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With Sunshine user profiles and events, you can add additional information to the customer context that agents see in a ticket. This article describes how an administrator can select Sunshine user profiles and events in Admin Center and include them in the customer context interface.
The article includes the following sections:
- Enabling Sunshine user profiles and events in Admin Center
- Selecting event types for customer context
- Selecting profile types for customer context
- Zendesk events
Related articles
Enabling Sunshine user profiles and events in Admin Center
First you enable user profiles and events in Admin Center, then you select which profiles and events to include in the customer context interface. To enable user profiles and events in Admin Center, choices are:
Zendesk events
With Zendesk events, data flows from Zendesk products into customer context. This data includes user profiles and certain interaction events from Support and Guide. For example, you can give your agents visibility into the articles a customer has viewed on your help center, so agents don't repeat troubleshooting steps a customer has already taken.
Custom events and profiles
With the Custom Events APIs and Custom Profiles APIs, you can use custom events to build a timeline of your customers’ interactions from any source and you can use profiles to create a single view of a customer across all of your external systems. For example, you can include a customer's Shopify profile and interactions as part of the customer context.
To enable user profiles
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > Profiles.
- To enable data coming from the Profiles API, click Get started.
For more information, see Getting started with profiles.
- Save your changes.
To enable user events
- In Admin Center, click the People icon (
) in the sidebar, then select Configuration > Events.
- To include Zendesk events, check the box for Zendesk events.
- To enable data coming from the Events API, click Get started.
For more information, see Getting started with events.
- Save your changes.
Selecting event types for customer context
You can select which types of events to include in customer context.
To select an event type
- In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > Events.
- Select the Zendesk events tab to see activities that occur within a
Zendesk product or Custom events tab to see activities that occur outside Zendesk
products. A list of events you’ve added to Admin Center appears.
For example, if you enabled Zendesk events, the list might look like the following. See Zendesk events for details.
If you enabled the Events and profiles API and added custom events, the list might look like the following.
- Click the Show checkbox for any event you want to include in a user's interaction history.
- Save your changes.
When an event of this type occurs in an application, it appears in the customer’s interaction history. For more information, see Viewing customer context in a ticket.
Selecting profile types for customer context
After you’ve added Sunshine user profiles and events, select which profiles to include in customer context.
To select a profile type
In Admin Center, click
People in the sidebar, then select Configuration > Profiles.
A list of profiles you’ve added to Admin Center appears.
For example, if you enabled the Profiles API and added custom profiles, the list might look like the following.
- Click the Show checkbox for any profile you want to include in a user's customer context.
- Save your changes.
The profile fields you choose to show appear in the customer’s essentials card. For more information, see Viewing customer context in a ticket.
Zendesk events
This section shows the Zendesk events you can include in customer context. When an event of this type occurs in Zendesk, it appears in the customer’s interaction history.
Event type | Description |
answers_suggested | The articles automatically suggested to the user when they filed a request. |
article_instant_search_result_clicked | An article link in the Help Center that the user clicked in the drop-down search results. |
article_search_result_clicked | An article link in the Help Center that the user clicked in the search results. |
article_viewed | The title of a Help Center article that the user viewed. |
help_center_searched | A Help Center search entered by the user using the search bar. |
suggested_article_clicked | The title of a suggested article the user clicked while submitting a Support request. |
Thomas D'Hoe
Does the "article_viewed" event type work for all helpcenters? Or only if the end-user is signed in? Does it work for anomyous end users?
Also for the "article_viewed" event type, I see the article ID, but not the title as mentioned in this article. So it's not easy to see wich article an end-user viewed.
What the article describes:
What I see in my Zendesk (It's a restricted helpcenters)
Tim McLean
Hey @...!
Thanks for the questions. We're working on including the article title and URL in Help Center events right now and are aiming to have that available around the end of march.
The Interactions panel currently only shows activity that has occurred while the user has been logged in. All logged out traffic isn't included.
Jon Simone
We are very interested in using events to activate triggers. Is there a way to do this yet or is this on the roadmap? Are we able to report on events?
The use case for having events activate triggers is that we can do some type of proactive communication or solution when something goes wrong so the customer doesn't have to reach out.
At Zendesk relate 2018 (when Sunshine was announced) an example was presented (here: where a frictionless experience was presented by the Helios company. In short, a customer of theirs rented a bike which ran out of battery. Their internal software was able to detect this, locate a nearby available bike, and determine whether or not the customer qualified for a discount.
It seems to be that we could do something close to this by using triggers that can recognize certain events.
For example, if our internal system knows that a customer's battery is low and then sends this information as an event to the user profile we could use a trigger to automatically send a discount if the customer was a VIP member (or other qualifying criteria).
Am I close or is there a better way?
Tim McLean
Thanks for reaching out! I'm Tim, the product manager for Events.
The ability to initiate workflow actions from an event (such as raising a proactive ticket) is definitely on the short term roadmap.
We'd love to hear more about the types of actions you'd like to initiate and also understand what kind of reporting you'd like to do on top of events.
Would you be interested in a short 30 min zoom to help inform our roadmap?
Thank you,
Jon Simone
Tim McLean That is great news! I would love to participate. You can reach me at
Jon Simone
Tim McLean as one example we may want to send an event to a customer's profile that they received a shipment from us. We would then like to create a trigger off that event to check in regarding that shipment after a certain amount of time to see if they need help.
Our database may also identify that something is wrong and send an event to the user profile and it would be nice to create a proactive ticket using triggers to reach out / create a ticket to let a customer know that we are on it!
Gareth Elsby
Hi Tim McLean are sunshine profile attributes as trigger conditions on the roadmap? We'd really like to record our customer health score in zendesk and provide a faster response to customers that are in the red.
立松貴央 TakaoTatematsu
Is it now possible to measure the anonymous user's activity? Or is it only for logged in users?
Jon Simone
Tim McLean Wanted to check to see if workflow actions such as proactive messages based on events was still on the roadmap and or if there was any news! I have new use cases for you if needed.
Tim McLean
立松貴央 TakaoTatematsu It is possible to see website visits for anonymous users in Help Center via the Pages viewed by installing the Web Widget on your help center.
All other help center events are still for logged-in users at this stage. We're considering extending this, but it isn't on the immediate roadmap.