress article
- In help center or Knowledge admin, click Add in the top
menu bar, then select Article.
- Enter your content in the article body.
- Under Publish in section in the right panel, select a section for the article.
- Click Save.
The article becomes a work in progress when you save and is added to the Work in progress list.
- If you want to preview the staged article, click Preview in the article
The preview link expires after one hour. The preview can be viewed by anyone who has the link.
- Continue to work on the article as needed.
- When you are ready, you can publish the article, if you have permission, or you can submit the article for review.
Submitting a work in progress article for review
When you're ready, you can submit your work in progress article for review. You can also assign the article to a specific person for review, if you'd like.
If you need to submit multiple articles for review at once, see Updating knowledge base articles in bulk.
- In Knowledge admin, click Manage articles
) in the sidebar.
- Select Work in progress and open your article from the list
- Complete any work on the article, then click Save.
- When your article is ready, click the drop-down arrow on the Review status button,
then select Awaiting review.
The article status changes from work in progress to ready for review, and the article is added to the Ready for review list.
- If you'd like, you can assign the article to a specific person, see Assigning or reassigning articles with Team Publishing.
Sharon Burton
This is all lovely, but when the reviewer changes the content, the article falls out of review. This is not a robust process and will be a huge issue for us as we scale next year. Our process requires another set of eyes on everything before it's published and we expect reviewers to make small changes. Then there is no way for the original author to see it their articles are in review status or not.
This needs to be fixed. You solved half the problem and the other half is critical to solving the entire problem.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for sharing your feedback, Sharon! I would recommend posting it in the product feedback topic in the community, which is our official intake for feedback on our products. Product managers follow those topics and will respond there.
Here are our guidelines on how to write an effective feedback post and a template for posting product feedback.
Nick Tucci
is there any sort of notification sent to the agent who submitted the article for review once the article has been published?
Arianne Batiles
Hi Nick Tucci,
I'm afraid it's not possible to set custom notifications for changes in the state of the article at this time. The only time a user receives an email notification with a link to the article is when an article is assigned to that user. You may read more on this here.
Arianne Batiles
Jamal Rahal
Do In Progress articles show up as valid link targets in the WYSIWYG editor? For example, can I create a series of new pages, link them to each other, and then publish them all at once?
Asking because in non-enterprise tiers, only published articles are available to link to.
Mike DR
Adding links is available for the Professional plan as per this article: Inserting and editing links in articles
Jamal Rahal
Hey Mike,
I'm specifically interested in being able to link to draft articles that aren't published yet.
Let's say I'm creating two new articles, article A and article B. They're both in progress at the moment, but neither has been published. I want to publish them at the same time when they're both ready. Each article needs to link to the other one.
When I insert a link into, say, article A, I want article B to show up in the list of articles that I can link to. I want this to happen before I've published either article.
AFAIK, this is not possible in non-enterprise tiers. What I'm asking is whether it is possible in enterprise, with these workflow features enabled.